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Struggle of Kashmiris cannot be characterised as terrorism: Pakistani envoy tells UN

if kashmiri movement is fought by kashmiris in kashmir then its ok. but its mostly punjabis and afghans causing teror not on security forces but unarmed civilian in kashmir and outside. and not just that right from PBL to dawood everyone is raise din pak.

Your argument is flawed . If its the punjabis and afghans who terrorize unarmed civilians (by killing them), then why do the Indians not allow the UN observers on their side of loc ? and why we see kashmiris protesting against the Indian govt. in srinagar , sometimes holding Pakistani flags (on news) ? Why we see Indian army using force against the locals ? Why human right commission reports violations of human rights by Indian army in Kashmir ? what are half a million Indian soldiers doing for decades in kashmir when the border is sealed for ten years at least?. there are a lot of such questions that arise if your claim is considered 
Kashmir was never a part of India, and now almost >45% is with us. :lol: who is the looser?
We took 34 % , we will take the remaining 45 % too . till then you can laugh :-)
is he Pakistan representative or for the muslim world at UN....instead of talking about pakistan he is talking about Kashmiries and world muslims.

After Ottoman empire , Pakistan has taken contract of Islam.. Unable to give respect to Bangaldeshi, these Pakistani are talking about Islam..

They should fix there home first, who knows which Shia is going to die today..
Wrong again . India has the largest number of active freedom movements !! If we have 2 , you have over 17 :coffee:

Did you read that in your third class sarkari school :cuckoo: BTW you can't handle your own country but still can't give up your obsession about Kashmir. 20 times more people die in Karachi in violence compared to that of Kashmir.
Our Real Enemies who is really hurting us Economically, Deceptive Terrorism, Manipulating our Election Results, Manipulating our Establishments and Political Govts., Judical System is only 1 True Enemy and that is United States of America and their Shadow Zionist Illuminati Facist Nazis Crusaders Jewish Alliance Govt. In fact this Enemy is the Big Shark Whale who wants to Destroy Pakistan but also all Arabs and Muslims around the World, Obama is also Crypto Jew deceiving Whole World and Pakistan, No Independent Govt. in USA come in power unless bless by Zionist, Nazis, Supremacist, Crusaders Jewish Alliance and NWO Illuminatis plus Free Massons, they run whole world and printing Fake US Dollars through Federal Reserve Bank, Which is in reality mostly own by Jewish and Zionist Christian Alliance and International Jewish World Bankers, If US as a country goes down then that day will be a Day of Celebration not only for all Muslims but Whole World as US alone consume 80 percent of World Resources, All Americans including Blacks, Spanish, Indians and others support Endless Wars on Pakistan and Arabs for Oil, for their Resources and Nukes
If Zionist will not able to take out Nuclear Weapons from Pakistan using American Armed forces and NATO through Afghanistan and Pakistani Taliban then Jews and Zionist American Christians in India will use India to Suprise Nuke attack and Invasion of Pakistan to get Pak Nukes through India
so Zionist can never be destroy unless US as a country remain alive and Thanks to Allah, if US $ loose its value then it will begin End of US as Civil War in US will begin, Black killing Spanish, other Immigrants, Whites and vice versa InshAllah and Ameen
if only US will get destroyed then it will be end of Economic Terrorism on Whole World and most of Wars which happen in every few years regularly, Also Advice to all muslims start buy Gold, Silver, Food, Agriculture lands and Illegal Guns as time of Fitna and Dajjal is NEAR! and start moving out of Big Mega Cities like Karachi, NewYork, Dubai etc and move to live near Mountains, Jungles, Lakes, Rivers and Small towns and villages to survive Time of Dajjal - Anti Christ - 666 and also time of Gog Magog ( Yajooj Majooj) is very Near, In my estimates just 40 - 50 years, but Allah Subhanoo Wat'ala knows all Truth, Remember me in your Duas, prayers and Best wishes

Your Bro. and Sister in Islam

This is first level of terrorism.. I wonder why a Muslim of Pakistan should bother about Palestine?? This ideology itself is first stage of terrorism..
Did you read that in your third class sarkari school :cuckoo: BTW you can't handle your own country but still can't give up your obsession about Kashmir. 20 times more people die in Karachi in violence compared to that of Kashmir.

The United Liberation Front of Assam was formed in April 1979 to establish a sovereign state of Assam through an armed struggle. In recent times the organisation has lost out its middle rung leaders after most of them were arrested.
The National Democratic Front of Bodoland was formed in 1989 as the Bodo Security Force, aims to set up an autonomous region Bodoland.
The Karbi Longri N.C. Hills Liberation Front is a militant group operating in Karbi Anglong and Dima Hasao districts of Assam that was formed on May 16, 2004. The outfit claims to fight for the cause of Karbi tribes and its declared objective is Hemprek Kangthim, meaning self-rule/self-determination of the Karbi people. It is closely linked with the ULFA (United Liberation Front of Asom)
The United People's Democratic Solidarity was formed in March 1999 with the merger of two terrorist outfits in Assam's Karbi Anglong district, the Karbi National Volunteers (KNV) and Karbi People’s Front (KPF).
United National Liberation Front which was created in 1964 and demands an independent socialist state of Manipur.
Peoples Liberation Army
The Peoples Liberation Army is a leftist organisation formed in 1978 with the aim of liberating Manipur from India.

People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak is an armed insurgent group in Manipur demanding a separate and independent homeland.

The National Socialist Council of Nagaland was formed in 1980 to establish a Greater Nagaland, encompassing parts of Manipur, Nagaland, the north Cachar hills (Assam). The NSCN split in 1988 to form two groups namely NSCN(IM) & NSCN(K).
The National Socialist Council of Nagaland—Khaplang is the second faction with the same aim of a Greater Nagaland and was formed in 1988.

National Liberation Front of Tripura
The National Liberation Front of Tripura was formed in March 1989.
All Tripura Tiger Force
The All Tripura Tiger Force was formed by the local aboriginal tribals in 1990, who were gradually outnumbered both directly and indirectly even at the cost of being threatened for their survival economically and culturally not to speak of their being reduced to minority population-wise, with the sole aim of the expulsion of all Bengali speaking immigrants from the rest of India and nearby Bangladesh.

The Achik National Volunteer Council was formed in 1995 with the intentions of forming an Achik Land in the Garo Hills.

THESE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES , AND ONLY FROM NORTH EAST INDIA ... havent mentioned the NAXALITE and KHALISTAN organisations ,, The list will become too long
The United Liberation Front of Assam was formed in April 1979 to establish a sovereign state of Assam through an armed struggle. In recent times the organisation has lost out its middle rung leaders after most of them were arrested.
The National Democratic Front of Bodoland was formed in 1989 as the Bodo Security Force, aims to set up an autonomous region Bodoland.
The Karbi Longri N.C. Hills Liberation Front is a militant group operating in Karbi Anglong and Dima Hasao districts of Assam that was formed on May 16, 2004. The outfit claims to fight for the cause of Karbi tribes and its declared objective is Hemprek Kangthim, meaning self-rule/self-determination of the Karbi people. It is closely linked with the ULFA (United Liberation Front of Asom)
The United People's Democratic Solidarity was formed in March 1999 with the merger of two terrorist outfits in Assam's Karbi Anglong district, the Karbi National Volunteers (KNV) and Karbi People’s Front (KPF).
United National Liberation Front which was created in 1964 and demands an independent socialist state of Manipur.
Peoples Liberation Army
The Peoples Liberation Army is a leftist organisation formed in 1978 with the aim of liberating Manipur from India.

People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak is an armed insurgent group in Manipur demanding a separate and independent homeland.

The National Socialist Council of Nagaland was formed in 1980 to establish a Greater Nagaland, encompassing parts of Manipur, Nagaland, the north Cachar hills (Assam). The NSCN split in 1988 to form two groups namely NSCN(IM) & NSCN(K).
The National Socialist Council of Nagaland—Khaplang is the second faction with the same aim of a Greater Nagaland and was formed in 1988.

National Liberation Front of Tripura
The National Liberation Front of Tripura was formed in March 1989.
All Tripura Tiger Force
The All Tripura Tiger Force was formed by the local aboriginal tribals in 1990, who were gradually outnumbered both directly and indirectly even at the cost of being threatened for their survival economically and culturally not to speak of their being reduced to minority population-wise, with the sole aim of the expulsion of all Bengali speaking immigrants from the rest of India and nearby Bangladesh.

The Achik National Volunteer Council was formed in 1995 with the intentions of forming an Achik Land in the Garo Hills.

THESE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES , AND ONLY FROM NORTH EAST INDIA ... havent mentioned the NAXALITE and KHALISTAN organisations ,, The list will become too long
You are right,these terror orgs. were only formed period.Today if u want even u can form a separatist outfit in Pakistan on some trashy ground that you might conjure out of the thin air,that does not necessarily mean that it would be a well recognized and feared terror outfit capable of achieving it's goal or even being active.Out of all the terror outfits that u have mentioned above only the ULFA and the PLA of Manipur had been in the news and that too maybe 10-20 years before and recently there was an issue with the Maoists who are being slowly and steadily wiped off by the special forces.BTW do u know the operating mode of the ULFA and PLA now??They stay eat and even take a leak in Burma and sometimes maybe once in 10-15 years they plant a low intensity explosive deice in a rickshaw which might go off in front of some random Govt. Building taking the innocent Manipuri rickshaw puller along with it and thats it!!:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
@Skyline @Gibbs So how much help was India in your battle against LTTE??

There was considerable covert support in terms of intelligence,training and diplomatic efforts during the last stages.. Thats the truth despite most Lankans do not want to admit due to actions of India before and after the conflict

India knew it created a monster and knew the threat it poses to the Indian Union, As it's been exemplified now in Tamil Nadu, Separatism is over in Sri Lanka but it's being reignited in TN after several attempts from 1820's, 1940's to 1965, In the guise of the defeated Eelamists.. Most Indian people do not Know that it's TN who wanted a separate state first not the Kashmiri's or the multitude of Northeastern states..They do not know that Madras begged the British not to grant Independence to India.. For the sake of their so called Union the powers be keep these vital history under wraps

Indira Gandhi was a C@nt of misery that never foresaw that her own son will be blown to bits by her own breast fed Tiger cubs.. The current Indian defense set up knows the danger it poses .. Hence they wanted the terrorists done with not necessarily as a favor to Lanka
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India should raise the issue of Baluch freedom struggle to UN.....
India knew it created a monster and knew the threat it poses to the Indian Union, As it's been exemplified now in Tamil Nadu, Separatism is over in Sri Lanka but it's being reignited in TN after several attempts from 1820's, 1940's to 1965, In the guise of the defeated Eelamists.. Most Indian people do not Know that it's TN who wanted a separate state first not the Kashmiri's or the multitude of Northeastern states..They do not know that Madras begged the British not to grant Independence to India.. For the sake of their so called Union the powers be keep these vital history under wraps

Indira Gandhi was a C@nt of misery that never foresaw that her own son will be blown to bits by her own breast fed Tiger cubs.. The current Indian defense set up knows the danger it poses .. Hence they wanted the terrorists done with not necessarily as a favor to Lanka

After all this ranting, you forgot to mention your own President Premadasa who armed LTTE against IPKF, the weapons LTTE later used against Sri Lankans. 
The United Liberation Front of Assam was formed in April 1979 to establish a sovereign state of Assam through an armed struggle. In recent times the organisation has lost out its middle rung leaders after most of them were arrested.
The National Democratic Front of Bodoland was formed in 1989 as the Bodo Security Force, aims to set up an autonomous region Bodoland.
The Karbi Longri N.C. Hills Liberation Front is a militant group operating in Karbi Anglong and Dima Hasao districts of Assam that was formed on May 16, 2004. The outfit claims to fight for the cause of Karbi tribes and its declared objective is Hemprek Kangthim, meaning self-rule/self-determination of the Karbi people. It is closely linked with the ULFA (United Liberation Front of Asom)
The United People's Democratic Solidarity was formed in March 1999 with the merger of two terrorist outfits in Assam's Karbi Anglong district, the Karbi National Volunteers (KNV) and Karbi People’s Front (KPF).
United National Liberation Front which was created in 1964 and demands an independent socialist state of Manipur.
Peoples Liberation Army
The Peoples Liberation Army is a leftist organisation formed in 1978 with the aim of liberating Manipur from India.

People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak is an armed insurgent group in Manipur demanding a separate and independent homeland.

The National Socialist Council of Nagaland was formed in 1980 to establish a Greater Nagaland, encompassing parts of Manipur, Nagaland, the north Cachar hills (Assam). The NSCN split in 1988 to form two groups namely NSCN(IM) & NSCN(K).
The National Socialist Council of Nagaland—Khaplang is the second faction with the same aim of a Greater Nagaland and was formed in 1988.

National Liberation Front of Tripura
The National Liberation Front of Tripura was formed in March 1989.
All Tripura Tiger Force
The All Tripura Tiger Force was formed by the local aboriginal tribals in 1990, who were gradually outnumbered both directly and indirectly even at the cost of being threatened for their survival economically and culturally not to speak of their being reduced to minority population-wise, with the sole aim of the expulsion of all Bengali speaking immigrants from the rest of India and nearby Bangladesh.

The Achik National Volunteer Council was formed in 1995 with the intentions of forming an Achik Land in the Garo Hills.

THESE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES , AND ONLY FROM NORTH EAST INDIA ... havent mentioned the NAXALITE and KHALISTAN organisations ,, The list will become too long

You are counting the name of groups many of them helpless to cause any disturbances. By that logic, Pakistan will have hundreds of groups.
After all this ranting, you forgot to mention your own President Premadasa who armed LTTE against IPKF, the weapons LTTE later used against Sri Lankans.

That was not the subject matter.. Not surprising most of you cannot stick to the subject when you run out of counterarguments.. A 30 year old civil conflict has many intricacies..Do you want me to highlight the well documented massacres and rapes by the IPKF or do you want me to stick to the subject ?
That was not the subject matter.. Not surprising most of you cannot stick to the subject when you run out of counterarguments.. A 30 year old civil conflict has many intricacies..Do you want me to highlight the well documented massacres and rapes by the IPKF or do you want me to stick to the subject ?

Your own government spent money to strengthened Sri Lanka's national enemy LTTE and you are trying not to talk about it while bashing India. Your own countrymen treated Tamils like trash and kept decades of jealousy towards them.
Your own government spent money to strengthened Sri Lanka's national enemy LTTE and you are trying not to talk about it while bashing India. Your own countrymen treated Tamils like trash and kept decades of jealousy towards them.

Hilarious to say the least.. Why should any Sri Lankan be jealous of any other Sri Lankan ? Is that internet Indian logic??

Just because a bunch of violent separatists that does not even constitute 10% of the Lankan Tamil population aided and abetted by morons in TN in their failed attempt to create a racist Dravida Nadu try their luck in northern Lanka by training and arming bunch of criminals to be terrorists amount to be jealousy ? There is nothing to be jealous about.. 20 million Sri Lankans have their own sovereign nation.. While 80 million jokers in TN still dream about theirs

SL Tamils, Live longer have better education, Healthcare and standards of living than any Indian counterpart can think of.. And their language is a national language of the country Lol
Hilarious to say the least.. Why should any Sri Lankan be jealous of any other Sri Lankan ? Is that internet Indian logic??

Just because a bunch of violent separatists that does not even constitute 10% of the Lankan Tamil population aided and abetted by morons in TN in their failed attempt to create a racist Dravida Nadu try their luck in northern Lanka by training and arming bunch of criminals to be terrorists amount to be jealousy ? There is nothing to be jealous about.. 20 million Sri Lankans have their own sovereign nation.. While 80 million jokers in TN still dream about theirs

SL Tamils, Live longer have better education, Healthcare and standards of living than any Indian counterpart can think of.. And their language is a national language of the country Lol

Good sugarcoated words to hide the racial prejudice against the Tamils in Sri Lanka. TN never saw any separatist violence so stop your crap comparison with Sri Lankan Tamils vis a vis Indian Tamils.
Good sugarcoated words to hide the racial prejudice against the Tamils in Sri Lanka. TN never saw any separatist violence so stop your crap comparison with Sri Lankan Tamils vis a vis Indian Tamils.

Yep.. Thats why more than 60% of Tamils live,work study and prosper among the Sinhalese, Moor,Burgher and Malay Sri Lankans out side the so called monoethnic Eelam that Tamil Nadu jokers were desperately vying for.. Indian accusing others of prejudice.. Height of absurdity.. :lol:

Live in denial.. Await the shit to hit the fan soon.. Literally ..Lol
Yep.. Thats why more than 60% of Tamils live,work study and prosper among the Sinhalese, Moor,Burgher and Malay Sri Lankans out side the so called monoethnic Eelam that Tamil Nadu jokers were desperately vying for.. Indian accusing others of prejudice.. Height of absurdity.. :lol:

Live in denial.. Await the shit to hit the fan soon.. Literally ..Lol

You are so funny. :lol:
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