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Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

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So do you acknowledge that the Huaxia phenotype is overall better looking?

Here is 4 Viet girls, the second one from the right is the pure progressive Huaxia phenotype, while the other 3 girls belong to the mixed phenotype between Huaxia and Baiyue.


Then you can understand why Wuyue/Minyue/Nanyue love the beautiful Huaxia so much and always want to be part of it.

I don't think so, the beauty phenotype is today in China belong to Senetic/Yue, not HuaXia.


Its HuaXia.

I don't think so, the beauty phenotype is today in China belong to Senetic/Yue, not HuaXia.


Its HuaXia.


The progressive phenotype of Huaxia is the best looking in East Asia.

If the Huaxia culture is not beautiful, then Wuyue/Minyue/Nanyue wouldn't want to join it.
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LOL @ the Annam dude don't even live in VN but speak as if he is foreign minster of said country

LOL @ Chinese came from SEA, if you say a bunch of uncivilised hunter gatherer peoples migrated to the North then OK and that's if you believe OOA and their genetic speaks

LOL @ O2b showing up in Viet population thereby implying a genetic root relation with the 'Altaics', do you got time depth to know when such marker showed up or you just assume they shared it from the beginning, that's not take into account O2b origin lies in Manchuria so now the Annam pigs was origin in NEA

LOL @ these shameless Annam pigs

also I think your people should give me reps for found this map, you don't got enough brains to know where to look but never rep me, smh

The progressive phenotype of Huaxia is the best looking in East Asia.

If the Huaxia culture is not beautiful, then Wuyue/Minyue/Nanyue wouldn't want to join it.

Hua Xia civilization is developed first, but beauty in ancient time in China is belong to Qi Guo women, Dongji barbarian,

was Xi Shi from Wu Yue ?
Hua Xia civilization is developed first, but beauty in ancient time in China is belong to Qi Guo women, Dongji barbarian,

was Xi Shi from Wu Yue ?

Xi Shi is extremely beautiful, so she is probably a Huaxia woman lived in Wu Yue land.

Here is someone from Shanghai posted her grandma's picture. The lady was born in 1923, and this is the true Huaxia phenotype in Shanghai, very different from the Wuyue phenotype that i showed you before.

The Wuyue gene cannot produce this kind of beauty, only Huaxia can.

Xi Shi is extremely beautiful, so she is probably a Huaxia woman lived in Wu Yue land.

Here is someone from Shanghai posted her grandma's picture. The lady was born in 1923, and this is the true Huaxia phenotype in Shanghai, very different from the Wuyue phenotype that i showed you before.

The Wuyue gene cannot produce this kind of beauty, only Huaxia can.


is it should be mistaken here, her eye is big ? HuaXia phenotype is small eye, like this.

is it should be mistaken here, her eye is big ? HuaXia phenotype is small eye, like this.


If her phenotype is not Huaxia, then what it is?

Of course, it is the pure Huaxia phenotype. Here is the Chinese drama about the King of Yue Goujian, and it is also dubbed in Vietnamese.

The Xishi in this drama also has this kind of phenotype, so probably the real Xishi also looked like that, it is the genuine Huaxia phenotype, while the Baiyue phenotype is fugly, even the Baiyue people themselves hate it.

Happy Chinese New Year to you ALL!!!

It doesn’t disprove what I argued though. The Han built the Great Wall which protected them from the other northern nomads. So from the reverse angle, because the Han didn’t want their lands, Mongols and Manchus survived. If Northern Han determined to expand as North as possible at ANY expanses, the Mongols and Manchus would probably have been rooted out long ago.

The Northern Han was and still is the major sub-race in the northern region, alongside with Mongols and Manchus, who mostly have been marginalised/assimilated by the former in the history. As for the Turks, they were chased away by the Northern Han to Central Asia.

Your quote is only a theory based on one research suggesting that Chinese is from SE Asia. It’s not conclusive yet. This mainstream theory (by PC big name geneticists, and adopted by some Korean & Japanese ultra nationalists from Youtube) has a BIG loophole and it can be very well to be another way around that Han Chinese were from the North from the very start - both of which I’ll address later.

No, evidences on the table could suggest either way. BUT, the loophole of the mainstream “South-to-North theory” is that it completely ignores and contradicts the average IQ of the people involved. It remains mainstream because no mainstream scientist dares to mention non-PC truth of IQ, so they don’t need to explain it.

1. it’s an almost commonly held belief that high IQ could only be evolved in the high altitude regions soon after the last Ice Age. High IQ of East Asians (and of NE Europeans, for that matter) was mainly formed during that time. This also insinuates that when “Out of Africa” (if it is true), the route of the ancestors of current NE Asians and NE Europeans was towards the far North, rather than seemingly “easy” Southern route via South Asia and/or SE Asia, because the temperatures there couldn’t explain Cold-Selected IQ level.

2. human IQ has evolved very “slowly” in time, e.g. A peer-reviewed research suggests that the last time that genes of North East Asians subject to natural selection was about 6,500 years ago coinciding with their large scale farming and city-building activities, which were generally deemed giving NE Asian average IQ a further boost.

3. IQ works generally in a way that when tribe A (IQ=105) breeds with tribe B ( IQ=85), the offspring have avg IQ of 95 in time, the mid way; when tribe C (IQ=85) breeds with tribe B, the offspring still have avg IQ of 85, not 105, at least not within a span of thousands of years of drastically evolution under some extraordinary natural selection conditions.

4. In light of 1, 2 and 3, if Han Chinese was originally came to the North from SE Asia ( or saying that SE Asians and/or Southern Chinese “gave birth” to the Northern Chinese) were true, then it couldn’t explain:

A) why SE Asians have lower avg IQ than Northern Chinese,

B) why “Southern”Chinese with almost identical IQ to the Northern Chinese today even if the former were not Cold-Selected at all, since they “originally came from the south”, and

C) how come that the offspring of SE Asians (indigenous, with avg IQ=85) and “Southern Chinese ( assume with IQ max.105 at a time, or closer to 85 according to the half-baked mainstream theory) became 105 (Northern Chinese) all of a sudden?

PC-driven mainstream geneticists and anthropologists can not and dare not explain above obvious contradictions.

Therefore, it suggests that only “North-to-South” migrations ( and invasions as we all know) could be the case. It is also the most logical one that fits into many well-documented history.

As for the facts ( assume they are facts) that in some pockets of far south of China or Southern Tibet there seems to have more O3 concentration, it could well be due to some small waves of early Han Chinese migrations to the regions and later became isolated. They can’t serve as a conclusive evidence to suggest "South-to-north".

Many such cases in history. e.g., actually I even can venture to argue that probably some “Southern Chinese” from some historically isolated mountainous regions of Western Sichuan province or Southern Hunan province are in fact MORE “Northern” than so-called “northern Chinese”, simply because the “Southern Chinese” were originally likely from the north anyway and they married within thus remain “Nothern Chinese” by bloodline, while some of their “northern Chinese”counterparts whom have never lived in the South before are probably even non-Han with certain degrees of possible Manchu, Mongol or Turkish, etc admixtures for one reason or another.

mainstram Anthropologists are wrong, as explained above.

This proves my point that most indigenous ppl of south china had either been rooted out or been chased off the region when they lost wars to the Han in ancient times, the similar happened to most northern China nomads.

I still can’t see any conclusive evidence why “unidirectional diffusion” and why must be “from Southeast Asia into East Asia”. Actually as I explained earlier, both logic and IQ seem to indicate that the other way around is much more likely the case, although it didn’t root out the possibility that some Han Chinese mated with indigenous women AFTER they migrated to the Southern China and SE Asia.

Don't fall for those graphs, Veritas. Any graph is based on data. If those original data source is wrong, the graphs and analysis can be very misleading. Even some Chinese scholar-sourced data could be badly gathered at a time.

I have all along suggest "y chromosome" genetist migration theory and anthropological theory could have need further reconciliation. I think I have made myself clear enough.

If you cite O3 Y chromosome, do it all the way, and conclusion is Chinese come from SE Asian, as most leading Y chromosome expert propose. So the similarity of Northern and Southern Chinese Y chromosome could be due to people from South moving North.

Y-Chromosome Evidence for a Northward Migration of Modern Humans into Eastern Asia during the Last Ice Age

Investigative Genetics | Full text | Inferring human history in East Asia from Y chromosomes

PLOS ONE: Human Migration through Bottlenecks from Southeast Asia into East Asia during Last Glacial Maximum Revealed by Y Chromosomes

IQ shows nothing about ancestry. Today, the high IQ centers of China are Shanghai, Guangdong, Taiwan and HK are all former barbarian land. The Yellow river plains and Xi-an, cradle of Han civilization are now low IQ, poor people receiving state aid.

I agree with you there is no singular Chinese identity back then however the states of GouWu,YuYue,Ba,Shu and Chu orbited the Chinese world order.

They did this by Sinicizng themselves,fabricating or stating genealogies to Zhou kings or Chinese sage kings(which was accepted by the the other states).

Qin was vilified as barbarian by other states does that automatically make it non Chinese?

Would you argue that Qu Yuan,Xiang Yu or Liu Bang(though later texts state his ancestors are from Wey) are non Chinese because they came from the former lands of Chu?

So in the end these states Sinicized themselves and viewed themselves as "Chinese".

This is a reasonable voice that we may move on from here.
Xi Shi is extremely beautiful, so she is probably a Huaxia woman lived in Wu Yue land.

Here is someone from Shanghai posted her grandma's picture. The lady was born in 1923, and this is the true Huaxia phenotype in Shanghai, very different from the Wuyue phenotype that i showed you before.

The Wuyue gene cannot produce this kind of beauty, only Huaxia can.


It reminds me of this guy, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He was really handsome. He is from Tangshan, Hebei, born in 1937


IQ shows nothing about ancestry. Today, the high IQ centers of China are Shanghai, Guangdong, Taiwan and HK are all former barbarian land. The Yellow river plains and Xi-an, cradle of Han civilization are now low IQ, poor people receiving state aid.

I come from Henan Province, North China, you mean I am low IQ?

Henan didn't receive as much as aid as other provinces please, we never got any good policies except Agricultural industry.

@Hu Songshan
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It reminds me of this guy, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He was really handsome.

View attachment 15023

I come from Henan Province, North China, you mean I am low IQ?

Sorry, I have no concrete data for that. Not too sure if you guys are higher IQ than HK or Taiwan. Maybe you think you guys that are pretty smarter.
It reminds me of this guy, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He was really handsome. He is from Tangshan, Hebei, born in 1937

View attachment 15023

I come from Henan Province, North China, you mean I am low IQ?

This is a really handsome looking Huaxia man, now our Viet friend has no valid excuse anymore to say that Huaxia people only have small eyes, since this guy is from North China, there is no chance that he has any Baiyue blood.
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The differences between Northern and Southern Chinese can be very big and can be shown if we select example carefully. However we can always choose sentence formations to show there are similar. Nevertheless, Mandarin, Cantonese and Min Nan/Taiwanese are 3 sinitic lect within the Sinitic language family and are 100% mutually unintelligible.

For that reason, if Taiwan goes independent, she will "enshrine" Taiwanese and tell everyone that "Taiwanese" is a separate race from Chinese.

She is very beautiful

ta hen mei

Min Nan/Taiwanese
yi jin sui

kuoi ho leng

kano-jo wa hijo ni utsuku-shi-yi desu.

伊is standard word still used in Wu Chinese, like Shanghai, Suzhou, dialect, etc.

I really hate how Chinese dialects and cultures are represented by Cantonese and Minanese because they were the immigrants historically while at the same time, Cantonese and Fujian people are still a very small minority, population wise. For example, the overuse of bright colors in oversees Chinese restaurants is a bit too cheerful to me. I am rather curious why we people in Zhejiang living just a bit north to Fujian province did not immigrate as much as Fujian people..

The reason they refer themselves more as Tang people is probably because during Han dynasty, the Lin Nan area was still in the process of sinicization. The Han court sent soldiers to be stationed in those areas where they married local women, etc, etc.

Please refrain from discussing about IQ. This just breeds trolling since nobody wants to be called stupid even if it's truth. We humans, being civilized, sometimes have to be hypocritical in order to live together peacefully.
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I come from Henan Province, North China, you mean I am low IQ?

Henan didn't receive as much as aid as other provinces please, we never got any good policies except Agricultural industry.

Don't listen to him, Shanghai is more developed because the geographical advantage.

But it still made by the creation of the Huaxia people, if it was managed by the local Baiyue tribes, i bet it would definitely remain as the monkey land.
伊is standard word still used in Wu Chinese, like Shanghai, Suzhou, dialect, etc.

I really hate how Chinese dialects and cultures are represented by Cantonese and Minanese because they were the immigrants historically while at the same time, Cantonese and Fujian people are still a very small minority, population wise. I For example, the overuse of bright colors in oversees Chinese restaurants is a bit too cheerful to me. I am rather curious that why we people in Zhejiang living just a bit north to Fujian province did not immigrate as much as Fujian people..

The reason they refer themselves more as Tang people is probably because during Han dynasty, the Lin Nan area was still in the process of sinicization. The Han court sent soldiers to be stationed in those areas where they married local women, etc, etc.

The Min Nan are closest to old Chinese for your info. The lect we speak are very close to Chinese classics which is considered elegant by some Chinese language expert.

From hudong baike

闽南方言保留下来的古汉语较多,因此被学术界称为“语言的活化石”。闽南方言历来为国内外语言学家所重视。 这对汉语古音的构拟,古籍的训释,汉语史的研究都具有重要的意义。

It reminds me of this guy, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He was really handsome. He is from Tangshan, Hebei, born in 1937

View attachment 15023

I come from Henan Province, North China, you mean I am low IQ?

Henan didn't receive as much as aid as other provinces please, we never got any good policies except Agricultural industry.

Actually the coaster cities got high IQ because of urbanization and smart people all over flooded there. Also they are the windows of China. I am pretty aware of that.
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