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South China Sea Forum

Dialogues. I heard they offered you of joint ventures at sea but you turned down. Still there is time, have some mediator and start dialogues. Remember that we have some border issue with China after our independence, we negotiated and gave some land to them which they were justified. Now China is our best friend. Win-win for both.
chinese are liar. they want all. they don´t want to negotiate. nor have dialogue.
chinese are our enemy. we want peace, but chinese rather want us to be dead than alive. that is sad, but true.

Best solution for Vietnam is accepted China sovereignty over paracel and spratly island in return for a very favourable 50/50 profit sharing for any gas exploited in that area.

If not, Vietnam not only need to pursue a very expensive military expenditure that offer no return but damage to her own country like high military maintenance fee which will erode economy expansion for the good of the vietnamese.

India is one fine example. Not only their economic progress slow down due to high military expenditure which resulted negligence of public infrastructure development. They even run out of money to buy Rafale fighter and other equipment.
NO, We never accept such a thing.
I have a better proposal: Vietnam shares 50/50 with you what we find of oil and gas in the East China Sea. Agreed?

I think that is the best solution for you.
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3500-tonne CCG 2306 launched at WC:


Talk less,do more。:enjoy:
“Haixun 11” departing for Rig 981::coffee:



Hope our Vietnamese friends catch nice pictures of the ship and share with us here in a couple of days。

Thanks in advance。:azn::enjoy:
Japan transfer Surveillance ships to Vietnam in beginning of year 2015.


General Nguyen Chi Vinh said to media and Reuter on 1/6/2014.
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chinese are liar. they want all. they don´t want to negotiate. nor have dialogue.
chinese are our enemy. we want peace, but chinese rather want us to be dead than alive. that is sad, but true.

NO, We never accept such a thing.
I have a better proposal: Vietnam shares 50/50 with you what we find of oil and gas in the East China Sea. Agreed?

I think that is the best solution for you.

If you got the capabilities to do it, sure! But if you are an egg trying to stir a rock. Then you think too highly of yourself. :lol:

Japan transfer Surveillance ships to Vietnam in beginning of year 2015.


General Nguyen Chi Vinh said to media and Reuter on 1/6/2014.

That's too late. By then we already finishing drilling all the oil. :lol: And by 2015, CMS will have additional 8 more 4000tons cutter ship. :lol:
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chinese are liar. they want all. they don´t want to negotiate. nor have dialogue.
chinese are our enemy. we want peace, but chinese rather want us to be dead than alive. that is sad, but true.
Too much hatred not good for health of men and nation. Leave a window open for future
If you got the capabilities to do it, sure! But if you are an egg trying to stir a rock. Then you think too highly of yourself. :lol:

That's too late. By then we already finishing drilling all the oil. :lol: And by 2015, CMS will have additional 8 more 4000tons cutter ship. :lol:

no problem, our ship 9001 is completed in Shipyard Song Thu, some more ships is under construction.:D

“Haixun 11” departing for Rig 981::coffee:



Hope our Vietnamese friends catch nice pictures of the ship and share with us here in a couple of days。

Thanks in advance。:azn::enjoy:
Ur economy is collapsing with terrorism raising everywhere in China, we just sit and wait for China civil war in near future :pop:
Three new CCG vessels spotted:

CCG 2104


CCG 2105


CCG 2106


More to come,a lot more。

Our Vietnamese friends must be prepared for thousands of Chinese law enforcement ships roaming the SCS in the near future。

And China has over 10000 300-500 tonne steel-hull steel-shell fishing vessels just in Hainan and Guangxi provinces。

It is a protracted “war”。:enjoy:
Our Vietnamese friends must be prepared for thousands of Chinese law enforcement ships roaming the SCS in the near future。

And China has over 10000 300-500 tonne steel-hull steel-shell fishing vessels just in Hainan and Guangxi provinces。

It is a protracted “war”。:enjoy:
And it will make ur economy even worse , China civil war will come even sooner :pop:
广西两艘1000吨级渔政船在厦门下水 - 北海新闻 - 北海新闻网 - Powered by Discuz!

Two new law enforcement vessels CFA 45013 and CFA 45005 launched at Xiamen Shipbuilding & Heavy Engineering Co。on 29.05.2014 and 30.05.2014,respectively:

CFA 45013


Both ships,plus a third one under construction at the same shipyard,will join CFA Guangxi Detachment for law enforcement tasks in the Beibu Gulf and the wasters of Xisha and Nansha Islands。

More to come,a lot more。:enjoy:
CCG 3402 nearly ready for launch:


CCG 1401 being given a final coat of paint before delivery:


CCG ships being outfitted at HPS


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