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Special Thanks to AfrazulMandal

Need of the hour is to undo the damage that has been done to this country and its old civilization. If you have issues in understanding what is a Hindu rashtra then thats your problem but its not nonsense. The government is just doing what its being voted for. If they wont, then a new government will be found.

And Modi govt will not change, not for another 4 terms.
What Damage are you talking about- Its called History?- It happened so move on. Why should any one understand Hindu Rashtra-I never said its nonsense- I called it BS in respect to India-Not applicable.
BJP government was not voted for making it an Hindu Rashtra-It was voted for economy and replacing a corrupt Congress party.
Need of the Hour for what!- Can you articulate please- From my perspective, All I see is hate- (What is this non sense of Hindu Rashtra- etc- The day the goverment starts interfering in how the people should live/ eat/ drink etc is the day Indians lose their freedom)- The need of the hour is - Modis government has served its purpose- time for a change and the change has to come quickly.
Modi's rule has not served its purpose yet...you are from Tamil nadu...muslims there are not yet radicalised( but radicalisation is happening..the number of people that attended Tableeg is proof of that).
Urdu speaking muslims are extremely radical and violent...it was 100 times more before gujarat riots....come to hyderabad old city...you will doubt once whether you are in india or pakistan...have you forgotten akbaruddins 2013 threat of killing hindus if police was removed for 15 mins?Have you forgotten 1993 mumbai blasts? 2008 terrorist attacvkz? Countless bomb blasts across india between 2009 and 2014?
BJP would never have gotten into power had it not been violent behaviour of muslims...Modi should be in power until the last state in india has BJP in power...once BJP has a strong foothold even in states like andhra, TN and kerala we can think of replacing Modi.
Wooooow a Indian who finally understands:woot:

Your problem is you are too few
Not really my friend- Too few on PDF- I can talk only what I know within my circle of influence- (I moved to the states in 1996)- Being from South India (Madras at that time)- We never had such thoughts about religion being the 1st and foremost issue- Never. (The same goes with my circle of influence)-And off course my upbringing.
I want you to answer two points from your post:
"What do you mean Subjugate?"- This is a civilized society, at least thats what I would think we live in.
"In this century, China is doing the same thing as we speak."- Why copy China on the wrong things, copy China on what has made them the 2nd biggest economy-No (China and India dont have the same social problems nor the same political set up, so your point is mute)

Yes, Subjugate. I clearly mentioned,
If a Muslim doesnt think this is their land then they can leave or live under subjugation. There are some and its being addressed to them.
2nd. If this doesnt happen then China model is the best model. Btw that was an answer to someones point that we need to be scared of International community. Push comes to shove no one gives a damn.

We have seen that in Turkey, ME, China etc. India will do what is best for India.

What Damage are you talking about- Its called History?- It happened so move on. Why should any one understand Hindu Rashtra-I never said its nonsense- I called it BS in respect to India-Not applicable.
BJP government was not voted for making it an Hindu Rashtra-It was voted for economy and replacing a corrupt Congress party.

Did you vote for BJP?
Nope Hindus dont own India-(BJP/RSS has given you this false narrative)- Indians own this great land called India.
Lets say the roles are reversed (USA here as an example-Suddenly Americans start saying this is a Christian country, then what happens to Americans who are not Christians)-India is like USA to some degree- (Untited states of India is the apt name)- The only person I see here who is prioritizing religion over country is you (Hindus own India ----development of this country and prioritize religion above country need to leave this country.).- Come on man- Looks like BJP is brainwashing a whole bunch of people.
India belongs to every person who places country above religion..you know nothing about muslims...for them religion is above the country.
Modi's rule has not served its purpose yet...you are from Tamil nadu...muslims there are not yet radicalised( but radicalisation is happening..the number of people that attended Tableeg is proof of that).
Urdu speaking muslims are extremely radical and violent...it was 100 times more before gujarat riots....come to hyderabad old city...you will doubt once whether you are in india or pakistan...have you forgotten akbaruddins 2013 threat of killing hindus if police was removed for 15 mins?Have you forgotten 1993 mumbai blasts? 2008 terrorist attacvkz? Countless bomb blasts across india between 2009 and 2014?
BJP would never have gotten into power had it not been violent behaviour of muslims...Modi should be in power until the last state in india has BJP in power...once BJP has a strong foothold even in states like andhra, TN and kerala we can think of replacing Modi.
Come on man- Look at the root cause- when and where did it start- "Babri Masjid"- Thats the chain reaction to all of that- It just takes one strong leader at the highest level to come out and fix that- No.

Was there anything before 1990?- Indian Muslims are the most Patriotic group in India- Just like Sikhs and Christians- The day you start questioning their patriotism is the day you lost fight against haters.
Modi's rule has not served its purpose yet...you are from Tamil nadu...muslims there are not yet radicalised( but radicalisation is happening..the number of people that attended Tableeg is proof of that).
Urdu speaking muslims are extremely radical and violent...it was 100 times more before gujarat riots....come to hyderabad old city...you will doubt once whether you are in india or pakistan...have you forgotten akbaruddins 2013 threat of killing hindus if police was removed for 15 mins?Have you forgotten 1993 mumbai blasts? 2008 terrorist attacvkz? Countless bomb blasts across india between 2009 and 2014?
BJP would never have gotten into power had it not been violent behaviour of muslims...Modi should be in power until the last state in india has BJP in power...once BJP has a strong foothold even in states like andhra, TN and kerala we can think of replacing Modi.

This post is deluded and contradictory.

On one hand Vikki, who never had a girlfriend in life, claims that BJP came to power because of violent behavior of Muslims, and on the other hand, wants BJP to be in power in south, because Muslims there are not yet radicalised.

Basically BJP needs to be in power to "teach Muslims a lesson". Governance, economy, law & order, social services can take a back seat.

Lol...itna maal kahan milega?
Hindus own India and consider India as their motherland. Muslims or anybody(those Muslims) who dont consider Indias as their motherland and dont work towards the development of this country and prioritize religion above country need to leave this country.

Country is the ultimate goal. Hindus or muslims.

What blatant hypocrisy is this...Hindus own India and consider India as their motherland, Indian Muslims don't.

That owning India and calling it their own country, the Muslims of India has a problem, they can't own India, this is a Hindu land, Muslims can live as tenants, as oppressed and marginalized second class citizens.

As for Muslims giving priority to Islam over the motherland India...this is also a farce and shambolic, Hindus gives many a times more importance, symbolic or otherwise to Hindu religion...over the country. Fact of the matter is most of the Muslims lynched by Gau Rakshaks were told to recite Jai shree Ram...and the likes of it...religious bigotry disguised as nationalism.

And they keep on changing the meaning of term Hindu...when Muslims in India talk about Islam, they say Hindu is a regional term and not religious, Muslims are also Hindus and all sort of absurd connotations.
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Yes, Subjugate. I clearly mentioned,
If a Muslim doesnt think this is their land then they can leave or live under subjugation. There are some and its being addressed to them.
2nd. If this doesnt happen then China model is the best model. Btw that was an answer to someones point that we need to be scared of International community. Push comes to shove no one gives a damn.

We have seen that in Turkey, ME, China etc. India will do what is best for India.

Did you vote for BJP?
Not me My parents did- I dont have the right (I voted for Hillary Clinton-Oh well)
Yes, Subjugate. I clearly mentioned,
If a Muslim doesnt think this is their land then they can leave or live under subjugation. There are some and its being addressed to them.
2nd. If this doesnt happen then China model is the best model. Btw that was an answer to someones point that we need to be scared of International community. Push comes to shove no one gives a damn.

I don't understand the logic of this character who pees saffron.

He says: If Muslims "doesnt" think this is their land then they can leave or live under subjugation

Doesn't the corollary to this then apply?

Since Muslims are not leaving and refusing to live under subjugation, they are considering India their land?

Often they don't know what they are saying. They just say stuff to sound remotely intelligent, when all they really want to say is "kill all Muslims"
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come to hyderabad old city...you will doubt once whether you are in india or pakistan
I have been to old city many times- (My Wife is from Hyderabad)- Your are confusing Muslim culture and equating that to India or Pakistan- Its the old Nizam city of Hyderabad- I love that part of the city so much of History and rich culture- Makes me proud that I was once part of this great Indian diverse society called India.

India belongs to every person who places country above religion..you know nothing about muslims...for them religion is above the country.
Ok lets say I agree to you point- Why did you say Hindu Rashtra- Is that not hypocratic?- That too only because Hindus are a Majority?- Thats not fair to other religions- No.
But India has become a communal disaster

Indians are hearing muslim names in lynching videos just to be able to point towards other Indians as opposed to work out how to increase law and order

What use is it for Indian Muslims to work for India when India is becoming increasingly hindutva extremist

Indian Muslims can protest for their rights and India can listen or they must push for Partition where their rights will be protected within a Indian Muslim state

I dont blame you for the statement you made in the bolded part.
Its because our media prioritizes the "lynchings of Muslims" over the "Lynching of Hindus". Some media do it out of love and bias and majority for TRP (Negative news gets more TRP). Be it any lynching, any Hindu or Muslim will not support it.
Hindus also get lynched here, but no one will say anything, just like Hindus get lynched in Pakistan and Bangladesh and no one makes a noise (Not like media houses running 24/7 stories!)

Extremist Hindutva rose as a defense mechanism to protect itself from the laws of the land that 'favored' Muslims more than Hindus. Not as a pogrom against Muslims. But it eventually became hardened when Muslims started justifying the favor as birth right. The politicians in cahoots with Mullas (Muslim politicians including) let the Muslims live in despair condition to draw power. And it ultimately got used against all.

In India Muslims and Indians are supposed to have same rights. Muslims have more rights than Hindus do. If they want equal rights they need to bear equal burden. Else they can ask for a partition only to get repatriated to the other lands of Islam. Or face guns if they go against state.
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