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State Department tells Iraq it will not discuss US troop withdrawal

I feel very sad for the Iraqi people. They had the Iran-Iraq war during the 1980’s. The Gulf War and crippling sanctions throughout the 1990’s. Iraq War in the 2000’s. War against ISIS in the 2010’s. That’s 40 years of suffering.

ENOUGH. Let the people of Iraq just live their lives.

It’s time for every foreign country to permanently leave Iraq and never return again.
I feel very sad for the Iraqi people. They had the Iran-Iraq war during the 1980’s. The Gulf War and crippling sanctions throughout the 1990’s. Iraq War in the 2000’s. War against ISIS in the 2010’s. That’s 40 years of suffering.

ENOUGH. Let the people of Iraq just live their lives.

It’s time for every foreign country to permanently leave Iraq and never return again.

That's not how imperialism and colonialism work.
The initial usa excuse of kirkuk usa base bombed by pmu rocket attack smells highly suspicious of a false flag.
Who was the contractor killed. Who did it peshmerga? Or no rocket attack at all?

If this issue is investigated throughly and false flag is uncovered then enough leverage and support can be gained to send away usa troops.

trump wont be in a position to demand money or anything else from anyone since he risked both american citizens lives as well for israeli interests. He can try several more stunts during the impachment process though as impeachment process is a good excuse to label trump as a scapegoat to start another zio war and israel hide behind. Ofcourse nothing will happen to trump but some media noise and even trump afterwards can get a nobel peace prize like obama did because of creating isis.
by my calculations, the situation in Iraq will only get worse no matter what they do, there will be too much conflicts ... for such a nation democracy doesn't solve the problem, History shows Iraq is better off ruled by authoritarian regimes but not the door for tribulations has been opened and there is no going back, the future generations of iraq will suffer more, but again I could be wrong
Greeks ousted the mighty Persian empire from Greece. If you think Iraqis can't oust Americans you are sadly mistaken.

No they didnt hahahaha

It was the same Spartans that came begging before the Persians and asked to be basically puppeted. How about you read history fully not stop 3 pages in or use a Hollywood script.

Since you look up to spartans so much then let me also inform you that the only way to conceive a spartan was for the women to shave their heads, where mens clothing. To prey to one of their gods that the man finds her resembling another man so that they could conceive. I
The initial usa excuse of kirkuk usa base bombed by pmu rocket attack smells highly suspicious of a false flag.
Who was the contractor killed. Who did it peshmerga? Or no rocket attack at all?

If this issue is investigated throughly and false flag is uncovered then enough leverage and support can be gained to send away usa troops.

trump wont be in a position to demand money or anything else from anyone since he risked both american citizens lives as well for israeli interests. He can try several more stunts during the impachment process though as impeachment process is a good excuse to label trump as a scapegoat to start another zio war and israel hide behind. Ofcourse nothing will happen to trump but some media noise and even trump afterwards can get a nobel peace prize like obama did because of creating isis.

Event If USA nuke Baghdad , you can't except UN or UNSC to do damn about it ... this is the reality of the world , the law is always with the one who has bigger gun and more cash ...
by my calculations, the situation in Iraq will only get worse no matter what they do, there will be too much conflicts ... for such a nation democracy doesn't solve the problem, History shows Iraq is better off ruled by authoritarian regimes but not the door for tribulations has been opened and there is no going back, the future generations of iraq will suffer more, but again I could be wrong

The far right and Westerners in general love to cite Venezuela as an example of socialism failure.

I wonder what they will term their forced occupation of Iraq?

Event If USA nuke Baghdad , you can't except UN or UNSC to do damn about it ... this is the reality of the world , the law is always with the one who has bigger gun and more cash ...

In my opinion the US has already done far worse than nuking Iraq. They obliterated this country bit by bit. Chance of recovery after nuke attack is usually there. We have seen real examples such as Hiroshima. You tell me if there is chance of recovery after US occupation? It is zero.
The far right and Westerners in general love to cite Venezuela as an example of socialism failure.

I wonder what they will term their forced occupation of Iraq?

In my opinion the US has already done far worse than nuking Iraq. They obliterated this country bit by bit. Chance of recovery after nuke attack is usually there. We have seen real examples such as Hiroshima. You tell me if there is chance of recovery after US occupation? It is zero.

So , lets fill Americans body bags then ....
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