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South China Sea Forum

Xishi islands are 120 miles off vietnam coast. Chinese rig drilling 18 miles off Chinese islands. The intruders are Vietnamese. Yes, Chinese boats are there to protect Vietnamese ships from harming themselves as Vietnamese may not understand or adhere to the laws of navigation.

Vietnam government is vilifying China for keeping Vietnamese boats away from danger of running into a giant steel rig.
Vietnam still claims those islands belong to Vietnam, so those became disputed territories. And you cannot apply the international law to those territories. Also even if the island is yours, the rig still needs to be in the 12 miles water of the island. Also you brought warships well inside the fighting range, should a war break out, missiles from your ships can reach Vietnam mainland in minutes. Of course we must react.
Also can you explain why you brought so many ships out there to protect the rig? It's not like we will sink it or anything? We'll just blast out high-power speakers until you leave our EEZ.
Please do not troll. Be grown up and professional. Also "surrender" is not an option, if the Vietnam gov want to keep their seats intact.

Care to use English? I smell something fishy going on here?:-) Just saying.
You can learn how to read Japanese, right? What I want to say is I don't believe present Japanese gov want to live peasefully with her neighbours.
Xishi islands are 120 miles off vietnam coast. Chinese rig drilling 18 miles off Chinese islands. The intruders are Vietnamese. Yes, Chinese boats are there to protect Vietnamese ships from harming themselves as Vietnamese may not understand or adhere to the laws of navigation.

Vietnam government is vilifying China for keeping Vietnamese boats away from danger of running into a giant steel rig.
bring your arguments to the court of justice and UN. see you there.

Surrender. :lol:
that is not an option.
bring your arguments to the court and UN. see you there.
There is no dispute as these islands are controlled by China.

Vietnam still claims those islands belong to Vietnam, so those became disputed territories. And you cannot apply the international law to those territories. Also even if the island is yours, the rig still needs to be in the 12 miles water of the island. Also you brought warships well inside the fighting range, should a war break out, missiles from your ships can reach Vietnam mainland in minutes. Of course we must react.
Also can you explain why you brought so many ships out there to protect the rig? It's not like we will sink it or anything? We'll just blast out high-power speakers until you leave our EEZ.
You need to understand the details of UNCLOS before you reply to me on this issue.
You can learn how to read Japanese, right? What I want to say is I don't believe present Japanese gov want to live peasefully with her neighbours.
I intended to, but you know, finished university and unemployed. :undecided:
There are no gov without ambitions. Even puppet gov wants to break out of master control. I think Japanese leaders are trying to restore its former glory, the same thing China has been doing. So there will be competitions and clashes, in finance and military. I think Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese are quite similar in one thing: we all take national pride seriously. Even this is what we are doing for our countries. If our countries interest conflict, we quarell. If our countries get along well, we are friend. Too bad things go sour between us now.
Argh, what am I doing with my life? Talking all philosophy and sh*t.

There is no dispute as these islands are controlled by China.

You need to understand the details of UNCLOS before you reply to me on this issue.
I am not good about laws but in the EEZ, the resouce belongs to the coastal nation, is that right? Don't tell me China establish EEZ over ours.
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well, the world witnesses Empire rising and falling. China is not an exception. Read carefully your history. Less arrogance is very helpful. Who says China under CCP will live forever?

It probably won't last forever, but considering Chinese empire's record, 300 years seems to be the normal. With a center government not depending on hereditary ruling, the country is likely to last even longer. So it won't last forever, but 500 years is pretty nice.
Verbal backing? The one like Ukraine? :lol:

Currently they just try to milk their pawn selling them obsolete old and downgraded junk that couldn't even make a dent on Chinas navy..

If Vietnam manages to escalate the situation into a military show off with its continued provocation, they will send a 10 milion dollar check and tell them "good luck".
The phuck are you talking about? Do you see the U.S occuping our Paracel and Spratly islands?

I have to repeat to you fools again that the most important issue for Vietnam is territory,.... NOT economy or even death.

Forget about economic progress; territory is our numero uno priority. We have $10 TRILLION dollars of natural resources that most have not been tapped. That's a lot to spend for the next thousand of years to buy/produce missiles to keep up with you guys

Well, $10 trillion is about what China produces in one year, you'll need a lot more money than that if you wanna keep up.
I called chinese illusion.
The illusion is yours. You are under the impression the west or Japan will use force to back their promise against China. Really, please wake up from the reality. None of those US,Japan or australia will risk a war with China for few islets claim by Vietnam.
The illusion is yours. You are under the impression the west or Japan will use force to back their promise against China. Really, please wake up from the reality. None of those US,Japan or australia will risk a war with China for few islets claim by Vietnam.


Vietnam's foreign affair is neutral, no joined to any ally and make good friendship with all countries in the world, include China. But kiddo govt of China in peking try to set up idiot hegemony in region and has been making impression on Vietnam and try to rob our Islands.

It is true face of China.
well, Vietnam wants to negotiate, while China wants to dictate the terms.
They send warships and fighter jets into our waters. They outgun and outnumber us. They want us to surrender.

what should we do now? Nothing?
Dialogues. I heard they offered you of joint ventures at sea but you turned down. Still there is time, have some mediator and start dialogues. Remember that we have some border issue with China after our independence, we negotiated and gave some land to them which they were justified. Now China is our best friend. Win-win for both.

Vietnam's foreign affair is neutral, no joined to any ally and make good friendship with all countries in the world, include China. But kiddo govt of China in peking try to set up idiot hegemony in region and has been making impression on Vietnam and try to rob our Islands.

It is true face of China.
Best solution for Vietnam is accepted China sovereignty over paracel and spratly island in return for a very favourable 50/50 profit sharing for any gas exploited in that area.

If not, Vietnam not only need to pursue a very expensive military expenditure that offer no return but damage to her own country like high military maintenance fee which will erode economy expansion for the good of the vietnamese.

India is one fine example. Not only their economic progress slow down due to high military expenditure which resulted negligence of public infrastructure development. They even run out of money to buy Rafale fighter and other equipment.
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