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Sri Lanka: New Video Evidence of Grotesque Violations

There has been no shortage of distressing images emerging from the final two or three years of Sri Lanka's awful civil war. But this footage is amongst the worst I have seen, writes Callum Macrae.

Warning: viewers may find footage in the below report extremely disturbing

Sri Lanka: new video evidence of grotesque violations - Channel 4 News

These are distressing for you? You should understand we were witnessing these kind of things with our bare eyes for the pass 30 years.

How about that?
These are distressing for you? You should understand we were witnessing these kind of things with our bare eyes for the pass 30 years.

How about that?

Dude he nearly had this thread on for 24 hours without a single response.. I guess most PDF posters have got used to his histrionics.. It was closed to getting bumped and you ruined it..:p:
These are distressing for you? You should understand we were witnessing these kind of things with our bare eyes for the pass 30 years.

How about that?

Since 1983 the Sinhala-Buddhists have exterminated approximately 300,000 Tamils , a part of Tamil genocide campaign started in 1948

What followed was a series of nationalist, religious revival movements culminating in a uniformly pro-Sinhalese and anti-Tamil government, to whom power was passed on by the British government in 1948 when Sri Lanka gained independence

The government implemented its goals of seizing back land and territory that they deemed were their rightful heritage. Violence against both sides and massacres became common, and inevitably the new government’s aims went from seizing land from Tamils to destroying Tamil identity, culture, and whole Tamil families themselves

Tamil schools were replaced by Sinhalese-language teachers, and opportunities within education, employment etc became virtually impossible for Tamils. Tamil names of villages, towns and cities were replaced on maps with Sinhalese names and the state often encouraged violence against Tamils in either direct or indirect ways. Eerily reminding of Hitler’s Germany, questions in school text books and exams asked questions such as within a group of Tamil & Sinhalese children, how many would remain if x number of Tamil children were taken away or removed

Navaly church

"The (Sri Lanka army) operation, involving intensive artillery shelling and air strikes, immediately forced tens of thousands of civilians to leave the area. Many of the displaced sought shelter in churches and temples, including several hundred people who took refuge in the Church of St. Peter and Paul in Navaly. According to eye-witness accounts, this church and several adjacent buildings were hit by further air force strikes at 4.30 p.m. the same day."- International Committee of the Red Cross Communication to the Press No.95/30 (11 July 1995)



"Daily life in Jaffna is conditioned by the distant drone of aircraft engines and the run to the bunkers behind almost every house. There were no warnings, no air-dropped leaflets announcing operations. Why should there be? After all, no one is watching."- The British Refugee Council Publication, Sri Lanka Monitor (July 1993


After the government forces took control of a small island off the Jaffna peninsula 210 Tamils have disappeared and 365 persons have been massacred. - Statement of a non-governmental organization at UN Commission on Human Rights (48th Session January 1992)

Victims were reportedly shot, bayoneted, stabbed or hacked to death; some were said by witnesses to have been buried alive.
- Amnesty International Annual Report 1991

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@WebMaster , @Oscar .. These are highly distressing pics propagated without any verification, validity or any credible links or sources posted.. The OP a serial offender with impunity

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