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South China Sea Forum

Type 032 Experimental Submarine model on display::coffee:






Note the 4-cell VLS in the forward area of the sub。:azn:
Why are you guys talking like you all represent PRC or Vietnam?
XG-2 Unmanned Surface Vessel(USV):


with anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles。The pic above shows an old model going through tests。

You guys are gonna see lots of this baby in the SCS。:azn:
the VN government approves a new procurement for 2015 for $700m:
- 4 new 2,500 tons and 15 new 1,500 tons patrol vessels
- 3,000 steel hull fishing vessels

NICE: these 3,000 steel vessels can be used for ramming and other purposes such as carrying antiship missiles :partay:

In medium term, we will build up to 30,000 steel vessels.

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Nope, we followed UNCLOS article 298 down to the letter. Let me quote it for your benefit again.

"Article 298

Optional exceptions to applicability of section 2

1. When signing, ratifying or acceding to this Convention or at any time thereafter, a State may, without prejudice to the obligations arising under section 1, declare in writing that it does not accept any one or more of the procedures provided for in section 2 with respect to one or more of the following categories of disputes:

(a) (i) disputes concerning the interpretation or application of articles 15, 74 and 83 relating to sea boundary delimitations, or those involving historic bays or titles, provided that a State having made such a declaration shall, when such a dispute arises subsequent to the entry into force of this Convention and where no agreement within a reasonable period of time is reached in negotiations between the parties, at the request of any party to the dispute, accept submission of the matter to conciliation under Annex V, section 2; and provided further that any dispute that necessarily involves the concurrent consideration of any unsettled dispute concerning sovereignty or other rights over continental or insular land territory shall be excluded from such submission;

(ii) after the conciliation commission has presented its report, which shall state the reasons on which it is based, the parties shall negotiate an agreement on the basis of that report; if these negotiations do not result in an agreement, the parties shall, by mutual consent, submit the question to one of the procedures provided for in section 2, unless the parties otherwise agree;

(iii) this subparagraph does not apply to any sea boundary dispute finally settled by an arrangement between the parties, or to any such dispute which is to be settled in accordance with a bilateral or multilateral agreement binding upon those parties;

(b) disputes concerning military activities, including military activities by government vessels and aircraft engaged in non-commercial service, and disputes concerning law enforcement activities in regard to the exercise of sovereign rights or jurisdiction excluded from the jurisdiction of a court or tribunal under article 297, paragraph 2 or 3;

(c) disputes in respect of which the Security Council of the United Nations is exercising the functions assigned to it by the Charter of the United Nations, unless the Security Council decides to remove the matter from its agenda or calls upon the parties to settle it by the means provided for in this Convention."


SCS is not histrical bay,

Why china does not go arbitration with Philippine ? China will be loser, kid.
It seems neither Chinese nor Vietnamese like this plan. So let's not do anything nobody wants.
Models of future Chinese law enforcement(CCG、CMS、MSA、CFA etc)vessels on display::coffee:




We already built something like that 2 years ago.



And FYI, recently the 2nd version is in process.. :coffee:
but china did wrong thing here in ECS and SCS, what enemy of China want China do.

Chinese is a short term viewer.
Enemy of China it is which now occupying large piece of land of China.
You know the Chinese government always avoid the truly severe,important and difficult thing and like dealing with the easy ones which even could be made up.
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