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Strikes on Pakistan can create nuclear holocaust: Feroz Khan

The argument is that New Delhi will not risk a full scale nuclear war for a few armoured formations and therefore will not retaliate massively if we use mini-nukes in our territory or against pure military targets in a desert terrain in their territory to minimise fallout and collateral damage.
We realy don't know how India will react, Whether it will act according to it's policy or our TNW advocates.
We can merely speculate.
You know during the Cold war EU deployed a wide range of tactical nuclear weapons because they knew they cannot match Warsaw pact armies conventionaly.
Pakistan also built tactical nukes to compensate conventional inferiority ( it should be noted that TNWs will be used incase it becomes clear that we can't stop an advance in a certain sector conventionaly)
Some argue that the effects of tactical and strategic nukes will be indistinguishable which is quite true incase of heavily populate areas as in punjab.
And less true incase of desert areas in sindh region.
We can merely speculate.
Most likely concievable role of TNW i see is in the southern desert theater where fallout etc of a sub kiloton detonation is more likely contained.. And might not intimidate the Indians into launching a massive retaliatory strike

Thanks for answering bro but it does not sound intelligent to me. It is pure speculation. If we use mini nukes as you say on enemies soldiers in our territory then there will be hell lot of hue and cry both from India & 'international community. We cannot start nuking their cities after nuking their soldiers.We will have to wait and see their reaction. In case that ts again a speculation India launched 50-100 nukes at the same time, what we gonna do ? or will be stay alive to launch our missiles.
Thanks for answering bro but it does not sound intelligent to me. It is pure speculation. If we use mini nukes as you say on enemies soldiers in our territory then there will be hell lot of hue and cry both from India & 'international community. We cannot start nuking their cities after nuking their soldiers.We will have to wait and see their reaction. In case that ts again a speculation India launched 50-100 nukes at the same time, what we gonna do ? or will be stay alive to launch our missiles.
All speculation , anything can happen. What if India doen't? Because again the argument comes that India will not risk millions of lives for a thousand plus troops. And yes pakistan will have to wait to check the response,
but I think our strategic forces will be ready to retaliate massively if they do the same.. Unless our delivery platforms are destroyed before we strike.
I am not a big fan of TNWs either.
I don't even think war will happen in the 1st place :)
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Yes. Prelude to 1971 started and we cut pak into two halves. :D

Hmmm! Wasnt India cut into many pieces after 1947? Pakistan, then Azad Kashmir, then Gilgit and Baltistan and then Bangladesh. Seems to me that since 1947 India is becoming smalller and smaller. And now North_East India will break up next.

So much for Akhund Bharat myth. And I was worried that india might foolishly think about getting all its lost lands back. Not going to happen. indians are just happy with what remains of india now.

Did that Sista,The fallout from the Indian strike on Pakistan will effect "parts of Northern India" in the worst wind conditions for India.I dont think you can speak in terms of "Northern,eastern etc Pakistan" terms because of the sheer size or the lack of it and the lack of width.
You see,size does matter.
really ? ok lets do some geography then
in an india-pakistan case the size difference is only 3.6 times, India is not even 4 times but only 3.6 times larger then Pakistan
Pakistan plus Pakistan control Kashmir combined with out siachin is 338,000 sq mi ,while India plus Indian control Kashmir including siachin combined is 1,241,000 sq mi
now divide
Pakistan's 3 lakh's 38 hazar sq mi with India's 12 lakh 41 hazar sq mi
& you get 3.6, which mean if it take for example 20 nukes to wipe of Pakistan then just say multiply 20 by 3.6 will come to 72 ,so it will take 72 nukes to wipe of India, so you see my dear, Size unfortunately in India's case is not that much of a matter either

some reality check : in geographic term India comes under the category of Argentina, Algeria, Kazakhstan, its no where near those 3 million plus sq mi countries like U.S, China, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Russia but 1,241,000 sq mi country like Argentina's 1,073,000 sq mi , Kazakhstan, 1,053,000 sq mi

while Pakistan @ 338,000 sq mi comes under the category of ,turkey, 302,000 sq mi, Namibia, 318,252 sq mi, , Egypt 390,500 sq mi , Venezuela 352,140 sq mi


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Nukes are getting obsolete with every passing year because of progress in air defence systems. In the next 10-15 years, even Sri Lanka will not fear nukes.

Again, we know pak's worth. :D

No country on the planet can secure its soil against BM/CM etc., there will always remain a risk of any singular warhead getting through. As the BMD's mature, the BM's evolve. And this game of cat and mouse will continue. And I wonder how efficient any Indian BMD would be against a Nuclear Blast 100-150 km's above it's cities.

MIRV, stealth and terminal phase maneuvers are all evolutions in the face of growing BMD threats and that too when no BMD can boast 100% success.
Pakistan has no preparation against any nuclear retaliation from India unlike India's Ballistic missile defence. We may face some destruction but nothing will survive in Pakistan.

That's is what you may think. Our acquisitions are not over hyped, they are rather silent ...... to spring surprises. I can state quite emphatically that neither country, not even the mighty India, would survive a Nuclear war. Annihilation will be absolute, atleast from this end, what may matter then is the fact how strongly India can respond from it's sea based assets.
Indian has area and population to sustain any nuclear attack, but pakistan will be history then...

And the country is already producing so many deformed retards that nobody in the world would even know the difference! There goes our Nuclear plan, down the drain!

Ah, back to the drawing board then.
That's is what you may think. Our acquisitions are not over hyped, they are rather silent ...... to spring surprises. I can state quite emphatically that neither country, not even the mighty India, would survive a Nuclear war. Annihilation will be absolute, atleast from this end, what may matter then is the fact how strongly India can respond from it's sea based assets.

India will be affected little but Pakistan will completely destroyed. Most of the things are in India's favour like land area and distance, missile defence system etc.
Although many argue that If we use TNWs (tactical nuclear weapons) example:
the NASR missile which has a sub kiloton yeild on Indian armoured advance in our territory, India will not retaliate massively with Nukes (contrary to it's policy) because it will not risk millions of lives (that will result incase of a full scale nuclear exchange) for some armoured formations.
Those who think that are completely delusional.
If you ask me, An Indo-pak war is highly unlikely

All speculation , anything can happen. What if India doen't? Because again the argument comes that India will not risk millions of lives for a thousand plus troops. And yes pakistan will have to wait to check the response,
Shows an surprising inclination to suspend rational thinking for belief and hope. What would Pakistan gain by using a tactical nuke? The minimum response from India, even if one disregards the threat of massive retaliation, will be to target Pakistani military installations and formations for similar treatment. How does that put Pakistan in a better place? A tit for tat response would degrade Pakistani capabilities very quickly while still allowing India to hold much more in reserve. Alternatively, Pakistan will be risking opening up(and giving excuse for) the option for India to retaliate across the board. A massive Indian strike will always carry the risk that Pakistan's own nukes & delivery systems will be badly damaged and any leftover delivery systens run the risk of being picked off by ABM's.(Doesn't matter whether this is probable, matters that it is possible). Would Pakistan risk its nation on Indian goodwill (of not responding massively) for nuke use at a stage where Pakistan's existence is not at risk yet? Would Pakistan not be, by using nukes, risking its existence far more by such an action?
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India will be affected little but Pakistan will completely destroyed. Most of the things are in India's favour like land area and distance, missile defence system etc.

We only need to take out Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana and rest of India will starve to death if not by nuclear fallout. These three states produce around 70% of India's wheat.
Typical Pakistani Army... I remember Ayub Khan's Tehrir "Hindu don't have courage to stop us"...

Lol, Nuclear holocaust. Does the author even know what is nuclear bomb.. Listen to hassan nisar on nuclear war..

He says " Suppose Pakistan has better nukes and India has inferior, There goes nuclear war, Pakistan killed 1 billion ppl in India, still India will have 20 million left, still south India will remain habitable.. What if India retaliate, what will happen to Pakistan..."
No country on the planet can secure its soil against BM/CM etc., there will always remain a risk of any singular warhead getting through. As the BMD's mature, the BM's evolve. And this game of cat and mouse will continue. And I wonder how efficient any Indian BMD would be against a Nuclear Blast 100-150 km's above it's cities.

MIRV, stealth and terminal phase maneuvers are all evolutions in the face of growing BMD threats and that too when no BMD can boast 100% success.

And Pakistan has capability to integrate MIRV in there Donkey cart missiles.. :P By 2016 almost all major cities in India will get ABM.. :P

50% success of BMD will save 50% cities :P..

Such maiive, kiddish, foolish comment, what one will achive by blasting nuke 150 Km above a city?? the radiation will reach world wide.. America will rip the a$$ of such a$$-hole nation..
And Pakistan has capability to integrate MIRV in there Donkey cart missiles.. :P By 2016 almost all major cities in India will get ABM.. :P

50% success of BMD will save 50% cities :P..

Such maiive, kiddish, foolish comment, what one will achive by blasting nuke 150 Km above a city?? the radiation will reach world wide.. America will rip the a$$ of such a$$-hole nation..
Lady Anti Missiles systems of Israel are not even able to take out most rockets of Hamas and we have one of the best Missile systems and world knows we have better system than many countries including India and by 2016 our Missiles would have become more better and dangerous so don't worry we know how to counter your funny systems by than have nice wet dreams
So basically the situation is, you are an impotent eunuch that cannot even dare use its imported drones, right?

This is all that needs to be said in reply :

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