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South China Sea Forum

Wonderful. Much better than fighting each other like before.

I understand that Philippine and Vietnamese's claim on Spratly islands almost completely overlapped each other, so have they work out who should get which island and sea zone yet?

Viet Nam and Phil still have unfinished business to settle as they have occupied several islands that we had already built sovereignty steles on them.
LOL, so this is "so-call" "newly build" 15000 tons patrol ship which so many Chinese keep swank about it so much ... :rofl:

If you considered those papers can use for reference in the court, so Could Chinese dare to go to the court if Vietnam brought it on international court !? :coffee:

slow boat.
As I know, During Vietnam War, China "helped" Vietnam to print map.
Actually, Vietnam never printed those maps.
Can you show me more details on the map?
It is not about going to court or not. It is about principle and the international norm regarding solving territorial dispute had always been through bilateral negotiation and settlement. Settle territories through court is hardly acceptable.
Any proofs from China are illegal and invalid in Vietnamese eyes, Heard that, the vietnamese government has said the proof are illegal and invalid, what can you say?

Reasoning with the discreditable and ungrateful vietnamese is wasting time, Rig just the beginning, there will be more conflicts between China and Viet, also hope Vietnam don't repress the protest against China in Viet, hehe!
Chinese officials have accused vessels from Vietnam of launching more than 1,400 ramming raids on its ships near a drilling rig in the South China Sea.

The foreign ministry said in a statement the actions were illegal and called on Hanoi to stop "provocations".

China moved the drilling rig on 2 May, helping to spark anti-Chinese riots in Vietnam in which four people died.

Hanoi says the rig is within its waters and has called on China to stop its exploration in the area.

The South China Sea is host to overlapping territorial claims by a number of countries.

Beijing claims almost the entire sea, based on a mid-20th Century map with a line apparently delineating Chinese territory, and vague historical claims going back more than 1,000 years.

The drilling rig is near the Paracel Islands, a grouping claimed by both China and Vietnam.

Hanoi argued that the rig was inside its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), usually defined as within 200 nautical miles of a country's coast.

However, in its most detailed defence of the rig manoeuvre so far, China's foreign ministry said the drilling operation fell "well within China's sovereignty and jurisdiction".

"The two locations of operation are 17 nautical miles from both the Zhongjian Island of China's Xisha Islands [Paracels] ... yet approximately 133 to 156 nautical miles away from the coast of the Vietnamese mainland," the statement said.

Reference: BBC NEWS
R&R activities with our neighbor on Song Tu Tay island

China has started land reclamation work on Nanxunjiao(Gaven Reef,located far left in the pic below)according to the Philippines media:


Do more,talk less。:D
The number 1,400 may be right, but that must be from Chinese vessels against Vietnamese ships.
Can you believe 1,400 incidents and Chineses forces can't produce even a single photo of them?
I guess if their claim is true, then none of the Chinese on board knew how to operate a camera, or they do but their photography skills were too bad to capture the right moments ;)

It was reported that Chinese vessels even "attacked" each other to produce fake evidence :hitwall:, but I think they were washing evidence of their ramming onto Vietnamese ships.
Abnormal: Two Chinese ships themselves "sprinklers" to each other - News - Bubblews
Any proofs from China are illegal and invalid in Vietnamese eyes, Heard that, the vietnamese government has said the proof are illegal and invalid, what can you say?

Reasoning with the discreditable and ungrateful vietnamese is wasting time, Rig just the beginning, there will be more conflicts between China and Viet, also hope Vietnam don't repress the protest against China in Viet, hehe!
We have to know that the Vietnamese are delusional and have a very weak understanding of the international laws and norms are.

Viet Nam and Phil still have unfinished business to settle as they have occupied several islands that we had already built sovereignty steles on them.
Kick the Filipino *** for us. Our little brother ViXuyen! LOL

As for this island swap. It is stupid. If you are friendly with us, anything is possible. We may even provide you some islands for vacation just like we let you station arm force in our island to fight against the US.

Vietcongs can only dream of this :D
considering rising sea level because of global warming and increasing number of deadly typhoons in the region, I would say that is a very risky investment.

look at the multi billions dollars Dubai´s artificial islands.
Certainly there is video of some of the 1400 attacks. So far the only boat ramming video I have seen would not count.
EDITORIAL - Code of conduct
(The Philippine Star) | Updated June 9, 2014 - 12:00am

Unless someone tampered with it, the video footage of that encounter on May 29 between a Vietnamese fishing boat and a larger Chinese vessel clearly shows the boat being pursued and then rammed by the big ship. The Chinese ship then left the Vietnamese boat to sink with its crew.

It was a clear, sunny day near the Paracel Islands so it was unlikely that the Chinese failed to notice the Vietnamese boat. Before the video emerged, the Chinese said they were harassed by the Vietnamese boat in disputed waters near the spot where Beijing is setting up an oilrig, leading to a collision. The video clearly shows that the sinking was not accidental and the Vietnamese were left to drown.

The incident gives the latest indication that Beijing is prepared to use force to stake its claim over nearly all the waters around it. From its reaction to the international arbitration pursued by the Philippines on maritime rights, it can also be surmised that Beijing prefers force to a peaceful settlement, based on international rules, of overlapping claims.

Following this stance, it’s uncertain that Beijing will forge – much less abide by – a code of conduct in disputed waters with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Nevertheless, the ugly incident involving the Vietnamese fishing boat should encourage ASEAN to work on the code with urgency. This part of the world prospered in the past three decades due in large part to an environment that until recently was among the world’s most peaceful and stable.

That peace has been under strain particularly since Xi Jinping replaced Hu Jintao at China’s helm, as Beijing, not content with having Asia’s largest landmass, now stakes a claim on nearly all the waters around it. Chinese fishermen have ventured as far away as Palau and Alaska, apparently in the belief that as long as their boats can move on the water, it must be part of China.

After the sinking of the Vietnamese boat, all parties must work for a code of conduct to prevent any country from claiming territory by force. This is if Asia does not want regional peace shattered.

EDITORIAL - Code of conduct | Opinion, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
China has started land reclamation work on Nanxunjiao(Gaven Reef,located far left in the pic below)according to the Philippines media:


Do more,talk less。:D

Pactice what you preach
considering rising sea level because of global warming and increasing number of deadly typhoons in the region, I would say that is a very risky investment.

look at the multi billions dollars Dubai´s artificial islands.
stupid viets. That is a wedge we drive into SCS to project our power. we only require it last 30 years, then we can claim back all the islands round it.
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