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Lets be precise. What does it mean to be a Persian, is it an ethnic classification or does it mean anyone who speak the Persian language. If there is an ethnicity called Persian, then you and the quote are wrong, since even half of Iran now are not considered "Persian".
If its a lingual classification then ALL of the scientists...., spoke Arabic and used Arabic in their books, so these contributions should be given to Arabs, because unlike you insecure racists"European wannabees", we Arabs identify with a language, not race. At the birth of Islam we were just an ethnicity but now we encompass a group of ethnicities.
In fact if you want to look how much influence we have on you "Persians" what ever that means, you can listen to any Persian talking, when I do that, I understand a word or two in every sentence, because its ARABIC.

Ok,here is a Persian poem,tell me what words do you understand:
چو از دفتر این داستانها بسی همی خواند خواننده بر هر کسی
جهان دل نهاده بدین داستان همان بخردان نیز و هم راستان
جوانی بیامد گشاده زبان سخن گفتن خوب و طبع روان
به شعر آرم این نامه را گفت من ازو شادمان شد دل انجمن
جوانیش را خوی بد یار بود ابا بد همیشه به پیکار بود
برو تاختن کرد ناگاه مرگ نهادش به سر بر یکی تیره ترگ
بدان خوی بد جان شیرین بداد نبد از جوانیش یک روز شاد
یکایک ازو بخت برگشته شد به دست یکی بنده بر کشته شد
برفت او و این نامه ناگفته ماند چنان بخت بیدار او خفته ماند

When we say Persian,we talk about race,much of Iran's population are from Persian race (Aryan).But 55% of this population speak Persian language,there is Kurdish,Luri,Baloochi,Azeri and Arabic.From DNA studies,it has been proved that almost 90 percent of Iranian people have a lot of similarities.You got the point or not?
Arab suffer from a Psychological defeat that dates back to the Mongol Invasion, the Losses of the Arab Israeli war, the loss of the Iran-Iraq war and the Iraq war. Mongols destroyed the Arabs.

However there is no Persian empire anymore destroyed by the Arabs, Iran military today is weaker then it was during pre 1979 Ira.

All Empires fall is the final story.
Arab suffer from a Psychological defeat that dates back to the Mongol Invasion, the Losses of the Arab Israeli war, the loss of the Iran-Iraq war and the Iraq war. Mongols destroyed the Arabs.

However there is no Persian empire anymore destroyed by the Arabs, Iran military today is weaker then it was during pre 1979 Ira.

All Empires fall is the final story.

this is just s phase we are going through. you obviously have no idea about our history.

first the acheamenids the first super power on this planet rose, then it was the parthian, then the sassanids, and so on.

also our militry in shah era was more powerful sure but it was not our, its was all purchased.
now we actually make everything.
this is just s phase we are going through. you obviously have no idea about our history.

first the acheamenids the first super power on this planet rose, then it was the parthian, then the sassanids, and so on.

also our militry in shah era was more powerful sure but it was not our, its was all purchased.
now we actually make everything.

I know Iran's history well first last what does it matter it was destroyed.
your products you make today are all inferior to that of 1979 pre
Ok,here is a Persian poem,tell me what words do you understand:
چو از دفتر این داستانها بسی همی خواند خواننده بر هر کسی
جهان دل نهاده بدین داستان همان بخردان نیز و هم راستان
جوانی بیامد گشاده زبان سخن گفتن خوب و طبع روان
به شعر آرم این نامه را گفت من ازو شادمان شد دل انجمن
جوانیش را خوی بد یار بود ابا بد همیشه به پیکار بود
برو تاختن کرد ناگاه مرگ نهادش به سر بر یکی تیره ترگ
بدان خوی بد جان شیرین بداد نبد از جوانیش یک روز شاد
یکایک ازو بخت برگشته شد به دست یکی بنده بر کشته شد
برفت او و این نامه ناگفته ماند چنان بخت بیدار او خفته ماند

When we say Persian,we talk about race,much of Iran's population are from Persian race (Aryan).But 55% of this population speak Persian language,there is Kurdish,Luri,Baloochi,Azeri and Arabic.From DNA studies,it has been proved that almost 90 percent of Iranian people have a lot of similarities.You got the point or not?

According to a 1957 theory by Laroche, Indo-Iranian ar-ya- descends from Proto-Indo-European (PIE) *ar-yo-, a yo-adjective to a root *ar "to assemble skillfully", present in Greek harma "chariot", Greek aristos, (as in "aristocracy"), Latin ars "art", etc. Thus, according to this theory, an Aryan is "one who skillfully assembles". Proto-Indo-Iranian *ar-ta- was a related concept of "properly joined" expressing a religious concept of cosmic order.[17]

Usage of Aryan
[edit]Scholarly usage
Indo-Iranian languages (Indo-Aryan (Indian) and Iranian)[2][6][7]
[edit]Contemporary usage
Among Hindu nationalists, the Hindu/Indian people [8][9][10]
[edit]Dated usage
The "Aryan race" taken to correspond to the original speakers of Indo-European languages and their present day descendants.[11]
within the ideology of white supremacy, the "White race", i.e., Caucasians who are native Indo-Europeans of the Western or European branch of the Indo-European peoples, as opposed to the Eastern or Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European peoples.
[edit]Derivation of the word "Aryan"
The English word "Aryan" is borrowed from the Sanskrit word ārya meaning 'Noble';[1] it was used initially as a national name to designate the worshippers of the Hindu deities and especially Indra according to Brahmanical principles (performance of sacrifice, Yajna).[1][12] The Zend airya 'venerable' and Old Persian ariya are also considered as national names.[1][13]
In colloquial English, the word has been adopted in accordance with Nazi racial theory's appropriation of the term to describe persons corresponding to the "Nordic" physical ideal of Nazi Germany (the "master race" ideology).[n 1]
In Iranian context the original self-identifier lives on in ethnic names like "Alani", "Ir".[15] Similarly, The word Iran is the Persian word for land/place of the Aryans[16](see also Iranian peoples).

So, Persians and Indians are Aryan.
Hunnic Empire

the things is I say Iranian are aryan because in Iran in behistoon it says to be aryan is to be from aryan land.
then the german said being aryan is to be blond.

why do people give so much value to being aryan? I mean it sounds good but it just means to be iranian.

also did you guys know Iran mean land of aryans?
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the things is I say Iranian are aryan because in Iran in behistoon it says to be aryan is to be from aryan land.
then the german said being aryan is to be blond.

why do people give so much value to being aryan? I mean it sounds good but it just means to be iranian.

also did you guys know Iran mean land of aryans?

Not all Aryans are Iranic people, Kashmiris for one are Aryans and they aren't Iranic people.

Hitlers ideal version of Aryan is what we consider Nordic features blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, fair skin, broad shoulders, sharp features, and more.
LOL people while we're here arguing about persian achievment which were undoubtedly more than arabs in science.

the west still treats us all like crap, so why we're fighting?
the golden persian age if being forgotten. comeone man even that japanese and koreans are much more advanced than us now.
this is unacceptable.

Not all Aryans are Iranic people, Kashmiris for one are Aryans and they aren't Iranic people.

Hitlers ideal version of Aryan is what we consider Nordic features blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, fair skin, broad shoulders, sharp features, and more.

As I said to be aryan is to be Iranian. its nothing about what you look like.
but there are people in my country like my mother who were very blond. but that is not an definition of being an aryan.
All in all Persian Muslim scientists were numerous and contributed a hole lot to the advancement of sciences, but on the other hand without Islam and its fairness they could not blossom and achieve that much.

List of Muslim scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not true::no:
ملØ*Ù‚:قائمة علماء العرب - ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الØ*رة
Only three of them are Persians, but were totally Arabized.
Not all Aryans are Iranians, Iranian is a nationality not a race nor ethnic group. An Azeri in Iran isn't an Aryan but a person of ethnicity may well be Parsi both however are Iranian. To be Aryan is not confined to Iran or "Iranian" or Iranic people. Kashmiris, Kalash, Nuristanis, and NA Pakistani people are Aryan people, and yet have little to nothing to do with Iranic people.

You clearly don't understand that, you keep saying Iranian=Aryan, if it were so simple.

Though I do agree with you Arabs and Iranians are both held in negative view in the West.
and I keep saying the oldest insription to do with aryan is in Iran in a place called behistoon.
and according to that to be aryan is to be from Iran land or persian as it was called then.

I personally dont care, I did not have a choice to be born from persia.
being aryan is just a title and it will not make me any better as a person. it may however get to ours heads and make us think we're better than other people.
Ok,here is a Persian poem,tell me what words do you understand:
چو از دفتر این داستانها بسی همی خواند خواننده بر هر کسی
جهان دل نهاده بدین داستان همان بخردان نیز و هم راستان
جوانی بیامد گشاده زبان سخن گفتن خوب و طبع روان
به شعر آرم این نامه را گفت من ازو شادمان شد دل انجمن
جوانیش را خوی بد یار بود ابا بد همیشه به پیکار بود
برو تاختن کرد ناگاه مرگ نهادش به سر بر یکی تیره ترگ
بدان خوی بد جان شیرین بداد نبد از جوانیش یک روز شاد
یکایک ازو بخت برگشته شد به دست یکی بنده بر کشته شد
برفت او و این نامه ناگفته ماند چنان بخت بیدار او خفته ماند

When we say Persian,we talk about race,much of Iran's population are from Persian race (Aryan).But 55% of this population speak Persian language,there is Kurdish,Luri,Baloochi,Azeri and Arabic.From DNA studies,it has been proved that almost 90 percent of Iranian people have a lot of similarities.You got the point or not?
As I said there is no Aryan/Persian gene.
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