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Sri lankan players barred from playing in chennai

Both are issues for us. We cant pick and choose things that concern us to suit other's tastes.

That would be your choice, support for your actions would be other people's choice.

Thats why we have Apex court, a palace of justice.
Tell Karnataka to honor SC verdict in letter and spirit.

I'm sorry you can't read. I have already answered that.

Opinions are dime a dozen, come with facts n figures.

Says the guy with an emotion for an argument.

And by the way India does not hv monopoly on forming opinions...

I'm sure it does not though I haven't the slightest idea what your point here is.
That would be your choice, support for your actions would be other people's choice.

I agree.

People choose to support/not support our actions based on their own choices, not always national interest, and it is in that process the actual national interest is hurt. Anyway as I mentioned before, there is no point going over and over this as neither your position nor my position is going to change. But I will say one thing for sure, a day will come, which will be the proverbial "we told you so" day. Let's just hope for all our collective sake that it does not come too late to change course of action.

For me , my country's 80 million Tamils are more important than the 20 million Sri Lankans.Period.

Thank you and I dont think its even 20 million. More like 14 or 15 million I guess.
Well said.

Anyway I dont think why we should keep pressing on this issue, atleast here.

One fine day, "the we told you so" moment would come. I just hope it does not become too late by then.

I'm a little surprised that you agree with that poster's characterisation of my reasons for having a differing view from your own but so be it. This tendency to tar everyone who doesn't agree with you, as being motivated by other considerations is unfortunate. The fact remains that most parties, including the BJP refused to have anything to do with a parliamentary resolution against the Sri Lankans, especially anything which contained the word genocide. I'm not sure, all of them, TMC included were interested in the Kaveri water or the Mullaiperiyar dam.
I'm a little surprised that you agree with that poster's characterisation of my reasons for having a differing view from your own but so be it. This tendency to tar everyone who doesn't agree with you, as being motivated by other considerations is unfortunate. The fact remains that most parties, including the BJP refused to have anything to do with a parliamentary resolution against the Sri Lankans, especially anything which contained the word genocide. I'm not sure, all of them, TMC included were interested in the Kaveri water or the Mullaiperiyar dam.

I have points to add, but I think its better we not talk about this here.
But I will say one thing for sure, a day will come, which will be the proverbial "we told you so" day. Let's just hope for all our collective sake that it does not come too late to change course of action.

That may well happen but whose "We told you so" might remain standing is still in question. This business of operating on threats is regrettable. It seems to suggest that only your way is acceptable, the alternate would be a threat of consequences. As I have said that is both regrettable as well as being counter-productive.
That may well happen but whose "We told you so" might remain standing is still in question. This business of operating on threats is regrettable. It seems to suggest that only your way is acceptable, the alternate would be a threat of consequences. As I have said that is both regrettable as well as being counter-productive.

Having dealt with Lankans all our history, we do have an idea how this go about, much better than any of you guys..that's why I said hope that cross-roads comes much sooner when we still have some time and not too late. Also threats too work sometimes. Especially when tolerance is taken as weakness.
Having dealt with Lankans all our history, we do have an idea how this go about, much better than any of you guys..that's why I said hope that cross-roads comes much sooner when we still have some time and not too late. Also threats too work sometimes. Especially when tolerance is taken as weakness.

I'm sure you have an opinion but that does not bar anyone else from having a different one. Threats may work but are always open to different threats in return, In any case, threats on a forum are silly. No one here is obliged to run a government on support here, there is no traction for threats & no takers. When people trot out secession quotes here, all they do is invite ridicule. No one here is interested. Much better to try & convince, failing which agree to disagree.

P.S. This thread too has run its course. My last post.
I'm sure you have an opinion but that does not bar anyone else from having a different one. Threats may work but are always open to different threats in return, In any case, threats on a forum are silly. No one here is obliged to run a government on support here, there is no traction for threats & no takers. When people trot out secession quotes here, all they do is invite ridicule. No one here is interested. Much better to try & convince, failing which agree to disagree.

Who made threats here? :what:

And lets not talk about "convincing" because people are so sure about what constitutes "national interest" that any talk from our side will only seem as mindless ethno-nationalism instead of acctual issues that resonate with people on the ground and how that and national interest are not mutually exclusive issues.
This thread serves as another reminder that these indian people suffer from some certain psychological complexes which induce selective amnesia
Threats of secession.......

Secession will not happen. for among other reasons, being in the Indian Union is in our economic interest.

The whole issue is much more nuanced that it can be better explained/debated on an Indian forum and not here. I'm operating under some constraints here ;)
Secession will not happen. for among other reasons, being in the Indian Union is in our economic interest.

I agree. I know it won't but even suggesting that as a threat on a forum as the basis for compulsion of support is silly. No one here cares for such threats & the threat makers invite ridicule. unlike the central government which worries about its political fate, no one here (arguing the opposite argument) has to. Hence the bluff will always be called..

P.S. seriously done here, this time! :D
Amma's one-upmanship political stunt to counter DMK's recent stand. i don't think even local tamilians would mind sri lankan players playing in Chennai.

Where was all this noble thoughts when SL army was pounding innocent tamilians in 2009?

Just goes to show.. there is no mercy when it comes to self serving votebank politics. National interest & years of hard work put in to build a diplomatic relationship goes out of the window. Sucks really...
Friends..... Please stick to the topic ie: IPL and SL players... Please do not bring Kaveri and mullaperiyar into it..... Not here atleast!!!!!!!

The problem with india is.... Politician knows the emotions of population very well...... They use it very well to serve their purpose......

I am shocked and hurt reading opening line of one of the post here......... I do not want to quote it because the debate will happen on it.... and this is the last place on earth where i want to see a debate on it....:(
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