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Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks love, peace, tolerance in Pakistan

tolerating is not about ignoring. i thought you understood when i said that i am talking to you with a a strraight face. tolerance is about not getting andry at others viewpoint.

Thanks for explanation, i didn't knew the philosophy behind the concept of tolerance.

By the way, as per your definition - he is also tolerating you because i don't thing he is angry :lol:

Laugh its good for health. glad i am able to help. maybe i should also come to your country to spread tolerance and faith in peace.

Thanks your your generosity - Your nick name is enough to make me laugh :enjoy:
^^He abused me , told me to stfu, called me a slave and 'hindian' . i think thats getting reasonably angry. after some kind words from he he said he will learn from me, so i am now his master and he my pupil.

Thanks your your generosity - Your nick name is enough to make me laugh :enjoy:

oh come one.. dont be silli :)
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks love, peace, tolerance in Pakistan

"Love, peace, tolerance" is what Pakistani students shouted for when asked by visiting spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar what he should speak about.

Ravi Shankar regaled the audience at the famous Forman Christian College here as he spoke about love, religion and answered a number of questions.

"You better find another one from about seven billion living souls in the world. Move ahead," was Ravi Shankar's advice to a Pakistani student who sought his view on him being unable to forget his ex-girlfriend.

The answer led to a round of thunderous applause from the audience here.

Hundreds of students accorded a warm welcome to Ravi Shankar, who began a three-day private visit to Pakistan with an address at the college in Lahore.

The hall was jam-packed an hour before the arrival of Shankar as both students and teachers were eager to listen to him.

"I am glad to see your enthusiasm. You can do wonders in life with this energy. Do not lose this enthusiasm," Shankar said after walking onto the stage.

He asked the students what they wanted him to speak about. and the hall echoed with shouts of "Love, peace, tolerance".

Shankar involved the students in demonstrations to make them understand the power of truth.

"You tell a lie and lose power over yourself," he said.

He told them how to control anger and mood swings and to concentrate on studies.

A student asked Shankar to comment on the "worshipping of idols", as it is a common belief in Pakistan that Hindus worship hundreds of gods.

"Like Allah has 99 names, there are over 1,000 idols but God is not in them. God is one. Hindus also worship one God," Ravi Shankar explained, drawing applause from senior members of the faculty.
He should hope his news of arrival shouldn't reach Taliban and also those who have invited him and have in fact invited trouble not peace these anti Pakistan machine was mainly gave lecture in college run by Christians and than Christians ask us why they get attacked these kind of idiotic acts make people against them
He should hope his news of arrival shouldn't reach Taliban and also those who have invited him and have in fact invited trouble not peace these anti Pakistan machine was mainly gave lecture in college run by Christians and than Christians ask us why they get attacked these kind of idiotic acts make people against them

oh oh... inviting a great personlaity like sri sri is anti-Pak ? wah.. the christians are doing you a great favour by inviting someone who can teach you good things and you attack the same people who help you?
why so many sri sri with the name of this guy?

BTW as a hospitable country we even welcome those millions afghans who have destroyed Pak society soo its our habbit to welcome every tom & dick & make sure that they enjoy their stay in Pakistan......hope this indian will not create any trouble for attention seeking just like some actor from india did (feroz khan i guess) & deported to india.
why so many sri sri with the name of this guy?

BTW as a hospitable country we even welcome those millions afghans who have destroyed Pak society soo its our habbit to welcome every tom & dick & make sure that they enjoy their stay in Pakistan......hope this indian will not create any trouble for attention seeking just like some actor from india did (feroz khan i guess) & deported to india.
FYI, you guys invited him. and he is there to do good. He iwll spread the good message of yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. try it, you feel happier and changed. i dont know what feroze did. and please google the srisri part for your answer

By the way , you ned to pay to attend his Art of Living classes.

By the way , you ned to pay to attend his Art of Living classes.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks love, peace, tolerance in Pakistan

"Love, peace, tolerance" is what Pakistani students shouted for when asked by visiting spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar what he should speak about.

Ravi Shankar regaled the audience at the famous Forman Christian College here as he spoke about love, religion and answered a number of questions.

"You better find another one from about seven billion living souls in the world. Move ahead," was Ravi Shankar's advice to a Pakistani student who sought his view on him being unable to forget his ex-girlfriend.

The answer led to a round of thunderous applause from the audience here.

Hundreds of students accorded a warm welcome to Ravi Shankar, who began a three-day private visit to Pakistan with an address at the college in Lahore.

The hall was jam-packed an hour before the arrival of Shankar as both students and teachers were eager to listen to him.

"I am glad to see your enthusiasm. You can do wonders in life with this energy. Do not lose this enthusiasm," Shankar said after walking onto the stage.

He asked the students what they wanted him to speak about. and the hall echoed with shouts of "Love, peace, tolerance".

Shankar involved the students in demonstrations to make them understand the power of truth.

"You tell a lie and lose power over yourself," he said.

He told them how to control anger and mood swings and to concentrate on studies.

A student asked Shankar to comment on the "worshipping of idols", as it is a common belief in Pakistan that Hindus worship hundreds of gods.

"Like Allah has 99 names, there are over 1,000 idols but God is not in them. God is one. Hindus also worship one God," Ravi Shankar explained, drawing applause from senior members of the faculty.

The student shouldn't have asked him about worshiping idols. Why does he have to explain his beliefs to anyone? See this is the thing that needs to change in Pakistan. Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance. Just accept people are different. We are at that stage where we are in conflict with everyone. This has to change to acceptance.

Ravi Shankar gave a brilliant response to this childish comment about worshipping of idols but he shouldn't have needed to explain himself. For Pakistan to prosper we need to become impartial to the religious beliefs of others. Perhaps secularism is one of the best options for our country.
Did I offended any one.:woot: You Indians can't accept facts. There was nothing wrong in my post.
It was neither offensive nor insulting.Prove that you Indians are tolerant before accusing Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

Did I offended any one.:woot: You Indians can't accept facts. There was nothing wrong in my post.
It was neither offensive nor insulting.Prove that you Indians are tolerant before accusing Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.
you called modi a terrorist w/o proof. and you called bjp and rss as thugs w/o proof and you called muslims are tolerant.
Did I offended any one.:woot: You Indians can't accept facts. There was nothing wrong in my post.
It was neither offensive nor insulting.Prove that you Indians are tolerant before accusing Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

I am forced to agree with this post in some ways. Indians must equally condemn acts of oppression taking place within India. I feel Indians are not eager to condemn bias in their land. Instead they prefer to blame things on minorities. Otherwise they tend to get into comparisions. A happens in Pakistan so we are justified in doing B to minorities.

However ventures such as the one taken by Sri Sri Ravi Shakar will help eliminate differences between the two countries. Such visits by scholars from Muslim/Hindu communities should continue to increase understanding between the countries and eliminate misunderstandings. Plus I have always believed Hindu/Muslim contact is one of the best ways to end bias and discrimination in each country and do away with hatred for each others religions.

For Pakistan we need to understand we do not need to be anti-hindu to defend national interest. Plus there is a population of 5 Million (Perhaps more) Hindus in Pakistan we cannot, should not alienate.

I have been promoting a secular policy for Pakistan because of this. Please go to my website for more details about that... but my point is made!
was mainly gave lecture in college run by Christians and than Christians ask us why they get attacked these kind of idiotic acts make people against them
He was just preaching love,peace and tolerance and the need of accepting diversity instead of narrow minded sectarianism.He says pretty much the same in india..
He was just preaching love,peace and tolerance and the need of accepting diversity instead of narrow minded sectarianism.He says pretty much the same in india..
Sir we have Quran and Sunnah so we don't need any Non Muslim to tell us what is peace love and Tolerance he should first tell these things to Indian Government and should ask them to stop killing innocent Kashmiris
FYI, you guys invited him. and he is there to do good. He iwll spread the good message of yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. try it, you feel happier and changed. i dont know what feroze did. and please google the srisri part for your answer

By the way , you ned to pay to attend his Art of Living classes.

By the way , you ned to pay to attend his Art of Living classes.

lol u means he is coming for charity in Pakistan:D?

he is well paid by that pakistani college & he did wht he is asked for.....
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