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Struggle of Kashmiris cannot be characterised as terrorism: Pakistani envoy tells UN

well I think world has seen Pakistan double standard on Kashmir and thats why 'NO ONE' in world support their version of Kashmir Issue.
The Ambassador is aware that the post-9/11 U.N. Security Council Resolutions didn't just make Pakistan's actions in support of Kashmir terror illegal, but may have legitimized armed responses India may choose to take due to Pakistan's failure to dismantle terror havens, terror-training camps, terror financing etc. aimed at stoking a Kashmir insurgency. The Ambassador is trying to get around the difficulty by re-defining the struggle.

I say, why not call his bluff with a new UNSC Resolution on Kashmir? Kashmir is in a limbo because the current legal arrangement is supposed to be that Kashmir choose between India and Pakistan. Why not do what the ambassador implies and let Kashmiris choose to be independent of both instead? And since Pakistan has vowed it will not withdraw its forces from Kashmir to let such a vote take place, let two sets of votes take place, one in Indian-occupied Kashmir, one in Pakistani-occupied Kashmir, and let everyone vow to live with the results ahead of time.
Yeah....... Even BLA struggle cannot be characterised as Terrorism....... How does it sound now??????
I say the same about the Indian point of view. What is ridiculous is the suggestion made the somehow Palestinians were the only ones seeking the right of self determination and the subject of the conference; which encompasses all grieving parties including Kashmiris, Baluch, Maoists, Tibetians etc. Guess the idea of speaking for Baluch right has been put underground by India..along with Tibet...But I guess I am the only one who has the guile here to speak out on matters regardless of the side and dont hide behind an illusion of "All is well.

It's time to move on, but that thought is lost on PMLN and NS, Zardari had almost buried the Kashmir issue and had moved forward with relations with India and the only factor hampering it was his weak stand and his coalition. NS is flogging a dead horse and has destroyed the rickety bridge that was being built.
is he Pakistan representative or for the muslim world at UN....instead of talking about pakistan he is talking about Kashmiries and world muslims.
The Kashmiri freedom cause is a dead snake,the more Pakistan beats it the more sticks they will break.
Struggle for Kashmir died when it turned into Islamic struggle. May it receive the promised gifts hamper in jannat.
I say the same about the Indian point of view. What is ridiculous is the suggestion made the somehow Palestinians were the only ones seeking the right of self determination and the subject of the conference; which encompasses all grieving parties including Kashmiris, Baluch, Maoists, Tibetians etc. Guess the idea of speaking for Baluch right has been put underground by India..along with Tibet...But I guess I am the only one who has the guile here to speak out on matters regardless of the side and dont hide behind an illusion of "All is well.

@Oscar, the Maoists do not seek secession from the Indian state. The Baluch on the other hand have had an ongoing struggle for Independence from the Pakistani state since the end of colonial rule. 5 full fledged wars of Independence per sources, interspersed with low grade strife (the kind being seen currently).

With this low grade strife is also low grade unreported but systematic state sponsored killings of the Baluchi freedom fighters, their leadership long since living in exile abroad. Boatloads of Baluchi refugees on the shores of Australia.

What do you call all of this? The same old Pakistani line of "Oh, Kashmir is International. Baluchistan is not"? Or "Oh these are a few rag tag dissidents who are after maintaining their power status quo. See how many proud Pakistani Baluchis we have in the Pakistan Army" ?

News flash guys. The British Indian Army was 99% native Indians as well.
Our Real Enemies who is really hurting us Economically, Deceptive Terrorism, Manipulating our Election Results, Manipulating our Establishments and Political Govts., Judical System is only 1 True Enemy and that is United States of America and their Shadow Zionist Illuminati Facist Nazis Crusaders Jewish Alliance Govt. In fact this Enemy is the Big Shark Whale who wants to Destroy Pakistan but also all Arabs and Muslims around the World, Obama is also Crypto Jew deceiving Whole World and Pakistan, No Independent Govt. in USA come in power unless bless by Zionist, Nazis, Supremacist, Crusaders Jewish Alliance and NWO Illuminatis plus Free Massons, they run whole world and printing Fake US Dollars through Federal Reserve Bank, Which is in reality mostly own by Jewish and Zionist Christian Alliance and International Jewish World Bankers, If US as a country goes down then that day will be a Day of Celebration not only for all Muslims but Whole World as US alone consume 80 percent of World Resources, All Americans including Blacks, Spanish, Indians and others support Endless Wars on Pakistan and Arabs for Oil, for their Resources and Nukes
If Zionist will not able to take out Nuclear Weapons from Pakistan using American Armed forces and NATO through Afghanistan and Pakistani Taliban then Jews and Zionist American Christians in India will use India to Suprise Nuke attack and Invasion of Pakistan to get Pak Nukes through India
so Zionist can never be destroy unless US as a country remain alive and Thanks to Allah, if US $ loose its value then it will begin End of US as Civil War in US will begin, Black killing Spanish, other Immigrants, Whites and vice versa InshAllah and Ameen
if only US will get destroyed then it will be end of Economic Terrorism on Whole World and most of Wars which happen in every few years regularly, Also Advice to all muslims start buy Gold, Silver, Food, Agriculture lands and Illegal Guns as time of Fitna and Dajjal is NEAR! and start moving out of Big Mega Cities like Karachi, NewYork, Dubai etc and move to live near Mountains, Jungles, Lakes, Rivers and Small towns and villages to survive Time of Dajjal - Anti Christ - 666 and also time of Gog Magog ( Yajooj Majooj) is very Near, In my estimates just 40 - 50 years, but Allah Subhanoo Wat'ala knows all Truth, Remember me in your Duas, prayers and Best wishes

Your Bro. and Sister in Islam
Just a question, Does any one care or listen to Pakistan today?
The truth is that no one cares and no one will listen . the reason lies in Pakistan own behavior in the past.
It is very stupid of Pak to say that they are the worst victims of terrorism.
If there is an AIDS patient and he goes about spreading AIDS, he cannot justify his act saying that he is the worst victim of AIDS.

Funny ... although india has the worlds biggest HIV infected population... and has supported terrorism (state sponsored) in almost all of its neighbouring countries..
Funny ... although india has the worlds biggest HIV infected population... and has supported terrorism (state sponsored) in almost all of its neighbouring countries..
india has never supported terrorism in any country.paksitan is the root cause of Islamic terror.
paksitan has higher per capita aids infected people.
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