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What? Look on the difference between the nose, shape of the face, skin-colour, eyes, cheek, etc.

Very subtle. Not something a normal person would notice, unless you are an race/anthropology enthusiast, which am guessing you are.
Well, you're so stupid Bangladeshi that I put you on the ignore list. I don't talk with people who have the IQ of a walnut.

So far you have posted pictures of random dudes, a graph showing Iranians are similar to white folks and a dead chick buried in china. Seems like you been visiting the cafes of Amsterdam a lot.
Very subtle. Not something a normal person would notice, unless you are an race/anthropology enthusiast, which am guessing you are.

You're guessing is right and even a normal person could spot the differences if they walked together on some street. Well, a lot of researchers been done on Iranians:

Iranid race (also Irano-Afghan or Iranian race was a term used in scientific racism for the populations native to the Iranian plateau. The Iranid type was classified as belonging to the greater Caucasian race, and was variously associated with either the Nordic or the Mediterranean subtypes, depending on the authority consulted.

Carleton S. Coon in his The Races of Europe classifies the Indo-Afghans and Irano-Afghans as Nordic, describing them as being long-faced, high-headed and nose-hooked. Bertil Lundman by contrast postulates an "Iranid" subtype of his "Eastern Mediterranean" race. Earnest Hooton in 1946 describes the "Iranian Plateau type" as distinct from the Atlanto-Mediterranean one,
particularly in its long, high-bridged, and boldly jutting nasal promontory. It has the same huge dolichocephalic head and massive, usually long face.The great nose may be either straight or convex, more often the latter.

According to Renato Biasutti the type was defined by:

Brunet-white color, very dark hair and eyes, abundant pilosity; medium stature (165), slim body; very long (74) and high head with prominent occiput; long face; large and high nose with root at the level of the forehead, straight or convex spine, strongly curved nostrils (64); full lips, robust chin.

John Lawrence Angel following Coon in 1971 discusses a "Nordic-Iranian type" in the following terms:

D1 lies between Anglo-Saxon and Keltic area norms, and D2 is the earlier pre-Bronze Age Corded form which Coon identifies. Type D3, lighter and more hawk-nosed, is transitional to the Mediterranean type B4 and to type D4 (Iranian), which is the Proto-Iranian of Vallois, Irano-Afghan of others, and Proto-Nordic of Krogman, and which is more linear and more rugged than D3 and has a more tilted chewing plane, more nasal convexity, and deeper occiput. Type D5 approximates Coon's Danubian-Halstatt and successor Central European forms.

Iranid race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arabs are not Aryans, Almost every great civilization and religion was created by Semitic people. At least Semitic people can trace their ancestors back to Ibrahim, but Aryans!?! what the **** does that mean? Pale skin? In fact there is no Aryan gene.
The west has advance only because of us Arabs in Andalusia, we created the European Renascence, and the Greek and Persian civilization was a result of Babylonia(Semitic People). Also, Samur is the FIRST Civilization in THE WORLD(Semitic). Thank God I wasn't born Aryan I would have been very embarrassed.

LOL, ALL Arab names.:woot:

Arabs dont descend of Aryans. There is no genetic, cultural or linguistic proof for that. While if you look at countries as Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North-India, you see a lot of similarities in all aspects. There is no anthropologic that support you bizarre and stupid statement and If you are certain of it, post your theory on this forum:

ForumBiodiversity.com » Anthropology Biodiversity Forum (ABF)

I will watch how people will only laugh.

There are. All of the Aryan groups were light-skinned, ranging from blue tot black eyes and from blond, back to red hair. Non of the groups were black.

Do you Arabs know how Hitler once portrayed the Arabs? Well, like this:

Can you answer this, or you are too stupid to understand: here are the facts not theory, but you are blinded by ignorance.

The word Ar ab points some how to Ar yan.
Or Ar able lands = fertile lands = fertile crescent.
re too stupid to understand: here are the facts not theory, but you are blinded by ignorance.

The word Ar ab points some how to Ar yan.
Or Ar able lands = fertile lands = fertile crescent.

Haha, your whole claim is based on a similarity between two letters? No, Arab lands are not fertile crescent. That were Sumerians, Akkadians and Babylonians. They were not Arab and they never named themselves Arab.

Post a photo of yourself and then we can judge you.

lol arabs and iranians fighting on who is more aryan...epic:smitten:
this thread must be closed before these idiotic time waste persians, turks arabs, middle easterns start their usual glory stone age empire, or the brits how they enslaved us or other

who cares if persia arab etc other was stone age empire?? who cares?

the only sensible guys were chinese who doesnt care

Adaptation to natural surroundings.
If there was any evolution in human History you won't see this war of words going on in this thread or Wars in general!
Adaptation to natural surroundings.
If there was any evolution in human History you won't see this war of words going on in this thread or Wars in general!

Economic interests are the cause of wars. If we didn't have any race, color or religion, we'd find a different reason to make war.
You're guessing is right and even a normal person could spot the differences if they walked together on some street. Well, a lot of researchers been done on Iranians:

I have read about all those research, but i bump into Middle Eastern looking or North Indian/Pakistanis Iranians more often than say Nordic looking Iranians.



Look at the these three for example. Pretty random selection yeah? One with glasses looks Indian, the bald one looks Arab, the other one could pass for Indian/Pakistani.

Thing is most of the "brown" people would look white if they had pale skin. Look at Arab Albinos or Indian Albinos. They look nordic.

Look at this Albino Indian Family. Should they go around claiming to be Nordic. There might be some similarity in DNA, heck Humans and chimpanzees have like 98% similar DNA's.


Be proud of who you are. If there are two races living right next to each other for centuries there has to be mixing between the two races.
I have read about all those research, but i bump into Middle Eastern looking or North Indian/Pakistanis Iranians more often than say Nordic looking Iranians.



Look at the these three for example. Pretty random selection yeah? One with glasses looks Indian, the bald one looks Arab, the other one could pass for Indian/Pakistani.

Thing is most of the "brown" people would look white if they had pale skin. Look at Arab Albinos or Indian Albinos. They look nordic.

Look at this Albino Indian Family. Should they go around claiming to be Nordic. There might be some similarity in DNA, heck Humans and chimpanzees have like 98% similar DNA's.


Be proud of who you are. If there are two races living right next to each other for centuries there has to be mixing between the two races.

Roy you had to post the gayest 3 blokes on the internet:woot:
Arab suffer from a Psychological defeat that dates back to the Mongol Invasion, the Losses of the Arab Israeli war, the loss of the Iran-Iraq war and the Iraq war. Mongols destroyed the Arabs.

However there is no Persian empire anymore destroyed by the Arabs, Iran military today is weaker then it was during pre 1979 Ira.

All Empires fall is the final story.

Judging from the picture you choose to depict yourself (Charles Manson), no one can doubt your white supremacist statements.

Charles Manson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Economic interests are the cause of wars. If we didn't have any race, color or religion, we'd find a different reason to make war.

It doesn't apply in this forum, so it won't apply in real life.
You should try , the animal instinct.
this thread must be closed before these idiotic time waste persians, turks arabs, middle easterns start their usual glory stone age empire, or the brits how they enslaved us or other

who cares if persia arab etc other was stone age empire?? who cares?

the only sensible guys were chinese who doesnt care

Coming from a stone age empire we can all understand your concern.
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