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Iranians can vary a lot. I have seen Iranians who look Nordic, Iranians who look Central Asian, Iranians who look Latino, Iranians who look Indian/Pakistani, Iranians who look Arab.
better than your aryan eugenics.

The truth you mean.

Here we can see the difference between the Berbers, Iranians and Arabs:

The truth you mean.

Here we can see the difference between the Berbers, Iranians and Arabs:


there is no such thing as a true persian look or a true arabic look. Picking 3 different blokes from 3 different teams doesnt make it a fact. You will find arabs that will look nordic and you will find arabs that look like they are from the hood, so your racist eugenics fails.
Mongols as all the ones you have mentioned were absorbed by Arabs and diluted in Islam.
there is no such thing as a true persian look or a true arabic look. Picking 3 different blokes from 3 different teams doesnt make it a fact. You will find arabs that will look nordic and you will find arabs that look like they are from the hood, so your racist eugenics fails.

Yes their is. You will find some white Arabs (mostly the Levantines, Lebanese Phoenicians and the Syrians), but very, very, small factions. And thats understandable if you look on the genetics of those countries. Iran is the most 'whitest' country of the whole Middle-East.

Look at next to the Italians:


There is barely any difference :cheesy:

What? Look on the difference between the nose, shape of the face, skin-colour, eyes, cheek, etc.
Yes their is. You will find some white Arabs (mostly the Levantines, Lebanese Phoenicians and the Syrians), but very, very, small factions. And thats understandable if you look on the genetics of those countries. Iran is the most 'whitest' country of the whole Middle-East.

Look at next to the Italians:


What? Look on the difference between the nose, shape of the face, skin-colour, eyes, cheek, etc.

provide the source of this graph. Still doesn't proof that blacks were not aryans.:laugh:
According to a 1957 theory by Laroche, Indo-Iranian ar-ya- descends from Proto-Indo-European (PIE) *ar-yo-, a yo-adjective to a root *ar "to assemble skillfully", present in Greek harma "chariot", Greek aristos, (as in "aristocracy"), Latin ars "art", etc. Thus, according to this theory, an Aryan is "one who skillfully assembles". Proto-Indo-Iranian *ar-ta- was a related concept of "properly joined" expressing a religious concept of cosmic order.[17]

Usage of Aryan
[edit]Scholarly usage
Indo-Iranian languages (Indo-Aryan (Indian) and Iranian)[2][6][7]
[edit]Contemporary usage
Among Hindu nationalists, the Hindu/Indian people [8][9][10]
[edit]Dated usage
The "Aryan race" taken to correspond to the original speakers of Indo-European languages and their present day descendants.[11]
within the ideology of white supremacy, the "White race", i.e., Caucasians who are native Indo-Europeans of the Western or European branch of the Indo-European peoples, as opposed to the Eastern or Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European peoples.
[edit]Derivation of the word "Aryan"
The English word "Aryan" is borrowed from the Sanskrit word ārya meaning 'Noble';[1] it was used initially as a national name to designate the worshippers of the Hindu deities and especially Indra according to Brahmanical principles (performance of sacrifice, Yajna).[1][12] The Zend airya 'venerable' and Old Persian ariya are also considered as national names.[1][13]
In colloquial English, the word has been adopted in accordance with Nazi racial theory's appropriation of the term to describe persons corresponding to the "Nordic" physical ideal of Nazi Germany (the "master race" ideology).[n 1]
In Iranian context the original self-identifier lives on in ethnic names like "Alani", "Ir".[15] Similarly, The word Iran is the Persian word for land/place of the Aryans[16](see also Iranian peoples).

So, Persians and Indians are Aryan.

What about AR-ab ?
it will be nice to know!
provide the source of this graph. Still doesn't proof that blacks were not aryans.:laugh:

Are you freakin stupid or what? You claim that Aryans might have been blacks, so its on you to proof that. I claim they were not and I have brought my arguments in the front. And if you didn't know there is image of a ancient Indo-European Aryan:

''The Beauty of Loulan. A 3000-4,000 year-old mummy of a woman with red hair and Indo-European features found in the Tien Shan Mountains in northwest China. She was either a member of a proto-Iranian tribe or a proto-Celtic group that had migrated eastwards along with the proto-Iranians. The left photo is a reconstruction of how she would have appeared in life. ''

And the source for my graph was Cavalli-Sforza. You can't find it on many websites.

Aryans Immigration  - (The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies - CAIS)©
Are you freakin stupid or what? You claim that Aryans might have been blacks, so its on you to proof that. I claim they were not and I have brought my arguments in the front. And if you didn't know there is image of a ancient Indo-European Aryan:


And the source for my graph was Cavalli-Sforza. You can't find it on many websites.

Aryans Immigration* - (The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies - CAIS)©

I said no one actually knows what aryans looked like, no concrete proof of their features have ever been found. Its all a guessing game.
I said no one actually knows what aryans looked like, no concrete proof of their features have ever been found. Its all a guessing game.

Well, you're so stupid Bangladeshi that I put you on the ignore list. I don't talk with people who have the IQ of a walnut.
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