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I dont have any excuse for others, infact im not a christian or muslim that ill have to pull off excuse for them.

I simply tried to explain why hindu babas are called godmen but not the others.
Swami Vivekananda
Sri Aurobindo
Guru Tegh Bahadur(Sikh Guru)
etc etc

I will tell you truly why they are called Godmen(the word is actually derogatory and not a compliment). It is because we associate Hindu revered men with something negative - comes naturally to many of us. There is an intrinsic urge to dismiss any such claim off hand as debauchery or even fraud.

The men above were also called the same in their times by the English media. The self hate and shame is so deep rooted that we prefer to generalize all Hindu saints as Godmen and the rest as Fathers, peers and Fakirs. :) We could have instead isolated and called frauds by names they truly deserve - frauds. But we find it more comfortable to label the entire lot as a 'feku baba'. This is largely an Indian phenomenon - one of ingrained self hate that will take decades to overcome.

That said, is your opinion about Gurus only restricted to the Hindu faith or does it extend to Sikhism as well? You know the religious text itself is called The Guru Granth. :)
Swami Vivekananda
Sri Aurobindo
Guru Tegh Bahadur(Sikh Guru)
etc etc

I will tell you truly why they are called Godmen(the word is actually derogatory and not a compliment). It is because we associate Hindu revered men with something negative - comes naturally to many of us. There is an intrinsic urge to dismiss any such claim off hand as debauchery or even fraud.

The men above were also called the same in their times by the English media. The self hate and shame is so deep rooted that we prefer to generalize all Hindu saints as Godmen and the rest as Fathers, peers and Fakirs. :) We could have instead isolated and called frauds by names they truly deserve - frauds. But we find it more comfortable to label the entire lot as a 'feku baba'. This is largely an Indian phenomenon - one of ingrained self hate that will take decades to overcome.

That said, is your opinion about Gurus only restricted to the Hindu faith or does it extend to Sikhism as well? You know the religious text itself is called The Guru Granth. :)

You could be right, but dont you think that the negativity stems from likes of fake babas we see every day in our life who indulge in simple cheating to murder and rape.

I have deepest respect for the ones you mentioned, but there was only on vivekanda and thousands of fake babas.

The simple fact that no one ridicules vivekananda or ramkrishna but takes pride of their work tells the fact that us sickulars are not self hating as you try to portray.
You could be right, but dont you think that the negativity stems from likes of fake babas we see every day in our life who indulge in simple cheating to murder and rape.

I have deepest respect for the ones you mentioned, but there was only on vivekanda and thousands of fake babas.

That is why we are asked to read Ramayana.To remember when Ravan came to abduct Sita ji, he came in disguise of Baba only. :)
You could be right, but dont you think that the negativity stems from likes of fake babas we see every day in our life who indulge in simple cheating to murder and rape.

I have deepest respect for the ones you mentioned, but there was only on vivekanda and thousands of fake babas.
The problem is fundamental.

What do you call babas who rape? - Rapist babas. What should we call instead? Rapists. Period.

Like once a soldier gets a dishonourable discharge from the Army, he becomes a civilian. Not a retired soldier. :) We call them fake baba because we find it interesting, we find it like the forbidden fruit, the irresistible joy in vilifying others, especially if sexual innuendos are thrown in. Imagine a normal betting case and then throw in a honeytrap and it will hog all the air time! Sex, drugs and negative news sell. Media today is private. The primary motive is not to educate people. That does not fill the stomach of Rajdeep and Co. They need cash, cash they can get by beating other channels in the same game. One gets dirtier than the other, and people swallow what they are shown.

True, they do realize what's trash and what's not, but if you repeat a narrative long enough, you will find takers. Perception is a very important thing. 'Muslim' - what does this word first bring in your mind, before the civilized self polishes it? (The question is rhetorical :D ) Media first gives the attention, grabs the eyeballs by glorifying someone and then brings them down with a big bang. Because that sells. :enjoy:

For example, for every fake guy, I can show you a hundred unnamed sanyasis who sit in the hills, in Varanasi, live unknown lives in absolute poverty. People who have no families, no bank accounts, no nothing. My point is that for every crook there are a hundred 'saints'. We would be doing an injustice to those people who have not even watched a single movie in their life(there are those, trust me), who come to Kumbh mela once in 12 years - their only human contact and then retreat to the mountains.
If you trek in the Kumaon, you will find many of their caves - unclad, almost naked, while I had UV glasses and thick padded garments to protect myself! :D

We have been doing a serious injustice to them for quite some time now. I am sure if some modern day Siddhartha* is spotted meditating under a Lumbini like grove, he will be ridiculed or even arrested.

*Aka Lord Buddha

You could be right, but dont you think that the negativity stems from likes of fake babas we see every day in our life who indulge in simple cheating to murder and rape.

I have deepest respect for the ones you mentioned, but there was only on vivekanda and thousands of fake babas.

The simple fact that no one ridicules vivekananda or ramkrishna but takes pride of their work tells the fact that us sickulars are not self hating as you try to portray.
Jeez. :hitwall:
I did not call you sickular. Why do you obsess over that title? :)
They always try to glamorize and show pakistan as a soft power. Like romance between Indian Girl and Pakistani boy. Nonsense! This is bloody subversion.

I am not too much related with religion but they did make fun of the Hindu religion. No one is that fool. And little fools are in every religion.

Well then they make films close to reality. Over 99% of real life Indian Pakistani romances have a Pakistani guy and an Indian girl.
Well then they make films close to reality. Over 99% of real life Indian Pakistani romances have a Pakistani guy and an Indian girl.
look like pakistani girls runaway with Indian boys :P
Movie should be banned because it hurts Hindu sentiments and GOI should investigate Swamy class Submarine's claims as well.
Movie should be banned because it hurts Hindu sentiments and GOI should investigate Swamy class Submarine's claims as well.
No movie should be banned. Even if it hurts sentiments. No matter how insulting it is.

Boycott and sue them. :tup: That's what is done.
Isnt doing big yagayas waste of money??
Dont we prefer putting a note of Rs 500 in the temple than giving it to a poor man sitting right outside the temple?
I dont see anything wrong in the movie.
If the movie offends a few who've put on blinders then I dont care. Seriously!!
well its your views and must be remain your Personalized So, what Next we should demolish all Temples,Mosque,Churches and Govt should Cancel all Pilgrims such Amaranth,Hajj,Kumbh just Because @levina thinks that god Live inside in Every Soul So idol worship is just Formality.Who Made you judge of that. what you are doing or Thinking is Right and Wherever theist or idol worshipers are doing is Wrong Please Don't Dictate other People your Atheistic approach.They Don't Require it, they are Rather happy in their Choices.
People dont understand thiss nowhere. If they have a lot of money, they are least interested, once the money goes, they become fanatics.

People do understand all this in other countries and try to make everyone as they are fanatics. Here its not about money but something else and i am sure that already Indians are aware of this.

No movie should be banned. Even if it hurts sentiments. No matter how insulting it is.

Boycott and sue them. :tup: That's what is done.

There is a point given out by the Hindu organizations. why our religion is being a soft target that everywhere everyone make fun of us. I think here its more about to the International conventions which we already saw in UN.
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