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Strongest Empires by timeline

Arab suffer from a Psychological defeat that dates back to the Mongol Invasion, the Losses of the Arab Israeli war, the loss of the Iran-Iraq war and the Iraq war. Mongols destroyed the Arabs.
Only Baghdad was destroyed by the Mongols not Arabs LOL. Second The only reason for Baghdad surrendering because there was a traitor minister inside the city , he was a Shia of course and its a known fact. Arabs were the first to defeat the Mongols in the battle of Ain Jalot. We wiped out the entire Mongol Army.
first you claim sumer , babilon and ashur and Egypt were Arabs and then you claim Arab were Aryan
well neither sumer nor Babylon or egypt were Aryan and certainly arabs are not Aryan they are pure

That is very debatable, you can not confirm it.
Some scientists said that the Arabs were Aryans (do you own search).
Arabia was/is between Egypt to the west and Mesopotamia to the east, what do you want these people to be other than Arabs, or do you want to look at every tribe and family on its own.
Arabs were dominating mekkah, the centre of trade and worship in all the region.
There was no Arabic language(at least written) in the time of Ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia, the first Written language was found in Sumur where Iraq is today. Than there was the Aramic (or Aramaic) language from which the word Arabic was extracted.

ARA BIC, this points out to ARyan not to semetic.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying to. Although they are slightly losing their power, but the US from 1990 till 2006 was definitely the strongest entity the world have ever seen.

US is the strongest but not invincible if you count nukes in. Romans at their peak could have destroyed and annihilated anyone, so could the mongols and the persians.
US is the strongest but not invincible if you count nukes in. Romans at their peak could have destroyed and annihilated anyone, so could the mongols and the persians.

Romans never really defeated the Sassanids and Parthians.

Only Baghdad was destroyed by the Mongols not Arabs LOL. Second The only reason for Baghdad surrendering because there was a traitor minister inside the city , he was a Shia of course and its a known fact. Arabs were the first to defeat the Mongols in the battle of Ain Jalot. We wiped out the entire Mongol Army.

The Mamluks defeated the Mongols in that battle, not Arabs.
Indeed. No Arab is Aryan. Aryans we have in Iran, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. Indo-European speaking people in the M-O and Asia. And Aryans doesn't have anything to do with skin color, but rather with skull structure.

Iran is the closest neighbour of the Ar(yan)abs, so how come you have Aryans in Iran and not in Arabia.
This is as far as i know

13-14th century Mongol

mid 15-17th century till 1683 Ottoman - Spain Second

France till from 1683 1812 (Napoleon)

Britian 1812 to 1880s - Germany

1915 to present USA


I would include the Chola dynasty rule which is one of the longest ruling dynasty inhistory (300BC - 13th century) They ruled over major parts of South India, East India, presentday BD, Indonesia, Myanmar and Malaysia.
Chola dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iran is the closest neighbour of the Ar(yan)abs, so how come you have Aryans in Iran and not in Arabia.

No one actually knows what the "aryans" actually looked like. No concrete evidence has ever been found about their features, i think they might be black. There are folks in Bangladesh that claim to be of aryan decent. Honestly if anyone claims to be of aryan heritage, that plonker has hitler inside him and is a closet nazi.
Iran is the closest neighbour of the Ar(yan)abs, so how come you have Aryans in Iran and not in Arabia.

Because if you look on the genetics in those Arab countries the most founded haplogroup are the semitic J1 and J2, which the J1 is the Arab marker. Also a lot of African E1B1B and T haplogroup in all Arab countries.. No 'Aryan' heritage.

No one actually knows what the "aryans" actually looked like. No concrete evidence has ever been found about their features, i think they might be black. There are folks in Bangladesh that claim to be of aryan decent. Honestly if anyone claims to be of aryan heritage, that plonker has hitler inside him and is a closet nazi.

Black? You're funny.

Xenophon describes the Ethiopians as black, and the Persian troops as white compared to the sun-tanned skin of Greek troops. Herodotus also describes the Scythian Budini as having deep blue eyes and bright red hair.

Both Persians and Scythians belong to the Iranic (Aryan) race.
Arabs are not Aryans, Almost every great civilization and religion was created by Semitic people. At least Semitic people can trace their ancestors back to Ibrahim, but Aryans!?! what the **** does that mean? Pale skin? In fact there is no Aryan gene.
The west has advance only because of us Arabs in Andalusia, we created the European Renascence, and the Greek and Persian civilization was a result of Babylonia(Semitic People). Also, Samur is the FIRST Civilization in THE WORLD(Semitic). Thank God I wasn't born Aryan I would have been very embarrassed.

Nothing to be ashamed of, Arabs like others in the region and beyond have intermingled with other groups and ethnicities, there were white Arabs as well as darker Arabs, even black Arabs, they certainly had something to do with Semitism and Aryanism, since the Arabs descend from Abraham and were mixed with others .
But even the word Ar ab points some how to Ar yan or AR something.
Because if you look on the genetics in those Arab countries the most founded haplogroup are the semitic J1 and J2, which the J1 is the Arab marker. Also a lot of African E1B1B and T haplogroup in all Arab countries.. No 'Aryan' heritage.

Black? You're funny.

Both Persians and Scythians belong to the Iranic (Aryan) race.

Why not? no concrete proof they weren't.
Arabs are not Aryans, Almost every great civilization and religion was created by Semitic people. At least Semitic people can trace their ancestors back to Ibrahim, but Aryans!?! what the **** does that mean? Pale skin? In fact there is no Aryan gene.
The west has advance only because of us Arabs in Andalusia, we created the European Renascence, and the Greek and Persian civilization was a result of Babylonia(Semitic People). Also, Samur is the FIRST Civilization in THE WORLD(Semitic). Thank God I wasn't born Aryan I would have been very embarrassed.

Nothing to be ashamed of, Arabs like others in the region and beyond have intermingled with other groups and ethnicities, there were white Arabs as well as darker Arabs, even black Arabs, they certainly had something to do with Semitism and Aryanism, since the Arabs descend from Abraham and were mixed with others .
But even the word Ar ab points some how to Ar yan.

Arabs dont descend of Aryans. There is no genetic, cultural or linguistic proof for that. While if you look at countries as Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North-India, you see a lot of similarities in all aspects. There is no anthropologic that support you bizarre and stupid statement and If you are certain of it, post your theory on this forum:

ForumBiodiversity.com » Anthropology Biodiversity Forum (ABF)

I will watch how people will only laugh.

Why not? no concrete proof they weren't.

There are. All of the Aryan groups were light-skinned, ranging from blue tot black eyes and from blond, back to red hair. Non of the groups were black.

Do you Arabs know how Hitler once portrayed the Arabs? Well, like this:

“lacquered half-apes who ought to be whipped”
Arabs dont descend of Aryans. There is no genetic, cultural or linguistic proof for that. While if you look at countries as Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North-India, you see a lot of similarities in all aspects. There is no anthropologic that support you bizarre and stupid statement and If you are certain of it, post your theory on this forum:

ForumBiodiversity.com » Anthropology Biodiversity Forum (ABF)

I will watch how people will only laugh.

There are. All of the Aryan groups were light-skinned, ranging from blue tot black eyes and from blond, back to red hair. Non of the groups were black.

Do you Arabs know how Hitler once portrayed the Arabs? Well, like this:

they all descended from black africa.
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