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South China Sea Forum

You have go to court fist with Philippine for the stupid nine dash claim. We will bring you in to court a second step, china historical claim for the Island is fake.

The law made by people in the world, not China.
Huh? i guess your too stupid to understand the difference but hey thats a chinaman for you i does not understand things like one UNCLOS does recognized historical claims which the whole bases two building things on refes does not make it an island three we are the only nation who first had people in this islands in fact its already a working municipality of palawa so your invading four the Archipelagic doctrine and the following Continental shelf, Exclusive economic zones (EEZs), Contiguous zone etc Hey its not my fault your stupid to understand things

Like I said, you don't have a case in the first place. You can claim you are the creator of the world for all we care. The thing is, you still don't have a case. If you feel any Chinese claim is false, you are free to build a case on it, but you have to actually have a case for us to humor it.
enemies of china are insulting China . China is joker, idiot hooligan when you drill oil in our EZZ. Next time China will be crying when Japan, US ... will punish you like uneducated kid.

Yeah, what will the poor Chinese do, their might "enemies" are insulting them! Our feeling must be terribly hurt. :crazy:

Gee, maybe we should just stick to what are doing right now, like keep drilling for petroleum in South China sea. I heard there is this wonderful idea called action speaks louder than words.
Like I said, you don't have a case in the first place. You can claim you are the creator of the world for all we care. The thing is, you still don't have a case. If you feel any Chinese claim is false, you are free to build a case on it, but you have to actually have a case for us to humor it.

You are brainwashed boy in China. China ís not creator for this world. In fact in your history, your laws made by Manchurian untill 1911 ACE. Without interference of Soviet Union and USA in WW II, China is divided and Japan control you up to now. Who could tell a rumor about you, China man ?

The international law granted to China a right of supper power to keep peace for this world, if China will violate it people in the world will punish you.
Yeah, what will the poor Chinese do, their might "enemies" are insulting them! Our feeling must be terribly hurt. :crazy:

Gee, maybe we should just stick to what are doing right now, like keep drilling for petroleum in South China sea. I heard there is this wonderful idea called action speaks louder than words.

when hooligan is geting mad, he does feel nothing other than he masturbate himself that he is strong. China could do it to bully Viet and Pynoy, but China can not do in same manner with Japan and USA.

How pathetic is China.
China's land reclamation activities in the SCS extend to Andajiao(Eldad Reef,located top right corner below)




Do more,talk less。:azn::D
@cirr : us would support Ph to build much bigger base in Scarborough shoal and strengthen all islands Ph controlling as Treaty.
Then how you react.
@cirr : us would support Ph to build much bigger base in Scarborough shoal and strengthen all islands Ph controlling as Treaty.
Then how you react.

We don't give a sh1t about what the US say or do。

We just carry on doing what’s right for us。

And when it comes to engineering,no country can build bigger than China。Not the US。Not Japan。Nor the two combined。

You guys will feel sorry and betrayed if you think the US would come to your aid in any substantial way。There is too much(business and all that) going on between the US and China under the table。Too much intertwined。

The US know very well that Russia will come out top and pretty if China and the US are ever involved in a major war which is likely to last for decades. The US is solely interested oriented. The Americans are certainly NOT stupid.

The US might be gone tomorrow but China will always be where it is today。
You are brainwashed boy in China. China ís not creator for this world. In fact in your history, your laws made by Manchurian untill 1911 ACE. Without interference of Soviet Union and USA in WW II, China is divided and Japan control you up to now. Who could tell a rumor about you, China man ?

The international law granted to China a right of supper power to keep peace for this world, if China will violate it people in the world will punish you.
hmm interesting, power syndrome I think?
Like I said, you don't have a case in the first place. You can claim you are the creator of the world for all we care. The thing is, you still don't have a case. If you feel any Chinese claim is false, you are free to build a case on it, but you have to actually have a case for us to humor it.

Ok i guess its not point to teach the stupid to understand civil matters thanks for proving our point

We don't give a sh1t about what the US say or do。

We just carry on doing what’s right for us。

And when it comes to engineering,no country can build bigger than China。Not the US。Not Japan。Nor the two combined。

You guys will feel sorry and betrayed if you think the US would come to your aid in any substantial way。There is too much(business and all that) going on between the US and China under the table。Too much intertwined。

The US know very well that Russia will come out top and pretty if China and the US are ever involved in a major war which is likely to last for decades. The US is solely interested oriented. The Americans are certainly NOT stupid.

The US might be gone tomorrow but China will always be where it is today。

Funny the Nazi, Imperial Japan said the very same thing
Viet Nam and China should do island swap. We give you the biggest Spratly island that we hold while you give us 12 Paracel islands that you robbed from us in 1974.

the good news for vietnamese is we Chinese no longer want your capital city. it was demonstrated during the war of 1979 - we didn't take your capital city.

what is the point arguing with these brain washed vietnamese?

they are fxxking poor for a good reason.
Philippine and Vietnamese Troops Drink Beer on Disputed South China Sea Island
By Manuel Mogato on 03:18 pm Jun 08, 2014


China also claims 90 percent of the 3.5 million sq km (1.35 million sq mile) South China Sea, its reach displayed on its official maps with a so-called nine-dash line that extends deep into the maritime heart of Southeast Asia. (AFP Photo)

Vietnamese and Philippine troops got together on a disputed island in the South China Sea on Sunday to play football and volleyball – as well as drink beer – in a display of unity that will not go unnoticed in Beijing.

Philippine naval officials billed the event on the Vietnamese-held island as a chance to show the world there can be harmony in the South China Sea despite a web of overlapping claims to the potentially energy-rich waters.

The gathering on Southwest Cay in the Spratly archipelago also symbolizes how once-suspicious neighbors are cooperating in the face of China’s growing assertiveness in disputed waters.

About 40 Philippine naval personnel sailed to the island for the day-long event, Philippine naval officials said.

Coincidentally, the Philippines occupied Southwest Cay until early 1975, when troops from then South Vietnam seized it after Philippine forces sailed a couple of miles to Northeast Cay, which was under Manila’s control, for a party.

The South Vietnamese were soon displaced by the communist forces of a victorious Hanoi.

Besides playing soccer and volleyball, the troops held a tug-of-war competition, put on cultural shows involving singing and dancing and shared food and beer, said Philippine naval spokesman, Lieutenant-Commander Gerard Fabic.

In a joint statement, the Philippine and Vietnamese navies said the sport and cultural presentations would help foster friendly ties.

“This serves as a model of cooperation for other navies to emulate,” said the statement, without naming any other countries.

The gathering underscores the growing cooperation between Hanoi and Manila – the two capitals most feeling China’s wrath over the South China Sea – even though both still claim Southwest Cay and dispute other islands. Southwest Cay is almost equidistant from Vietnam and the Philippines.

“We are not only bringing down walls of mistrust and suspicion with one another but building trust and confidence towards peacefully resolving our competing claims,” said a senior Philippine naval official, who declined to be identified.

The Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei each claim some of the Spratlys, while China, Taiwan and Vietnam claim the whole chain.

China also claims 90 percent of the 3.5 million sq km South China Sea, its reach displayed on its official maps with a so-called nine-dash line that extends deep into the maritime heart of Southeast Asia.

Beijing accuses the other claimants of stirring up trouble in the region.

Diplomats and experts have described the nascent partnership between Hanoi and Manila as part of a web of evolving relationships across Asia that are being driven by fear of China as well as doubts among some, especially in Japan, over the U.S. commitment to the region.

They have said there were increasing levels of trust at a working level, as countries find that China’s projection of naval power into Asia’s waters is driving them together.

Most recently, Vietnam expressed interest in a legal case Manila filed at an international arbitration tribunal in late March, challenging China over its claims in the South China Sea.

Indeed, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said last month his government was considering taking legal action against China following the deployment of a Chinese oil rig to waters that Hanoi also claims. Vietnamese officials have not elaborated.

The Philippine and Vietnamese navies recently agreed to expand cooperation in disputed areas and a Vietnamese guided missile cruiser will soon visit Manila, Philippine naval officials have said.


Philippine and Vietnamese Troops Drink Beer on Disputed South China Sea Island | The Jakarta Globe
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference on June 5, 2014
Q: The G7 Summit issued an announcement on June 4 expressing concerns over the current situation in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. How does China respond?

A:China is a staunch champion of peace and stability in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, cooperation and development of regional countries as well as the principles and purposes of the UN Charter, basic norms governing international relations and basic principles of international laws. The last thing China wants to see is any turmoil in its neighboring areas including the East China Sea and the South China Sea. China strongly upholds the territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and interests as well as national security, and always safeguards the order and navigation freedom in relevant airspace and waters in accordance with international laws and international practices. China is committed to solving relevant disputes concerning the East China Sea and the South China Sea with countries directly concerned through bilateral coordination and negotiation on the basis of respecting historical facts and the international laws. This is an important consensus reached between China and relevant countries, and is also in line with the interests and aspirations of the majority of countries and peoples in this region. However, as for the provocative acts taken by certain country to willfully violate China's sovereignty and rights and interests as well as deliberately undermine maritime peace and stability, China will respond with firm resolve.

Practices have proven again and again that negotiation and coordination between parties concerned is the most effective way to solve the disputes; the internationalization of relevant disputes as well as the interference and involvement of irrelevant party is neither helpful in solving the disputes nor in realizing regional peace and stability, only making the problem more difficult to settle. Countries outside this region should respect facts on relevant controversial issues and adhere to an objective attitude instead of deliberately hyping up tension, stirring up confrontation or complicating the regional situation.

Q: Since the 981 drilling platform changed the location and started the second phase operation, the Vietnamese side has been disrupting Chinese operations on the sea. The Vietnamese leaders and officials said many times on international occasions that China's operations fall within the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of Vietnam, China's operations violate Vietnamese sovereignty and jurisdiction and Vietnam is considering legal actions on relevant issues. What is China's response?

A: After conducting forceful disruptions of the first phase operation of the 981 drilling platform located in the contiguous zone of the Xisha Islands, the Vietnamese side has kept deploying large numbers of vessels including armed vessels to continuously disrupt the second phase normal operation of the 981 drilling platform since May 27. Up to now, the Vietnamese side has altogether rammed into Chinese government vessels for safeguarding security on the scene for over 1,200 times, and has set up large floating objects and obstacles. This action grossly infringes upon China's sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction, jeopardizes the security of Chinese personnel and facilities, violates international laws and basic norms governing international relations, and undermines navigation freedom and safety in this water. China is strongly outraged by and firmly opposed to this.

The location of the 981 drilling platform operation in its second phase is in the southeast to the Zhongjian Island of China's Xisha Islands. It is 17 nautical miles away from the baseline of territorial sea of the Xisha Islands and 160 nautical miles from Vietnam, falling indisputably within the contiguous zone of China's Xisha Islands just as the location of the first phase operation. China's operation fully falls within China's sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction. The exploration work including 2-D and 3-D seismetic research and well site exploration conducted by Chinese companies in the coastal waters of the Xisha Islands has been ongoing for 10 years. The drilling activities carried out this time are routine continuation of relevant exploration work and are fully legal and legitimate.

In response to the provocations of the Vietnamese side, China has maintained maximum restraint and sent government vessels and civilian vessels to uphold the order of normal operation on the sea and safeguard the security of Chinese personnel and facilities. However, the Vietnamese side takes advantage of China's exercise of restraint to complicate the situation and escalate the tension, and further intensifies their actions without any restriction. Here I want to point out that China has firm and unflinching resolve in safeguarding national sovereignty, maritime rights and interests, international laws and the basic norms governing international relations. We will continue to resolutely contain Vietnam's dangerous actions against China's drilling platform. Vietnam's attempt to create disputes on international occasions cannot succeed. Any action taken by the Vietnamese side to magnify and complicate the situation can only harm its own interests. What the Vietnamese side should do at the present is to give up its illusions, immediately stop all provocations and withdraw all vessels from the scene so as to restore tranquility to the sea as soon as possible.

Q: Yesterday the Vietnamese TV station presented a footage showing Chinese vessels chasing down and ramming into two Vietnamese vessels, causing one of them to sink. Does this say that China is the one who takes aggressive actions in the South China Sea? How does China respond to this?

A: I have just briefed you on the current situation when talking about the Vietnamese side's continuous ramming into China's guarding vessels protecting the second phase operation of the drilling platform in the southern waters off China's Zhongjian Island. I can give you a more specific answer, and that is in relevant waters, Chinese vessels are defending and the Vietnamese vessels are attacking. Chinese vessels are only 17 nautical miles away from China's Zhongjian Island, while the Vietnamese vessels marched as far as nearly 160 nautical miles to the scene. Which one is aggressively ramming into the other on the scene? Which one is stirring up tension on the scene? I believe the answer is very clear.

After the press conference, some journalist asked that the recent severely violent crimes in Vietnam against foreign companies involving beating, smashing, looting and burning have caused heavy casualties and enormous property losses to China, and how is Vietnam doing in punishing the perpetrators and making compensations?

The severely violent crimes against foreign companies involving beating, smashing, looting and burning in Vietnam have caused heavy casualties and property losses to Chinese companies. But up to now, the Vietnamese side has not made compensation to Chinese people and companies being hurt in this incident. The Chinese side urges the Vietnamese side to take concrete and effective measures to safeguard the security of life and property as well as the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese personnel and institutions in Vietnam, severely punish the perpetrators and fully compensate for China's losses.
the good news for vietnamese is we Chinese no longer want your capital city. it was demonstrated during the war of 1979 - we didn't take your capital city.

what is the point arguing with these brain washed vietnamese?

they are fxxking poor for a good reason.
i have heared this propaganda 1xxxxxxxxxxxxx times
"we withdrew because we love peace"
"we withdrew because we had completed missions" what missions?
"we withdrew and didn't attack your capital because we needn't to do that thing"
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