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Students chanting slogans in favor of Pak Army in Azad Kashmir

Comeon. I admit our stand on Bengal was wrong but I have not even seen one Indian admit his mistake. Kashmir is an occupied territory and you are doing everything to obfuscate this reality.

Kashmir is an occupied territory claimed by whom, Pakistan and diffraction group of Kashmiri people. For you Huriyaat is the Kashmir, Kashmir is the whole J&K, Muslims are all sufferers, and Jihaad is the only solution. Indian Army is killing the innocent civilians and Islam is endangered in Kashmir.

I gaurantee you if Indian Army have tried the way you describe, the local people are supressed, in six month there won't be any single whisper in the kashmir valley about any freedom slogan or Azadi, and not a single news could come out.

The local people want freedom-particularly the muslims and the freedom movement is most active in Srinagar and surrounding regions. This is a reality you try to hide constantly.

The region around Srinagar is densely populated, that's why its been targeted for the propaganda by the pro-pakistani radical groups and their master sitting in Pakistan's safe house.

If we Lucknowites have problems then Kashmiris have much more. I strongly want Lucknow to go to Pakistan-it is the only solution in my eyes that will help some respect between Hindus and Muslims to remain.

Don't know why you want to live in the fancyland. I used to visit Lucknow frequently, and still never meet you group there. Problem with you is that you always look with the religious Green glasses.

Otherwise you will keep imposing things on us and we will continue fighting your influence. Also muslims are higher in proportion in jails compared to their population. Any muslim can be picked up and framed on false counts of terrorism.

The numbers of Muslims mostly Pakistani are much higher in proportional than the Hindu Indians in British Jail for criminal offense. Now don't think this is Raw Propaganda.

Hehe desperate Indians. :D

You know what is OHT ?
Kashmir is an occupied territory claimed by whom, Pakistan and diffraction group of Kashmiri people. For you Huriyaat is the Kashmir, Kashmir is the whole J&K, Muslims are all sufferers, and Jihaad is the only solution. Indian Army is killing the innocent civilians and Islam is endangered in Kashmir.

Indeed. Muslims are goog only for janitor jobs by the government and their ratio is 3.57% in government and similar in army when we make up 14% of the population. If this is not a general suppression of Muslims what is.

I gaurantee you if Indian Army have tried the way you describe, the local people are supressed, in six month there won't be any single whisper in the kashmir valley about any freedom slogan or Azadi, and not a single news could come out.

Government is already doing this. Suppressing the people. For example Gawkedal massacre.

The region around Srinagar is densely populated, that's why its been targeted for the propaganda by the pro-pakistani radical groups and their master sitting in Pakistan's safe house.

Shift the blame. As my allies from Azad Deccan Movement claim "India's obsession with Pakistan will cause the downfall of India"... these are local Kashmiri people demanding independence. Pakistan gives them moral support-that is all.

Don't know why you want to live in the fancyland. I used to visit Lucknow frequently, and still never meet you group there. Problem with you is that you always look with the religious Green glasses.
Muslims are forced to act loyal to India. You have killed people who have not acted as such or even those who are genuinely loyal so the suppression of our people isn't beneath you. Muslims believe that if some of them had not become loyal to India much worse genocides would have been launched other than mumbai and gujarat.

The people seeking Lucknowi independence exist. The members proudly call themselves anti Indian something all muslims who raise their issue of rights are called... so they label themselves that.

The numbers of Muslims mostly Pakistani are much higher in proportional than the Hindu Indians in British Jail for criminal offense. Now don't think this is Raw Propaganda.

Blacks make up around 50% of the migrant prisoners in UK. Asians are second and it has not been alleged where they are from.

You know what is OHT ?

What is that?
Indeed. Muslims are goog only for janitor jobs by the government and their ratio is 3.57% in government and similar in army when we make up 14% of the population. If this is not a general suppression of Muslims what is.

Muslim in government jobs are less is not due to any government policies, if any post any link or source, which deprived Muslims from applying to the job. Infiact muslims problems in India what I observed is that they don't have bigger Middle Class. Either they are too rich and too poor, and illeteracy rate is also high.

Government is already doing this. Suppressing the people. For example Gawkedal massacre.

First of let me clear that, Indian Army are only confined to the Army cantonmentt area, and in Srinagar its Badami Bagh Cantonment Area- under 31 Sub Area. Its the CRPF, and local J&K police who is responsible for law and order and fighting the terrorists, the paramilitary forces could request Army if requirement persists. The state Police is under the State governement controlled and mostly Kasmiri. Talking of Gakedal Massacre, do you know, that what happens when the protestors try to do forcefully through stones, petrol bombs in the area where curfew is been imposed. And by the way that time, it was the governor rule and paramilitary forces enjoys special power, which is not good in any place. And like any other things, when the security forces gets exclusive rights and powers, there is chances of misuses. But let me assure you that Indian Army is very professional and well decepline force in the world.

Jagmohan as the governor could clear all the terrorists, though he was very tough and his way was very agressive and undemocratic, if he would have been given some more time, but then our Politians don't feels that should be done.

Shift the blame. As my allies from Azad Deccan Movement claim "India's obsession with Pakistan will cause the downfall of India"... these are local Kashmiri people demanding independence. Pakistan gives them moral support-that is all.

Muslims are forced to act loyal to India. You have killed people who have not acted as such or even those who are genuinely loyal so the suppression of our people isn't beneath you. Muslims believe that if some of them had not become loyal to India much worse genocides would have been launched other than mumbai and gujarat.

The people seeking Lucknowi independence exist. The members proudly call themselves anti Indian something all muslims who raise their issue of rights are called... so they label themselves that.

Bhai living in the Propaganda Land. India is not the land of some religious fraction, and bad people and good people lives in the society, but don't take it as the Muslims are getting killed and the genocides is something else, kindly check what happens in Bangladesh.

Blacks make up around 50% of the migrant prisoners in UK. Asians are second and it has not been alleged where they are from.

Number of Muslims in prison doubles in decade to 12,000 | UK Politics | News | The Independent

What is that?

Over Head Transmission
Muslim in government jobs are less is not due to any government policies, if any post any link or source, which deprived Muslims from applying to the job. Infiact muslims problems in India what I observed is that they don't have bigger Middle Class. Either they are too rich and too poor, and illeteracy rate is also high.

So you don't believe this is state oppression and complete deprivation is responsible for not letting muslims have jobs and education? Both in jobs and education muslims are far behind. I believe this constitutes state oppression.

This is for Delhi but occurs throughout:
Housing apartheid flourishes in Delhi - The Hindu

If a muslim can't find a house and if there are whole apartments owned by Bajrang Dal which do not allow muslim tenants then who are Hindutvas fooling? If there is discrimination in housing then for jobs and education it is far worse. My aunt was even refused access to a hospital in Lucknow, the policeman just stopped her.

First of let me clear that, Indian Army are only confined to the Army cantonmentt area, and in Srinagar its Badami Bagh Cantonment Area- under 31 Sub Area. Its the CRPF, and local J&K police who is responsible for law and order and fighting the terrorists, the paramilitary forces could request Army if requirement persists. The state Police is under the State governement controlled and mostly Kasmiri. Talking of Gakedal Massacre, do you know, that what happens when the protestors try to do forcefully through stones, petrol bombs in the area where curfew is been imposed. And by the way that time, it was the governor rule and paramilitary forces enjoys special power, which is not good in any place. And like any other things, when the security forces gets exclusive rights and powers, there is chances of misuses. But let me assure you that Indian Army is very professional and well decepline force in the world.

There are many more massacres. So you admit the protesters are against the occupation of India otherwise they wouldn't throw stones at your army. Also India responds with shelling and shots. Them armed with stones and you armed with guns. How brave and professional? And the rape? How many women have been raped and 90000+ Kashmiris killed since 1989.

Politics of rape in Kashmir - The Hindu
Jagmohan as the governor could clear all the terrorists, though he was very tough and his way was very agressive and undemocratic, if he would have been given some more time, but then our Politians don't feels that should be done.

The best solution is not suppression but winning others over. India hasn't tried that in our Lucknow nor in Kashmir.

Bhai living in the Propaganda Land. India is not the land of some religious fraction, and bad people and good people lives in the society, but don't take it as the Muslims are getting killed and the genocides is something else, kindly check what happens in Bangladesh.

Religious violence is part of the sub continent but how the culprits are dealt with is the ultimate test. Why no action against Modi or Babu \Bajrangi. A terrorist from one religion becomes leader, the other is hanged (Afzal Guru) on circumstantial evidence.

Number of Muslims in prison doubles in decade to 12,000 | UK Politics | News | The Independent

It means UK too has a slightly anti muslim policy. One religion in jail always proves that. It does not mean more muslims are criminals.

Over Head Transmission

And what does it do?
Are you sure...???? Bhatticharia has different short version, in India, its Bhat. In Pakistan, its Bhatti. I know this for a fact, the tour guide we used to get, was a Bhatti, and the owner of the Guest house we stayed at, was also a Bhatti!!!! So I've heard the same story and validated it a few time.

Butt (from a couple that I've met through work and travel life), was derived for people who did "Hunting" and lived near the Archery Fields (kind of like how someone is called a "Knight" or a "Warrior" in different cultures with associated local language names).

The same "Butt" also exists in the British empire across the world, and thus, was spread throughout India, and other countries by the Britis. It was a designation given to Kashmiri's, and others in British Army in like 1800's, to those who practiced Archery as a profession, eventually used it as their last name to reflect their trade / profession as an "Honor". Just like you see people with names around the world like Silverman, Blacksmith, Goldman, etc, etc.

Here, some definition for you:
Archery butt
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Archery butts)
A butt is an archery shooting field, with mounds of earth used for the targets. The name originally referred to the targets themselves, but over time came to mean the platforms that held the targets as well. For instance Othello, V,ii,267 mentions "Here is my journey's end, here is my butt". In medieval times, it was compulsory for all yeomen in England to learn archery; see for example An Act concerning shooting in Long Bows, passed in the 3rd year of Henry VIII.

Several English towns have districts called "The Butts", but they may not always take their names from archery. The Middle English word "butt" referred to an abutting strip of land, and is often associated with medieval field systems.[1] An example is Newington Butts in south London where contrary to popular belief, the 1955 Survey of London published by London County Council could find no historical reference to archery butts.[2] It concluded that the name probably derived from the triangle of land between the roads, as the word "butts" is used elsewhere in Surrey to refer to odd corners or ends of land.[2]

The word is also used today for the earthwork mounds on, or before, which targets are mounted on a rifle range, with the object of stopping the flight of bullets beyond the range. The name Butt is also a common surname for people living around the Archery Fields, referring to the profession.

Butt is a German and an English surname whose origins lie in the South West peninsula region of England.The surname can also be found in England where it is again of patronymic origin, meaning "son of Butt". First found in Middlesex where they were anciently seated, and were granted lands by William the Conqueror, and recorded in the Domesday Book compiled in 1086. The name spread as the British Empire spread to many countries, where British called locals working on or around archery shooting fields "Butt".
No no no bhatti is a punjabi clan while bhat is a kashmiri clan and they are called butts in punjab and pahari its a clan of brahman pundits of kashmir also many adobt title of sheikh,khwaja or mian after converting to Islam
Bhat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@fakhre mirpur
check out the enthusiasm of the Kashmiri youth for Pak army, and yet some folks across the border have the audacity to claim that Kashmiris detest Pak fauj.
Bro, this is a waste of thread; stuff like this is very common and doesnt need a thread to highlight it.

I find it fishy and army organized in response to the videos released recently on Pakistan atrocities on people of GB and P0K. Now why should people raise slogans in favor of something...people raise slogans when they are unhappy, and don't raise slogans when they are happy.
1: Whats so fishy? If any Pakistani soldier passes by a school or populated area they will get cheered at; its super common.
2: Explain what atrocities? A couple dozen people demanding elections doesnt mean all of GB is being "oppressed", you are free to visit the Area and ask them questions - Gilgit Baltistani people are one of the most patriotic.
3: Are you retarded?

:lol: Do Pakistanis protest because they are happy? At least Indians don't do that. Any way Pakistanis are known for feats that are not performed elsewhere.
Do these youth look like they are protesting? Does celebrating or being patriotic mean they are protest? God damn... Indian mentality. :rofl:
tell others also that this is fake video....
Mirpuri here
yep we are like that we are pro army and we do take pro army rallies not only in Azad Kashmir but in all of Pakistan they just dont get reported that often
Sponsored by army so as to give people something to cheer. With the recent announcement of development pakage in kashmir by india someone is really terrified and doing this to keep people intact.

... You and your conspiracy theories - anything that is pro-India is true but anything that is pro- Pakistan is false and is "funded" or enacted by ISI. I studied in Pakistan for two years and i can tell you this ; stuff like this is very common .
Bro, this is a waste of thread; stuff like this is very common and doesnt need a thread to highlight it.

1: Whats so fishy? If any Pakistani soldier passes by a school or populated area they will get cheered at; its super common.
2: Explain what atrocities? A couple dozen people demanding elections doesnt mean all of GB is being "oppressed", you are free to visit the Area and ask them questions - Gilgit Baltistani people are one of the most patriotic.
3: Are you retarded?

Do these youth look like they are protesting? Does celebrating or being patriotic mean they are protest? God damn... Indian mentality. :rofl:
They were fukin loadshedding protests in Mirpur that took place in 2011 and protests by some people in Muzafarabad who were protesting against demolishing of illegal katchi bastis (most were afghanis)
Bro, this is a waste of thread; stuff like this is very common and doesnt need a thread to highlight it.

1: Whats so fishy? If any Pakistani soldier passes by a school or populated area they will get cheered at; its super common.
2: Explain what atrocities? A couple dozen people demanding elections doesnt mean all of GB is being "oppressed", you are free to visit the Area and ask them questions - Gilgit Baltistani people are one of the most patriotic.
3: Are you retarded?

Do these youth look like they are protesting? Does celebrating or being patriotic mean they are protest? God damn... Indian mentality. :rofl:
I was compelled to post this after all the recent Indian propaganda in regards to protests in AK.
I find it fishy and army organized in response to the videos released recently on Pakistan atrocities on people of GB and P0K. Now why should people raise slogans in favor of something...people raise slogans when they are unhappy, and don't raise slogans when they are happy.

Tum karoo tu dekhoo loog hamko bulatay hain koi aur karay tu organized by Army kamaaal hey yaar tumhare logic ka....

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