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Strikes on Pakistan can create nuclear holocaust: Feroz Khan

Dear the main reasons India is not retaliating is because MMS has been advised that India should not retaliate so that the war between Jihadists & Pak Army continues:

@karan.1970 @Roybot @kurup @kaykay @OrionHunter @Contrarian

That's true. Attacking Pakistan at this time, when it is imploding by itself is the biggest favor India can do for its Western neighbor as that will unite all the divisive forces within Pakistan against the single external enemy. Why else do you think PA is hell bent on provoking IA by these daily violations and other shenanigans..
Let's face reality. There is going to be NO full scale war between India and Pakistan. The days of conventional warfare are over. Even to think about a nuclear war is preposterous. The weapon systems being procured is largely for deterrent purposes. Nukes come under the concept of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). In other words, the center point is DETERRENCE.

The new paradigm in warfare between adversaries armed with nukes, is unconventional warfare, ie low intensity conflict or LICO. This is war by proxy using unconventional methodologies like insurgency and terrorism, graduating to guerrilla warfare in later stages.

This is what is happening at present. Pakistan has been actively supporting insurgency by using terror proxies like the LeT and JeM etc to 'bleed India with a thousand cuts', a doctrine initiated by Zia ul Haq. India has realised the futility of a conventional response and so probably has now started paying back Pakistan with the same coin.

Though it's unlikely that India is supporting Baloch insurgency as an unconventional riposte to Pakistan's proxy war against India, it cannot be altogether ruled out, though there is no proof to show that this is so.

In a nutshell, the only option for India now is to go all out to support anti-Pakistan groups that are part of the Bloch freedom movement and probably the TTP too. India can follow Zia's doctrine to bleed Pakistan with a thousand cuts too, without the use of conventional means. In addition, this has huge economic advantages in contrast to fighting a conventional war.

Bleed the adversary to death by means unconventional. That should be the new Indian mantra where Pakistan is concerned.
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It would be stupidity of Pakistani magnitude for India to attack Pakistan.

Pakistan is dying and changing from the inside. Any Indian attack would compromise the slow but inevitable logical conclusion of this process.

hazron khuwaishain aisee ....
100 nukes , 2 per city , 5 hours ... thats all its gonna take to wipe off india from the face of the earth

Ok lets just talk about 50 warheads get past Indian BMD , yeild= not much just 50 kt.
What will be it's effects on 50 largest Indian cities? (i don't want to give spoilers as I am making a detailed report about it) but things look pretty messed up for India here.
I mean area covered by 1 Rad/h Fallout is 2800 kmsq for each detonation.
How many of you people know the biological effects of such a Dose? :)
Nobody should be in any delusion about the effects of a Nuclear exchange, if it ever happens

You forgot to look at your own country's size!! :) If 50 is good enough for India, then 12 should be sufficient for Pakistan? Chalo let's make it 15 for our brothers, :D now what your analysis say; can we deliver 15 before you are finished with 50?

Tips: Apart from missiles, we have bigger and better jets, that too in higher numbers, and subs capable of delivering nukes. :)
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It is impossible to replace security paradigm with liberal settlement due to extremist mentality which mainly consist of aggression and hatered as key factors.
At the same time,we have experienced the lack of trust between the representatives of both countries and their counterparts ie policy makers due to past wars fought and 1971 catastrophe.
The only factor which is preventing both countries from huge battles is nuclear technology and it's after effects,however LOC tensions are continuously increasing.
Besides border tensions, both countries are accusing each other for insurgencies and proxy wars as well as media warfare is at it's peak.
So,inorder to ease tensions,Pakistan and India must make strict policies over media warmongering and sort out ways to control it.
Furthermore,we must work on to resolve tensions over Pak-India border.
We need to work on similar interest such as trading etc.
Although such attempts can ease tensions but it is impossible to change mentality of considering each other as a threat.

First let IA clear all muslim mujahiddeen filth in Kashmir then we will think about attacking Pakistan.
You forgot to look at your own country's size!! :) If 50 is good enough for India, then 12 should be sufficient for Pakistan? Chalo let's make it 15 for our brothers, :D now what your analysis say; can we deliver 15 before you are finished with 50?
  • you do understand that we have a first strike policy?
  • according to many sources most of our Nuclear warheads will be delivered by BM and you know when a Bm is launched it reaches the upper layers of the atmosphere within seconds , so even if you Nuke the launch site i.e. SILO or TEL , there is no stopping the missile , unless it enters the engagement envelope of the BMD (another discussion, whether or how much your BMD is effective that too in the case of an all out Nuclear barrage and Stealthy Cruise missiles)
    Yes, there is huge possibility that we will be able to deliver a lethal blow first
Tips: Apart from missiles, we have bigger and better jets, that too in higher numbers, and subs capable of delivering nukes. :)
Planes can be shot down anytime i.e. On the airfield, or anytime in it's flight path which is not in the case of BMs which are vunreble only when they are in BMD engagement envelope.
Many sources claim that even our Agostas can launch Nuke tipped Babur .
Btw if you are thinking of strikes on TELs and Silos then you must know that An attack on a nuclear installation has also been posited as a
threshold. According to PAF, this level of threshold also
included the chemical or biological weapons attack against Pakistan, would also
respond to massive retaliation. ;)
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100 nukes , 2 per city , 5 hours ... thats all its gonna take to wipe off india from the face of the earth
IF we are able to deliver that many warheads,
Can we deliver 100+ nuclear warheads in Indian territory ?
Can we deliver enough to destroy enough Infrastructure to a point where the Indian state ceases to function
Yes, even 50 are enough
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IF we are able to deliver that many warheads,
Can we deliver 100+ nuclear warheads in Indian territory ?
Can we deliver enough to destroy enough Infrastructure to a point where the Indian state ceases to function
Yes, even 50 are enough

Hello Alpha,

Since you seem to be an intelligent guy among all I have a question for you.

Bro do you think we will deliver 50 or 100 nukes and India wont retaliate ? If I am not wrong they have the capability to fire nuclear tipped missile from Sea as well and they are not that stupid that they have not considered it since we have the first use policy. don't you think it will be a suicidal mission ?

From the posts of the people it looks like that we will wipe out from the face of the earth and Pakistan will survive and we wont have any effect of that.
Hello Alpha,

Since you seem to be an intelligent guy among all I have a question for you.

Bro do you think we will deliver 50 or 100 nukes and India wont retaliate ?
yes India will
If I am not wrong they have the capability to fire nuclear tipped missile from Sea as well
Yes, they do have Sea based detterent (ensures Second strike capability)
fyi according to some sources our Agosta 90b s Can launch Nuclear tipped Babur cruise missiles
and they are not that stupid that they have not considered it since we have the first use policy. don't you think it will be a suicidal mission ?
yes .Most likely , Incase of such a large scale nuclear exchange.
Although many argue that If we use TNWs (tactical nuclear weapons) example:
the NASR missile which has a sub kiloton yeild on Indian armoured advance in our territory, India will not retaliate massively with Nukes (contrary to it's policy) because it will not risk millions of lives (that will result incase of a full scale nuclear exchange) for some armoured formations.
From the posts of the people it looks like that we will wipe out from the face of the earth and Pakistan will survive and we wont have any effect of that.
Those who think that are completely delusional.
If you ask me, An Indo-pak war is highly unlikely
yes India will
Yes, they do have Sea based detterent (ensures Second strike capability)
fyi according to some sources our Agosta 90b s Can launch Nuclear tipped Babur cruise missiles
yes .Most likely , Incase of such a large scale nuclear exchange.
Although many argue that If we use TNWs (tactical nuclear weapons) example:
the NASR missile which has a sub kiloton yeild on Indian armoured advance in our territory, India will not retaliate massively with Nukes (contrary to it's policy)
because it will not risk millions of lives (that will result incase of a full scale nuclear exchange) for some armoured formations.
Those who think that are completely delusional.
If you ask me, An Indo-pak war is highly unlikely

I agree with you that War is not going to happen.Don't know how can we assume that India will not retaliate if we will use NASR missile because as per their doctrine they have clearly mentioned it that if any kind of nuclear weapon will be launched on their country or on their force then they will retaliate with nukes.People think that we can use NASR and then assume that India wont do anything because they are the one who will not risk their people lives but we are ready to take that risk :D...
I agree with you that War is not going to happen.Don't know how can we assume that India will not retaliate if we will use NASR missile because as per their doctrine they have clearly mentioned it that if any kind of nuclear weapon will be launched on their country or on their force then they will retaliate with nukes.People think that we can use NASR and then assume that India wont do anything because they are the one who will not risk their people lives but we are ready to take that risk :D...
The argument is that New Delhi will not risk a full scale nuclear war for a few armoured formations and therefore will not retaliate massively if we use mini-nukes in our territory or against pure military targets in a desert terrain in their territory to minimise fallout and collateral damage.
We realy don't know how India will react, Whether it will act according to it's policy or our TNW advocates.
We can merely speculate.
You know during the Cold war EU deployed a wide range of tactical nuclear weapons because they knew they cannot match Warsaw pact armies conventionaly.
Pakistan also built tactical nukes to compensate conventional inferiority ( it should be noted that TNWs are planned to be used incase it becomes clear that we can't stop an advance in a certain sector conventionaly)
Some argue that the effects of tactical and strategic nukes will be indistinguishable which is quite true incase of heavily populate areas as in punjab.
And less true incase of desert areas in sindh region.
We can merely speculate.
Most likely concievable role of TNW i see is in the southern desert theater where fallout etc of a sub kiloton detonation is more likely contained.. And might not intimidate the Indians into launching a massive retaliatory strike
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