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Another blow to Lanka, Inquiry finds War Crimes Evidence

Please show your concern for human rights to all humans not just sri lankans.

Ya now don't bring the British colonial times like you always do... you know why they'll coming for you over this issue because you people made a worst of all Human rights Violations..... It's a Genoside, you know it yet you pig support it because Tamils are Minority...
Srilankan war crimes saw a important challenge today as a team of international lawyers said Srilankan security forces systematically destroyed mass burial sites of Tamil civilians, and called on the UN to launch its own investigation into their findings.

A report released by an Australian law policy group and written by experts on international criminal law and war crimes also found evidence that many of the crimes continue to this day, perpetrated by the Sri Lankan armed forces on the Tamil civilian population.

William Schabas, a professor of International Law at Middlesex University and one of the authors of the report, said a particular concern now is attempts to cover up the crimes committed.
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