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State Department tells Iraq it will not discuss US troop withdrawal

Oct 15, 2017
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WASHINGTON — The State Department said in a statement Friday that the U.S. will not hold discussions with Iraq regarding American troop withdrawal from the country.

“At this time, any delegation sent to Iraq would be dedicated to discussing how to best recommit to our strategic partnership — not to discuss troop withdrawal, but our right, appropriate force posture in the Middle East,” State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said in a statement.

“There does, however, need to be a conversation between the U.S. and Iraqi governments not just regarding security, but about our financial, economic, and diplomatic partnership. We want to be a friend and partner to a sovereign, prosperous, and stable Iraq,” Ortagus added, writing that “America is a force for good in the Middle East.”

The latest revelation from the State Department further deepens confusion over plans for U.S. troops in the region.

On Sunday, Iraq’s parliament passed a nonbinding resolution calling for the removal of American forces and other foreign troops from the country in the wake of a U.S. airstrike in Iraq that killed Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani.

A day later, a letter from U.S. Marine Corps Gen. William Seely to Iraq’s Defense Ministry said the withdrawal of U.S. coalition troops was occurring “in due deference to the sovereignty of the Republic of Iraq, and as requested” by the nation’s prime minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi, and the Iraqi parliament.

In the letter, Gen. Seely wrote that coalition troops “will be repositioning forces over the course of the coming days and weeks to prepare for onward movement.”

“In order to conduct this task, Coalition Forces are required to take certain measures to ensure the movement out of Iraq is conducted in a safe and efficient manner,” he added.

In the wake of the letter, the Pentagon acknowledged that the letter informing Iraq’s Defense Ministry that U.S.-led coalition troops would leave Iraq “was a mistake.”

“A draft unsigned letter that was acquired by an Iraqi official has no import. It has no value whatsoever,” Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said Tuesday in an interview with CNN.

“I will say this, the United States is not withdrawing from Iraq. In fact, in my conversations with my counterpart, the Iraqi defense minister, I conveyed to him that we do want to stay in Iraq and we want to continue the important defeat ISIS mission,” he added.

“That letter is a draft, it was a mistake, it was unsigned, it should never have been released,” Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley told reporters at the Pentagon on Monday.

“Poorly worded, implies withdrawal,” Milley said. “That is not what’s happening.”

Alongside Milley, Defense Secretary Esper told reporters earlier in the day that the U.S. was “repositioning forces throughout the region.”

On Tuesday, Iraq’s prime minister said that the U.S. military sent a letter regarding American troop withdrawal from the country but that the English version did not match the Arabic version.

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said that his country requested clarifications on U.S. plans.
This mentality is setting up the US for a long term conflict in the Middle East. Once you invite others into your affairs don't expect them to pull out to soon as they've spend blood and money. I'll give it another few years before another full fledged war is beings among all Middle East parties.

Russia/Iran & Proxies vs. GCC/US/EU, God might as well start it now cause in my eyes a few years ain't going to make much difference.
Iraq needs to purchase Su-30, the air force is too small. Or some other eastern fighter jet
Things between US and Iraq are no more smooth. If Iraq keeps on stressing the withdrawal of US troops; it would become quite embarrassing for US.
America invaded Iraq for its interest. Who the hell are Iraqis to ask us out, is their opinion. Iraqis better believe it's an occupation until US wishes otherwise.
America invaded Iraq for its interest. Who the hell are Iraqis to ask us out, is their opinion. Iraqis better believe it's an occupation until US wishes otherwise.
2003 Iraq war was an absolute blunder
Get the S-400 and everyone will start to respect Iraqi sovereignty.

I think it's not going to work given the risky political weight a rocket launch carries with it. Even if an aircraft was violating the airspace and the S-400 is able to take it out, what would such a decision result in?

Whereas fighter jets intercepting and presence in the airspace will result in blocking airspace from foreigners, making it harder for them thus resulting in the same (area denial) without the heavy repercussions of shooting down an airplane.

On top of that, S-400 is very expensive and unlike fighter jets, can't be used for ground attack.
What a day.... what a downgrade...

Iraq a devasted, dead state is asking the sole superpower to leave and the superpower is saying... don't touch me... MeTooCard ready....

Now it is Iraq vs. US

Iran was once the sole super power and they got beat by a little country called Sparta. The only way to teach a bully a lesson is to bloody his nose.

USA must go back but before that they have to clean the mess they created .
I think it's not going to work given the risky political weight a rocket launch carries with it. Even if an aircraft was violating the airspace and the S-400 is able to take it out, what would such a decision result in?

Whereas fighter jets intercepting and presence in the airspace will result in blocking airspace from foreigners, making it harder for them thus resulting in the same (area denial) without the heavy repercussions of shooting down an airplane.

On top of that, S-400 is very expensive and unlike fighter jets, can't be used for ground attack.

I would use S-400, Buk-M3, Tor-M2, Pantsir-S1M to form a robust air defence network. Having this air defence network will be a significant deterrent to foreign forces.

As for ground attack, use drones.
I would use S-400, Buk-M3, Tor-M2, Pantsir-S1M to form a robust air defence network. Having this air defence network will be a significant deterrent to foreign forces.

As for ground attack, use drones.

They're not going to fire even with all of that, there's no political will to be that aggressive. Baghdad has become the Switzerland of the middle east in terms of alliances, not siding against anyone, not siding with anyone.
Well, American Deep State is confident in its ability to stand up to all manner of opposition in the Middle East. Muscles are being flexed particularly in the wake of the fact that even a salvo of ballistic missiles achieved little in one of the major military bases of the region. There are over 500 airstrips in the Middle East by the way - too many to target with ballistic missiles.

Anybody thinking about ousting US from the Middle East needs a serious reality check.
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