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Chinese officials are just a bunch of liars. And the Chinese posters on this forum are all brainwashed, and become liars like their government.
Then you should know by now that your leaders are all lying through their teeth.
What i knew is China local media have showed chasing Vietnam boat videos on TV news, Chinese ppl get used to it. China think our CHINA COAST GUARD did well coz XiSha islands belong to China.
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CFA 45005 and CFA 45013 launched at XSI:




Tip of the iceberg。More to come,a lot more。:enjoy:
I like the Hanoi 's peaceful methods of settling dispute. Remind me of India's Gandhi and his nonviolence struggle against British colonial rule. I wished Hanoi had implement this peaceful policy against the American during the Vietnam War then there would be on casualty on either sides. The Bible teach us to "turn the other cheek" when someone slap us, good for you Vietnam!

I like the Hanoi 's peaceful methods of settling dispute. Remind me of India's Gandhi and his nonviolence struggle against British colonial rule. I wished Hanoi had implement this peaceful policy against the American during the Vietnam War then there would be on casualty on either sides. The Bible teach us to "turn the other cheek" when someone slap us, good for you Vietnam!
I meant no casualty.
What i knew is China local media have showed chasing Vietnam boat video on TV news, Chinese ppl get used to it. China think our CHINA COAST GUARD did well coz XiSha islands belong to China.
and do you know what your fellow countryman talk about this incident?
"Vietnamese is invader, they attack us first, we didn't do anything, it's their fault, i repeat that we didn't ram their ship, they attack us first"
What i knew is China local media have showed chasing Vietnam boat video on TV news, Chinese ppl get used to it. China think our CHINA COAST GUARD did well coz XiSha islands belong to China.
Of course, what they would show is Chinese ships chasing the boats and some occasional water cannon attack on Vietnamese ship. But what they did not show is the barbaric actions such as water canon targeting engines, glass windows, much bigger Chinese ships ramming Vietnam fishing boats, throwing sharp and heavy objects to damage Vietnam wooden boats. Especially, this sinking of poor Vietnamese fisherman ship went out of any international norms. The Chinese not only didn't help the other drowning human beings but also prevented Vietnamese ships to come to the rescue for a long while. Eventually, Vietnamese ships were allowed to rescue those poor people but without a single help from the Chinese ship. In real shooting war, civilized nations are not even that inhumane while this is just a low level conflict and the Chinese has shown how little human lives are worth to them.
and do you know what your fellow countryman talk about this incident?
"Vietnamese is invader, they attack us first, we didn't do anything, it's their fault, i repeat that we didn't ram their ship, they attack us first"
Did Vietnamese seize any island in XiSha islands/Paracel islands ? As far as i know ZERO ! How can Vietnam claim the sovereignty to XiSha islands/Paracel islands ???

The H981 oil rig reach Paracel islands much more closer than to Vietnam coast, it's in the water of XiSha/Paracel islands, in China water areas. So ur boats have invaded China's waters, u r the invader to XiSha/Paracel islands of China.

Of course, what they would show is Chinese ships chasing the boats and some occasional water cannon attack on Vietnamese ship. But what they did not show is the barbaric actions such as water canon targeting engines, glass windows, much bigger Chinese ships ramming Vietnam fishing boats, throwing sharp and heavy objects to damage Vietnam wooden boats. Especially, this sinking of poor Vietnamese fisherman ship went out of any international norms. The Chinese not only didn't help the other drowning human beings but also prevented Vietnamese ships to come to the rescue for a long while. Eventually, Vietnamese ships were allowed to rescue those poor people but without a single help from the Chinese ship. In real shooting war, civilized nations are not even that inhumane while this is just a low level conflict and the Chinese has shown how little human lives are worth to them.
First, we respect ur Vietnamese fisher's brave. The CHINA COAST GUARD also did their duty to keep ur boats far away from H981 oil rig.

Second, there's no War the water canon and ramming is the normal way to drive off foreign boats in Peace time. About the sink Vietnam wood ship it's a bad lucky.

It seems the H981 oil rig will continue her jobs near water areas of XiSha/Paracel Islands, as i said Vietnam did not any island in Paracel islands, there's not ur waters so just give up or the water show will continue.
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Vietnam has no any island in XiSha/Paracel Islands, and China government know ur Vietnam just wanna using this H981 rig case to make the un-dispute Paracel islands and waters controlled by China become a disputed areas between China and Vietnam.

If Vietnamese won't give up that stupid idea, the only thing China will do is to send more ships patrolling in this waters. The Attrition Warfare won't hurt China anymore, only damage our relationship.
First, we respect ur Vietnamese fisher's brave. The CHINA COAST GUARD also did their duty to keep ur boats far away from H981 oil rig.

Second, there's no War the water canon and ramming is the normal way to drive off foreign boats in Peace time. About the sink Vietnam wood ship it's a bad lucky.

It seems the H981 oil rig will continue her jobs near water areas of XiSha/Paracel Islands, as i said Vietnam did not any island in Paracel islands, there's not ur waters so just give up or the water show will continue.
First, yes, we are bearing our ships to receive hits from yours without fighting back, we are showing you our spirits while at the same time prevent a war to save lives for both countries. We are like a tiny boxer, small, but never back down. You should have learnt that by now looking back at all the wars we have been fighting. Vietnam has always been at the disadvantage but we win in the end. We will fight to the last ship until you get out of our water.

Second, the Japanese also use water cannon to fight off your ships at the Senkaku. However, they were more civilized and never did to the extent that you are bulling Vietnam here. Ramming to sink a much smaller boat is is not "unlucky" action, especially when it is trying to run away, it's a blatant and naked aggression. Not helping drowning people afterward is just inhumane and mean-spirited.

Third, it will not end until the rig is moved away. The Paracel is Paracel, don't suddenly put the Chinese name next to it a call it yours. Don't repeat that bs here. No country in the world recognize Chinese ownership over the islands. It's an illegal occupation and annexation of another country's territory. It's not your islands or your water and China has next to no argument that it is yours. That's why the PRC government has been avoiding international court.

Vietnam has no any island in XiSha/Paracel Islands, and China government know ur Vietnam just wanna using this H981 rig case to make the un-dispute Paracel islands and waters controlled by China become a disputed areas between China and Vietnam.
Wow, this is a new argument coming from Chinese media. "Bringing the undisputed to a disputed" is the line Vietnamese side has used since the start of the oil rig incident. Now the Chinese is copying it.

The islands are controlled but not owned by China, it's that exact same thing PRC is using against Japan for the Senkaku islands. Unfortunately for China, there is a mountain of proofs that Vietnam had been owners of these islands for centuries.

If Vietnamese won't give up that stupid idea, the only thing China will do is to send more ships patrolling in this waters. The Attrition Warfare won't hurt China anymore, only damage our relationship.
Relationship can only built on trust and mutual respect. PRC has shown none to us while lying to the world. Why would any country trust China with that kind of behavior?
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First, yes, we are bearing our ships to receive hits from yours without fighting back, we are showing you our spirits while at the same time prevent a war to save lives for both countries. We are like a tiny boxer, small, but never back down. You should have learnt that by now looking back at all the wars we have been fighting. Vietnam has always been at the disadvantage but we win in the end. We will fight to the last ship until you get out of our water.

Second, the Japanese also use water cannon to fight off your ships at the Senkaku. However, they were more civilized and never did to the extent that you are bulling Vietnam here. Ramming to sink a much smaller boat is is not "unlucky" action, especially when it is trying to run away, it's a blatant and naked aggression. Not helping drowning people afterward is just inhumane and mean-spirited.

Third, it will not end until the rig is moved away. The Paracel is Paracel, don't suddenly put the Chinese name next to it a call it yours. Don't repeat that bs here. No country in the world recognize Chinese ownership over the islands. It's an illegal occupation and annexation of another country's territory. It's not your islands or your water and China has next to no argument that it is yours. That's why the PRC government has been avoiding international court.
First, since 1945 Chinese joint whole Vietnam Wars and we clearly know what Vietnamese looks like.

Second, as far as i know the Water War in DiaoYu/Senkaku island dispute was happened between JAPAN COAST GUARD and TaiWan ship boat + TAIWAN COAST GUARD, there's no any pic on the internet to show Japanese ships use water cannon fight off China's ships (If there'r, pls show to me.). According to pics of CHINA COAST GUARD and JAPAN COAST GUARD in DiaoYu/Senkaku island waters, there's PEACE time no water cannon and ramming.

Third, Vietnam has ZERO island in XiSha/Paracel islands, there's a un-disputed waters and islands it belong to China. If Vietnam won't give up, the water game will continue untill u can not affort the damage.

Wow, this is a new argument coming from Chinese media. "Bringing the undisputed to a disputed" is the line Vietnamese side has used since the start of the oil rig incident. Now the Chinese is copying it.

The islands are controlled but not owned by China, it's that exact same thing PRC is using against Japan for the Senkaku islands. Unfortunately for China, there is a mountain of proofs that Vietnam had been owners of these islands for centuries.

Relationship can only built on trust and mutual respect. PRC has shown none to us while lying to the world. Why would any country trust China with that kind of behavior?

Keep doing the stupid, it's not good for ur Vietnam development. U can't win in this Attrition Warfare, then China will target ur economy inside Vietnam.
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First, since 1945 Chinese joint whole Vietnam Wars and we clearly know what Vietnamese looks like.

Second, as far as i know the Water War in DiaoYu/Senkaku island dispute was happened between JAPAN COAST GUARD and TaiWan ship boat + TAIWAN COAST GUARD, there's no any pic on the internet to show Japanese ships use water cannon fight off China's ships (If there'r, pls show to me.). According to pics of CHINA COAST GUARD and JAPAN COAST GUARD in DiaoYu/Senkaku island waters, there's PEACE time no water cannon and ramming.

Third, Vietnam has ZERO island in XiSha/Paracel islands, there's a un-disputed waters and islands it belong to China. If Vietnam won't give up, the water game will continue untill u can not affort the damage.
Japanese ships against ship from Honkong

And this is a Chinese ship ramming Japanese Coast Guard ship.

See any similarity with this one?

Keep doing the stupid, it's not good for ur Vietnam development. U can't win in this Attrition Warfare, then China will target ur economy inside Vietnam.
We are trying to get away from you. The only obvious course is to expand trade with Japan, ASEAN, India, and the US. Attrition warfare is our specialty; that is what won over ancient China, the France, and the US. China is not a good neighbor. Vietnam wants to be friend with you but it seems like PRC doesn't need friends. You are right, China is so big and so powerful that it can go up against the world. Even the Russians are really cautious with China. Who has to right mind to immediately after signing the gas agreement to suggest Russia open border to Chinese workers to "populate" Siberia?
@cnleio your argument is very poor this time, you can't deny the fact that your Govt is liar about this case, also as many actions from begin of event.
If PRC govt do right things, why need to lied about this !?

Your fellow member said Chinese is very good at "troll", tactic move and strategy, so why did your govt do things like this !?
If you're rightful side, why did your govt said "everything is normal", but everyone said they concerns about these actions by China !?

Many countries supported Vietnamese peaceful solution, not aggressive move by PRC.
@cnleio your argument is very poor this time, you can't deny the fact that your Govt is liar about this case, also as many actions from begin of event.
If PRC govt do right things, why need to lied about this !?

Your fellow member said Chinese is very good at "troll", tactic move and strategy, so why did your govt do things like this !?
If you're rightful side, why did your govt said "everything is normal", but everyone said they concerns about these actions by China !?

Many countries supported Vietnamese peaceful solution, not aggressive move by PRC.
Interesting, what China government lie to the world ? I said China media has showed water cannon videos on the TV news, Water War and ramming videos on Chinese internet. China didn't refuse that. The XiSha/Paracel islands now controlled by China, it's the truth no need lie.

Our government said "Everything is normal" there's no any change in this local water areas, it's still a un-disputed areas for China, and H981 oil rig is legal work in XiSha waters of China. Ur Vietnam boats have invaded our water sovereignty, CHINA COAST GUARD just did the duty.

U said "Many countries supported Vietnamese peaceful solution" , how many countries support XiSha/Paracel islands belong to Vietnam, just tell me ???
Did Vietnamese seize any island in XiSha islands/Paracel islands ? As far as i know ZERO ! How can Vietnam claim the sovereignty to XiSha islands/Paracel islands ???

The H981 oil rig reach Paracel islands much more closer than to Vietnam coast, it's in the water of XiSha/Paracel islands, in China water areas. So ur boats have invaded China's waters, u r the invader to XiSha/Paracel islands of China.

First, we respect ur Vietnamese fisher's brave. The CHINA COAST GUARD also did their duty to keep ur boats far away from H981 oil rig.

Second, there's no War the water canon and ramming is the normal way to drive off foreign boats in Peace time. About the sink Vietnam wood ship it's a bad lucky.

It seems the H981 oil rig will continue her jobs near water areas of XiSha/Paracel Islands, as i said Vietnam did not any island in Paracel islands, there's not ur waters so just give up or the water show will continue.
Your argument is very difficult to persuade.

PRC robbed Islands by force in 1974, until now, NO ONE recognized belong to China, but itself.

And in case we talk about your illegal operation which you said economic activity in our EEZ, which violated UNCLOS signed by PRC. This is not about disputed Islands.

PRC USED BIG FISHING SHIP (NOT COAST GUARD) to threaten and attacked with those terrorist actions on Vietnamese fishing ship to made us retreat, and then they lied about that like Vietnam is aggressive side.

Dirty liar, greedy invader ...
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