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South China Sea Forum

No its not the moral hight ground is the victory here if china does not obey the rules china is unfit to be anything in the 21st century just other troublemaker
Are you kidding me? Are they really saying it's good for the "international community" to decide for and dictate each country's sovereignty from now on? Would you really allow an overseas entity to control the affairs of your home territory?
China claims nearly the SC Sea based on "historical" facts, aka the world famous fcking 9-dash line.
Now the court asks China to show the world these "historical" facts.

Is it difficult to understand?

How can a verdict be enforced on a country like China? It can't. What's Philippines going to do if China doesn't cooperate or comply even on a verdict by an international court / tribunal?

Utter waste of time. The only way is to sort out problems mutually to the satisfaction of both countries.
It does not matter.

if China refuses to show the evidences, the court will rule: China does not have any evidences at all that back their claim.
the Philippines will win the case, and the world knows China lies.

So China can no longer tell the world they claim the SC Sea is based on historial facts and evidences. That is the point.

China wants to dictate not negotiate. You see it when they place the oil rig in our EEZ.
Vietnam government monitors the case of the Philippines with interests, because we will likely sue China soon.
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No, not the same. Chinese people looks down all SE Asia countries, including Vietnam. The feeling to Japan is different, but as I said, if China didnt make any stupid, Japan has no chance.

BTW, What's your meaning of "If Japan can take it, Vietnam can too?" I'd suggest you go to China or Japan and check how different two countries. Vietnam's GDP is the same with a poor province of China, and without China's help(I dont care China's aim), Vietnam is a part of France or USA now. Vietnam=Japan? No.
Yeah, Chinese feeling toward Japan is more hateful, or should I say vegenceful?

By comparing Vietnam and Japan, I mean Vietnam will not back down on the SCS issue, just like Japan on the Diaoyu/Senkaku island, at least on this state of smearing each other.

In Vietnam war, North Vietnam was helped by CCCP, China and other communist countries. Of course the first two were major helps but it's not right to say China ensured the victory of Vietnam against US. Vietnamese shed blood for their victory.
And please dont misunderstand, I have no offence. I am also very strenge with such question. SE Asia countries have too much rescource, and enough population. Weather is nice to farm most plants. So why there is only Singapore, that is a developed country? And most people in Singapore are Chinese immigrant. In other countries, Chinese people also have a lot of fortune and stay in "high-class" level.
Allow me to share my opinion. Most SEA countries have had some kinds of political or military affairs. Myanmar and Thailand have political issues. Vietnam were in war up until 1991. Cambodia suffered the Khmer Rogue and then Vietnam occupation till 1989. Laos has no seashore and rough weather, also Vietnam and China both want to have political influence over Laos. Malaysia and Indonesia have some internal affairs, namely separatist and racist rebels. Phillipine is ok, but have annually natural disaster. Singapore is small, easy to manage and maintain, hard to have corruption and affairs. Also Singapore have a pretty smal army and does not engage in any conflict yet.
China's courts already ruled South China Sea belongs to China so the matter is legally settled. No more disputes. Now we bring out the nuclear arsenal for Viets and Pinoys.
At least, Chinese government has never done something like what Nguyen Tan Dung did, send the sms and encourage people to "protect" the intrest of China. Too many Vietnam people in China still live good.

You lie. Mr. Dzung himself never did it. Lying is no good, dude. How did chinese PM in China to demonstration protest Japan recently ? does he send sms ?

Look at how chinese do with Senkaku of Japan in the past.

Prior to the 1970s, neither the PRC nor ROC government make any official statements disputing or claiming the sovereignty of the Senkaku Islands. Several maps, newspaper articles, and government documents from both countries after 1945 refer to the islands by their Japanese name, while some even explicitly recognize their status as Japanese territory.

  • TheWashington Timesstated that they obtained a classified map made by the PRC's map authority in 1969 apparently listing the "Senkaku Islands" as Japanese territory.
    TheWashington Timesstates that this is a classified PRC government map from 1969 and that it lists the "Senkaku islands" as Japanese territory.
From 1946 to 1971,Taiwan Statistical Abstractpublished by the Taiwanese Provincial Government stated "the easternmost point of Taiwan is Mianhua Islet and the northernmost point isPengjia Islet" excluding the Senkaku islands.

The Grand Atlas of the World Vol. 1published in October 1965 by the National Defense Research Academy and the China Geological Research Institute of Taiwan records the Diaoyu Islands with Japanese names: Gyochojima (Diaoyu Islands), Taishojima (Chiwei Island), and Senkaku Gunto in the "Map of the Ryukyu Islands". Taiwan and the Senkaku Gunto were clearly divided by a national border.

The National Atlas of China Vol. 1published by the National War College of Taiwan did not include Diaoyutai Islands in the map of "Taipei and Keelung" in the first (1959), second (1963), or even third (1967) editions.

A world atlas published in November 1958, by the Map Publishing Company of Beijing, treats the Senkaku Islands as a Japanese territory and described them in Japanese name Senkaku Guntō (Senkaku Islands) and Uotsuri-Jima,

Kick the Filipino *** for us. Our little brother ViXuyen! LOL

As for this island swap. It is stupid. If you are friendly with us, anything is possible. We may even provide you some islands for vacation just like we let you station arm force in our island to fight against the US.
Currently there is no tension between Viet Nam and Phil. We have just played tug of war, soccer, and volleyball on our island:p:

As for the Paracel islands; I can assure you that 99% of our tension/animosity toward China is because of this island chain. If China agrees to return just a few of those Paracel islands back to Viet Nam; that is a HUGE boost in normalizing relation between the two countries back to pre-1974 :enjoy:
China is strong, she showed her muscle, it is logic of invaders could do to bully Vietnam.


A vessel of the China Coast Guard attacked a ship of the Vietnam Fisheries Surveillance.
It is also very logical for small and weak invaders to play the VICTIM card.
It is also very logical for small and weak invaders to play the VICTIM card.
Have you seen any smaller and weaker countries invading bigger and more powerful countries? When Germany invaded CCCP, Germany had already put the whole Europe (expect for UK) and North Africa in their pocket. Japan and 7 other countries joined force before taking down the Quin dynasty China. Israel had advanced weaponry and was backed up by the US before they attacked Iran.

It's very logical for China to play the victim, for the "Peacful Rise". While China is still counting the number of ramming, we lost count already. China ships ram and fire water cannon at Vietnam ships on daily basis, who care any more. Now we care about how many ships China will sink before Chinese citizens realize they are the aggressor.
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