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Strongest Empires by timeline

I think that when it comes on culturally the strongest empire, the Romans are indeed at number one. Military I think not. I think military the US is from 1990 the strongest country the world has ever seen.

Here's my counter argument, yes US military after WW II became a super power, but so did the Soviet Union. During Rome's thousand year rule they were the most formidable super power of the greater part of their longevity. I understand there were other factions, raids, rise of Islam, and nearby empire, but nonetheless Rome (both Western and Eastern Empires/Byzantine) were supreme for the greater part of their league.

So you have to look at it comparatively, though US military strength is the greatest in the world today just a few decades ago it's power was on par relative to the Soviet Union. This is why you used the 1990 date because Soviet Union had collapsed by then. I think overall Rome economically, architecturally, culturally, artistically, militarily, territorially, linguistically, technologically, and many other factors overall is the supreme and greatest Empire the world has ever seen.

The United States is arguably a contender, though because Rome's longevity and the foundation it has laid for many other modern nations including the US I have to select it as number one. Besides, US even name's it's senior legislative chamber the Senate (a Roman concept), Capitol Hill (Roman concept), so even the United States is largely influenced by the Roman Empire's legacy.
Here's my counter argument, yes US military after WW II became a super power, but so did the Soviet Union.

You're right, but thats also why I say after 1990. After the fall of the Sovjet Union the US was definitely the strongest entity the world had seen. They give more money to their defense than all the countries in the world together. They have the biggest military infrastructure the world have ever seen. They can hit quick and everywhere in the world they want. No other country have so many military bases spread around the world. Their (short) supply lines is also what the US make the strongest entity ever and of course their technology advance.

During Rome's thousand year rule they were the most formidable super power of the greater part of their longevity.

Yes and no. They couldn't defeat the Sassanid or the Parthians in the east.

So you have to look at it comparatively, though US military strength is the greatest in the world today just a few decades ago it's power was on par relative to the Soviet Union. This is why you used the 1990 date because Soviet Union had collapsed by then. I think overall Rome economically, architecturally, culturally, artistically, militarily, territorially, linguistically, technologically, and many other factors overall is the supreme and greatest Empire the world has ever seen.

Yeah, culturally definitely, military not. But we must also remember that the Romans were majorly influenced - architecturally, culturally and technologically - by the Greeks. But I think the Roman empire is the second most strongest empire. And we have to remember also the American western cultural influence in the world.
but we also gotta remember that now its a globalized world thats why US has all this influence and strength in my opinion
You're right, but thats also why I say after 1990. After the fall of the Sovjet Union the US was definitely the strongest entity the world had seen. They give more money to their defense than all the countries in the world together. They have the biggest military infrastructure the world have ever seen. They can hit quick and everywhere in the world they want. No other country have so many military bases spread around the world. Their (short) supply lines is also what the US make the strongest entity ever and of course their technology advance.

Yes and no. They couldn't defeat the Sassanid or the Parthians in the east.

Yeah, culturally definitely, military not. But we must also remember that the Romans were majorly influenced - architecturally, culturally and technologically - by the Greeks. But I think the Roman empire is the second most strongest empire. And we have to remember also the American western cultural influence in the world.

I respect your opinion believe me I understand why many people would pick US.

The United States has done something unprecedented in world history. They have developed the largest amount of mass land to modern level. The United States is the combined strength of 50 states, many of these states alone would be wealthy nations by themselves and far stronger than many nations in the world today.

They have developed thousands of modern cities across the continental US. It's very overwhelming. In that sense I am proud for this country.
I respect your opinion believe me I understand why many people would pick US.

The United States has done something unprecedented in world history. They have developed the largest amount of mass land to modern level. The United States is the combined strength of 50 states, many of these states alone would be wealthy nations by themselves and far stronger than many nations in the world today.

They have developed thousands of modern cities across the continental US. It's very overwhelming. In that sense I am proud for this country.

Exactly, and they even helped rebuilding Europe after WW2 with their Marshall Plan.

Do you know what I'm gonna give you? A quote from a respected man:

- Joseph. A. Schumpeter.

I'm waiting for such quotes to Arabs from respected figures. You can go search now!

Lets be precise. What does it mean to be a Persian, is it an ethnic classification or does it mean anyone who speak the Persian language. If there is an ethnicity called Persian, then you and the quote are wrong, since even half of Iran now are not considered "Persian".
If its a lingual classification then ALL of the scientists...., spoke Arabic and used Arabic in their books, so these contributions should be given to Arabs, because unlike you insecure racists European wannabees, we Arabs identify with a language, not race. At the birth of Islam we were just an ethnicity but now we encompass a group of ethnicities.
In fact if you want to look how much influence we have on you "Persians" what ever that means, you can listen to any Persian talking, when I do that, I understand a word or two in every sentence, because its ARABIC.
I asked you a simple question to clarify your stance, and you immediately start throwing insults? Is this the so-called Persian intellectual might? Should I be jealous of an empire long gone?:lol:

Again, the figure of 40 to 50 percent of the world population housing the Persian empire from Wikipedia is highly unlikely. At that time ancient India and China (around 30 million) also had major population centers, Europe in 400 BC had a population of an estimate of 20 million. Above that, even other figures taken from Wikipedia point to a population of the Achaemenid empire as low as 10 million. The claim that 44% of the world population was located in the Persian empire around 600 BC is unfounded.

I am not jealous. The difference between you and me is I critically examine the data, while you on the other hand blindly accept Wikipedia as a credible source, which could have been edited by anyone. When you can't back up your findings, you start calling names.

I dont blindly follow anything.
I cant prove it to you. there are many evidence in Iran but try searchng anything on Iran on internet and you get nothing.
I find it hard to get oicture of my own home town from Iran.
Thank you for that quote! You're so blind to see that that quote exactly shows the greatness of Iranian contribution/science. You thought you had me? :rofl:
Finally, a Persian agreeing that Shia religion is not the religion of the ARAB Mohammed and that you invented you own religion thats a mix between Islam and fire worshiping.
Thank you

You just look at this!
Ajam means Persians and non Persians, for the thousends time, the Arabs used to call everyone living east of Iraq(Iran and stan-countries) Persians, but actually most were not.
Arab Aryans?


Arabs are not Aryans, Almost every great civilization and religion was created by Semitic people. At least Semitic people can trace their ancestors back to Ibrahim, but Aryans!?! what the **** does that mean? Pale skin? In fact there is no Aryan gene.
The west has advance only because of us Arabs in Andalusia, we created the European Renascence, and the Greek and Persian civilization was a result of Babylonia(Semitic People). Also, Samur is the FIRST Civilization in THE WORLD(Semitic). Thank God I wasn't born Aryan I would have been very embarrassed.

LOL, ALL Arab names.:woot:
persia was the first super power on this planet, and under its reign under darius and cyrus it had almost 40-50% of the worlds population under it. it was a very tolerant empire. unlike others we did not force people to follow our zoroastrian religion.

christrians and islam simply took so much from zoroastrian but they will never admit it.
the idea of a single god came from zorastrian, same with hell and heaven and devil.

persian was undoubtly one the greatest empires ever, even with the west today trying to downgrade it so much, we still see it as a great empire.

That is true to a certain extent, Persia took that from Sumur and Babylonia and the first monotheistic religion goes back to the Egyptian civilisation thousands of years before Persia.

Monotheism in Ancient Egypt

Monotheism was known in very early times. The Egyptian Book of the Dead demonstrates that the Egyptian people originally believed in one great God and not many. With the passage of time, each of the known attributes of the true God were personified as new and individual deities - and so, polytheism developed.

That view is well documented by the famous Egyptologist, Sir Wallis Budge, in his best-known text, The Book of the Dead. Following are statements from the Book of the Dead as to the attributes of the true God, selected from The Papyrus of Ani:

"A Hymn To Amen-Ra ... president of all the gods ... Lord of the heavens ... Lord of Truth ... maker of men; creator of beasts ... Ra, whose word is truth, the Governor of the world, the mighty one of valour, the chiefs who made the world as he made himself. His forms are more numerous than those of any god ... "Adoration be to thee, O Maker of the Gods, who hast stretched out the heavens and founded the earth! ... Lord of eternity, maker of the everlastingness ... creator of light ... He heareth the prayer of the oppressed one, he is kind of heart to him that calleth upon him, he delivereth the timid man from the oppressor ... He is the Lord of knowledge, and Wisdom is the utterance of his mouth. "He maketh the green herb whereon the cattle live, and the staff of life whereon men live. He maketh the fish to live in the rivers, and the feathered fowl in the sky. He giveth life to that which is in the egg ... "Hail to thee, O thou maker of all these things, thou ONLY ONE. In his mightiness he taketh many forms."

Wallis Budge states: "After reading the above extracts it is impossible not to conclude that the ideas of the ancient Egyptians about God were of a very exalted character, and it is clear that they made in their minds a sharp distinction between God and the "gods" ... Here then we have One God who was self-created, self-existent and almighty, who created the universe."

Other scholars have endorsed the arguments of Sir Wallis Budge, and he himself quotes others. One example is: "As a result of their studies of Egyptian texts, many of the earlier Egyptologists, e.g. Champollion-Figeac, de Rouge, Pierret and Brugsch, came to the conclusion that the dwellers in the Nile Valley, from the earliest times, believed in the existence of one God, nameless, incomprehensible, and eternal." (p.105)

Sir Flinders Petrie, the famous Egyptologist, had the same belief. In The Religion of Ancient Egypt, published by Constable, London, 1908, he wrote:

"Were the conception of a god only an evolution from such spirit worship, we should find the worship of many gods preceding the worship of one god ... What we actually find is the contrary of this, monotheism is the first stage traceable in theology ... Wherever we can trace polytheism back to its earliest stages, we find that it results from combinations of monotheism. … Each city appears to have had but one god belonging to it, to whom others were in time added. Similarly, Babylonian cities each had their supreme god, and the combinations of these and their transformations in order to form them into groups when their homes were politically united, show how essentially they were solitary deities at first."

The Concept of Monotheism Since Ancient Times

Neo-Assyrian Empire

The religion of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, 911 BC-608 BC, sometimes called Ashurism by Assyrians today, centered around the god Assur, patron deity of the city of Assur, besides Ishtar patroness of Nineveh. Gods such as Sin, Shamash, Nisroch, Adad (Hadad), Enlil, Shulman, Dagan, Tammuz and Ninurta were also important in the Assyrian pantheon. The Assyrians adopted Eastern Rite Christianity during the course of the 1st to the 4th centuries AD (which they still retain) and the religion died out, although there is some evidence to suggest that it survived in isolated pockets well into the late Middle Ages in northern Mesopotamia/Assyria, particularly around Ashur and Harran.

The people of Mesopotamia were polytheistic Sumerian and Akkadian religions into henotheism, a religion based on the worship of one supreme god, but recognizing the existence of others. This was represented through the gradual takeover by Ashur of the roles of other gods, and this process runs parallel with the expansionist policies of the Assyrian Empire.[6] As the Assyrians extended their domain over other lands, they considered it important that the local peoples acknowledge the Assyrian king as the king of their lands as well. However, kingship at the time was linked very closely with the idea of divine mandate.[7] The Assyrian king, whilst not being a god himself, was acknowledged as the chief servant of the chief god, Ashur. In this manner, the king's authority was seen as absolute so long as the high priest reassured the peoples that the gods, or in the case of the henotheistic Assyrians, the God, was pleased with the current ruler.[7] For the Assyrians who lived in Assur and the surrounding lands, this system was the norm. For the conquered peoples, however, it was novel, particularly to the people of smaller city-states. In time, Assur was promoted from being the local deity of Assur to the overlord of the vast Assyrian domain,[7] with worship being conducted in his name throughout the lands of the Assyrians. With the worship of Assur across much of the Fertile Crescent, the Assyrian king could command the loyalty of his fellow servants of Assur.

Ashur, the patron deity of the city of Assur from the Late Bronze Age, was in constant rivalry with the patron deity of Babylon, Marduk.

Everybody is jealous! The Arabs claim due to her non-scientifically background Persians like Ibn Sina and the same counts for the Turks which some of them claim Khwarezmi was a Turk. How pathetic. Everybody want a tiny part of the great Persian history. Nietzsche, the greatest philosopher ever:
Haven't you noticed its that you Persians are the common denominator of race wars in PDF.
the SC, what do you mean thousands of year before persia?

Zoroastrianism dates back to 2-3000 BCE. there was not much written civilization before that time.
this was the dawn of civilization.

have you heard of elam and jifort? we have much more civilization before cyrus the great created persis or persia.
pleas atleast try and find some info on Iran before saying such thing.
Arab suffer from a Psychological defeat that dates back to the Mongol Invasion, the Losses of the Arab Israeli war, the loss of the Iran-Iraq war and the Iraq war. Mongols destroyed the Arabs.
The United States is indeed the greatest empire in modern timeline. Few people know that the USSR would collapse as soon as it came to power in 1917-20, had the United States not sent 700,000 tonnes of humanitarian food aid just after the revolution.
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