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Special Thanks to AfrazulMandal

come to hyderabad old city...you will doubt once whether you are in india or pakistan

Is that what is bothering you? That Muslims have a small little enclave where they live with their own culture and customs. And why would you doubt if it is India or Pakistan? Is Muslim culture not Indian culture? Can culture not transcend boundaries?

You really need to get a girlfriend dude. Your hate is too much and will consume you one day.
Been that way since partition and much before that in parts of India. There are states where it is legal too.
If that is true-as you say-(Been that way since partition and much before that in parts of India.) Then it's time to evolve as a human race-The day the state starts interfering in your daily personal life is the day the people loose their FREEDOM.

is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, and the absence of a despotic government. ... The right to freedom of association is recognized as a human right, a political freedom and a civil liberty.
Come on man- Look at the root cause- when and where did it start- "Babri Masjid"- Thats the chain reaction to all of that- It just takes one strong leader at the highest level to come out and fix that- No.

Was there anything before 1990?- Indian Muslims are the most Patriotic group in India- Just like Sikhs and Christians- The day you start questioning their patriotism is the day you lost fight against haters.
You dont know anything boss...there were hundreds of attacks by muslims on hindus all across india before babri..

Tamil nadu is not india and tamil muslims are not the only muslims..you will be surprised to know until recently tamil muslims had a lot of hindu influence on them and were not considered muslums by urdu speaking muslims.
But over the past few years they are getting teachings of salafi islam from saudi..the church bombing in sri lanka last year was carried out by tamil muslims.
You said you left india in 1996..tamil muslims back then were way different...so you have this notion that muslims are peaceful and its dirty hindus that are creating this problem ...do you think some 30 crore people who voted for bjp are fools?
You have not experienced muslims outside of tamil nadu(that too 23 yrs ago)..all the muslims across india used to wave flags of pakistan in public during indo pak cricket matches...hindus werent united..they were helpless in their own land..they couldnt confront muslims as they would attack in mobs woth swords...that was the sorry state of affairs before bjp came to power.
What blatant hypocrisy is this...Hindus own India and consider India as their motherland, Indian Muslims don't.

That owning India and calling it their own country, the Muslims of India has a problem, they can't own India, this is a Hindu land, Muslims can live as tenants, as oppressed and marginalized second class citizens.

As for Muslims giving priority to Islam over the motherland India...this is also a farce and shambolic, Hindus gives many a times more importance, symbolic or otherwise to Hindu religion...over the country. Fact of the matter is most of the Muslims lynched by Gau Rakshaks were told to recite Jai shree Ram...and the likes of it...religious bigotry disguised as nationalism.

And they keep on changing the meaning of term Hindu...when Muslims in India talk about Islam, they say Hindu is a regional term and not religious, Muslims are also Hindus and all sort of absurd connotations.

Let me put the record straight. Indians have faced tremendous trouble in areas where Muslim population has reached 30-35%. There are 2 ways, stop them reaching 30-35% put restrictions. Simple.
Is that what is bothering you? That Muslims have a small little enclave where they live with their own culture and customs. And why would you doubt if it is India or Pakistan? Is Muslim culture not Indian culture? Can culture not transcend boundaries?

You really need to get a girlfriend dude. Your hate is too much and will consume you one day.
There were so many attacks by muslims on hindus in hyd during 90s...they used to support pakistan openly in cricket by waving flags...they used to distribute sweete because kafir india lost against momin pakistanis.
Let me put the record straight. Indians have faced tremendous trouble in areas where Muslim population has reached 30-35%. There are 2 ways, stop them reaching 30-35% put restrictions. Simple.
Let me suggest a simple solution- Why dont you integrate with Muslims population or vice versa- And who are you to restrict - Man thats not right.
I don't understand the logic of this character who pees saffron.

He says: If Muslims "doesnt" think this is their land then they can leave of live under subjugation

Doesn't the corollary to this then apply?

Since Muslims are not leaving and refusing to live under subjugation, they are considering India their land?

Often these pajeets don't know what they are saying. They just say stuff to sound remotely intelligent, when all they really want to say is "kill all Muslims"

Truth hurts boy! I can see how hurt you are.
Indian Muslim (I repeat, who think India is not a dar al-islam) can leave this country or live under sujugation. Period.
In India Muslims and Indians are supposed to have same rights. Muslims have more rights than Hindus do. If they want equal rights they need to bear equal burden. Else they can ask for a partition only to get repatriated to the other lands of Islam. Or face guns if they go against state.

This is a typical SanghiNazi for you. In one paragraph he gives us:

1. Lies
2. Ignorance
3. Delusion
4. Violence
5. Murder
Let me suggest a simple solution- Why dont you integrate with Muslims population or vice versa- And who are you to restrict - Man thats not right.

Let me reverse the question, Why dont Muslims integrate with us? :lol:
We know they wont!
Truth hurts boy! I can see how hurt you are.
Indian Muslim (I repeat, who think India is not a dar al-islam) can leave this country or live under sujugation. Period.

First you said:
Indian Muslims who doesnt think India is their country

Now you say:
Indian Muslim who think India is not a dar al-Islam

Which one is it?
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This is a typical SanghiNazi for you. In one paragraph he gives us:

1. Lies
2. Ignorance
3. Delusion
4. Violence
5. Murder

No problem with that. I have no business what Muslims do in other countries, let me be clear of that too.
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