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A new generation of CCG vessels with full-electric propulsion in the making:

CCG 2302





Way to go,more to come。:azn::enjoy:
Looks like 054 frigate.
PM Nguyen Tan Dung talks to Bloomberg

In an interview with Bloomberg on May 30, 2014, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung spoke about the socio-economic situation in Vietnam in the first five months of this year.

He also highlighted that China’s recent acts have seriously infringed upon Vietnam’s sovereignty, seriously violated international law and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and seriously threatened regional peace and stability.

Following is the full text of the interview

Bloomberg: According to this map, the area that China deploys its oil rig is into Vietnam’s 200 nautical miles waters as well as close to international maritime. What are the impact to the region and the world if the tension escalates to a conflict?

PM Dung: Conflict, war! I believe that you can easily imagine its devastating consequences.

If military conflict breaks out, there will be no loser or winner. I wish to highlight that as approximately two-thirds of the global trade in goods are shipped via the East Sea, a single irresponsible act triggering conflict will immediately interrupt this huge cargo flow. As a result, not only economies of this region but even the whole world will be hurt by its unforeseeable consequences.

Bloomberg: How will Vietnam respond to China's actions over the oil rig in Vietnam's exclusive economic zone? Is a military response possible and what is the risk of that?

PM Dung: We have repeatedly highlighted that the independence and sovereignty of our Fatherland are sacred and inviolable. We will never agree to swap them for any other things. Vietnam has and will do its utmost to defend the sovereignty over its waters by peaceful means. Over the last month, we have made at least 30 communications with China to demand the latter withdraw its oil rig from the waters under the Vietnamese sovereignty. That is to say more than one communication per day on average.

As for military action, I once again underline that the consistent defence policy of Vietnam is peace and self-defence. We will only resort to military action when we are forced to opt for self-defence.

Bloomberg: Will Vietnam take legal action against China? Is there a discussion about joining the Philippine case against China?

PM Dung: Vietnam will resort to every peaceful means to defend the sacred sovereignty over its islands and waters. Legal action in conformity with international law is also a peaceful measure.

Vietnam is considering this option.

Bloomberg: What type of that legal action is likely?

PM Dung: As I have said, Vietnam will resort to every peaceful means to defend the sacred sovereignty over its islands and waters.

We have prepared all evidence and legal dossiers. What we are considering is the appropriate timing.

Bloomberg: Vietnam and China have large trade and investment relationship, how will this incident and the unresolved escalation affect the trade ties?

PM Dung: We are living in the age of extensive globalization and international economic integration. The whole world has become a single market. Economic cooperation between and among countries is based on market economy principles, equality and mutual benefit. The economic cooperation between Vietnam and China is no exception. To date, generally speaking, the bilateral cooperation in economy trade, investment and tourism still takes place as normal.

China’s infringement on the Vietnamese waters has to certain extent impacted some sectors of the Vietnamese economy. We have adopted several appropriate solutions in response.

The Vietnamese economy grew by more than 5.4% in 2013. The first five months of 2014 witnessed good progress toward our set targets. The macroeconomy remained stable. Inflation was well kept under control. Foreign reserve increased significantly. Exports surged by approximately 16% and the GDP growth for 2014 is expected to hit 5.8%.

Several days ago in some provinces of the country, the Vietnamese people launched demonstrations against China’s infringement of Vietnam’s sovereignty. It was regrettable that some demonstrators were incited by individuals with ill intention into breaking the law. We have timely contained the incident and successfully prevented its reoccurrence. The lawbreakers were strictly punished. Vietnam has also provided timely and effective assistance to the affected enterprises, thus enabling most of them to resume normal production and business activities.

Bloomberg: At the Shangri-La Dialogue 2013, You had a speech focused on building strategic trust among Southeast Asian countries. Has that been achieved? You also called for the U.S. to play a larger role in the Asia region. What would Vietnam like the US to do generally in countering China 's push into the South China Sea and in regard to the oil rig dispute?

PM Dung: I underscore that rapid and sustainable economic development will not be possible without peace and stability; and peace and stability will also not be possible without strategic trust between and among countries- the strategic trust that is based on serious compliance with international law and respect for each other’s independence and sovereignty.

Whether strategic trust has been attained in this region, I believe that you must have already had your answers.

The US is a global power, and also a power of the Asia-Pacific region. We hope that the United States will make stronger, more practical and more effective contributions to peace and stability in the region.

Bloomberg: When or will you sign legislation raising the foreign ownership limits of public companies? How high beyond the current 49 percent cap will you lift it? In which scenarios would Vietnam consider allowing 100% foreign purchase of Vietnamese companies and banks?

PM Dung: Vietnam is restructuring its economy and deepening its integration into the global economy. Vietnam is now a WTO member, and also a party to various economic cooperation frameworks and free trade agreements with partners around the globe. The country is actively negotiating new free trade agreements, especially the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Therefore, we will continue to open up our markets, including finance and banking under roadmaps that match the demands of international integration and specific circumstances of the Vietnamese economy.

I wish to emphasize that opening up markets is the must-go path of the Vietnamese economy, and such trajectory has been consistently pursued.

Bloomberg: Thank you very much!
chinese are liar. they want all. they don´t want to negotiate. nor have dialogue.
chinese are our enemy. we want peace, but chinese rather want us to be dead than alive. that is sad, but true.

It is no use to play victim card here. Out of our 14 neigbours, why are we just harsh on you, there must be a reason.

Long time ago, we proposed joint cooperation, you rejected that suggestion because your greedy. now that time window has passed.

Worst is out of your treacherous nature, you want to introduce external power like US and Japan into this episode, dreaming the so-called US-led international pressure would force us to back off. This behavior would never be tolerated by today's China.

Now our relationship has embarked on a road of no turning back, we would keep maintaining a tension state around you, sacring off all your foreign investments. For your information, your FDI already decreased 40% so far this year compraring to last year's.

In short, because of your government's stupidity and miscalculation, you already become an official enemy of China. The higher you jump, the severer we would strike. Your suffering peroid will be very, very long in the future.
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It is no use to play victim card here. Out of our 14 neigbours, why are we just harsh on you, there must be a reason.

Long time ago, we proposed joint cooperation, you rejected that suggestion because your greedy. now that time window has passed.

Worst is out of your treacherous nature, you want to introduce external power like US and Japan, dreaming the so-called US-led international pressure would force us to back off. That behavior would never be tolerated by today's China.

Now our relationship has embarked on a road of no turning back, we would keep maintaining a tension state around you, sacring off all your foreign investments. For your information, your FDI already decreased 40% so far this year compraring to last year's.

In short, because of your government's stupidity and miscalculation, you already become an official enemy of China. The higher you jump, the severer we would strike. Your suffering peroid will be very, very long in the future.

I certainly hope that Chinese government take a harsher tone to countries that are stirring up trouble for us. If I were Vietnamese government, I would just remain silent and stay neutral and reap the rewards once China is finish pacifying the SCS.
I certainly hope that Chinese government take a harsher tone to countries that are stirring up trouble for us. If I were Vietnamese government, I would just remain silent and stay neutral and reap the rewards once China is finish pacifying the SCS.
As I said, it is their government's stupid and greedy nature leading to this situation. We need to find someone to set an example, and stupid viets volunteerly step out. what a match! Just like a Chinses saying: you encounter a pillow when you feel sleepy.
I certainly hope that Chinese government take a harsher tone to countries that are stirring up trouble for us. If I were Vietnamese government, I would just remain silent and stay neutral and reap the rewards once China is finish pacifying the SCS.

You have over-estimated the IQ of a certain species。
CFA 45005 and CFA 45013 launched at XSI:




Tip of the iceberg。More to come,a lot more。:enjoy:
East Sea tensions – the centrepiece of Shangri-La Dialogue
East Sea tensions following China’s illegal placement of its drilling rig Haiyang Shiyou-981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone were hotly debated at the recent 13th Shangri-la Dialogue in Singapore.

Most participating delegates voiced their support for Vietnam’s stance, condemned China’s move and asked it to immediately stop destabilising actions in the region.


Vietnamese Defence Minister General Phung Quang Thanh reiterated Vietnam’s consistent policy of settling the East Sea dispute by peaceful measures in accordance with international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the 2002 ASEAN-China Declaration o the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and ASEAN’s Six-Point Principle on the East Sea.

He demanded China that China immediately withdraw the rig from Vietnam’s waters and sit down at the negotiating table to maintain peace, stability, and relationships between the two countries.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a keynote speaker at the regional security summit, supported Vietnam and the Philippines in reducing tensions in the East Sea, and stressed the use of force and intimidation the change the status quo is unjustifiable.

Japan will offer its utmost support for the efforts of ASEAN countries as they work to ensure the security of the seas and the skies, and thoroughly maintain freedom of navigation and overflight, he said.

US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel accused China of carrying out acts that cause instability in the East Sea and warned Washington would not ignore such acts if the international order is threatened.

He said China has undertaken destabilising, unilateral actions to assert its claims in the East Sea. The US “will not look the other way when fundamental principles of the international order are being challenged".

He also made it clear that Washington firmly opposes any nation’s use of intimidation, coercion, or the threat of using force to assert those claims.

Hagel confirmed the US will continue to embark on its pivot policy in Asia, and Asia-Pacific nations need to cooperate with each other to maintain peace, prosperity and long-term stability.

Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov said Russia’s main goal is to ensure peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region which is vital to sustainable economic development and prosperity of all nations.

Meeting security threats requires concerted efforts from all countries under the auspices of the United Nations and the UN Security Council, as well as regional and sub-regional structures such as the East Asia Summit, ASEAN Regional Forum, and ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM+), he said.

French Defence Minister Jean-Yves e Drian asked parties concerned to soon reach a consensus conclusion of a code of conduct in the East Sea (COC), considering it an effective tool for preventing disputes and building an environment of peace, stability and prosperity in the region.

Singaporean Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said reducing these threats by developing multilateral relations and frameworks to restore confidence through cooperation and consensus.

Meanwhile, the Chinese delegation failed to explain its groundless East Sea claim. Scholars asked head of the Chinese delegation, Lieutenant General Wang Guanzhong, to elaborate on China’s so-called ‘nine-dash line’ in the East Sea.

However, Wang, who is deputy chief of the general staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, just said China is preparing for direct negotiations with each of the parties concerned.


Contrary to the lies from Chinese media and leaders that Vietnamese boat "rammed the Chinese ship and sunk," this video clearly shown what happened in 05/26 when Chinese ships chased this Vietnamese boat with the intention to kill like a "wild animal." This is indeed a barbaric action rarely seen from a state in the 21st century.

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