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South China Sea Forum

Next step is to put the chinese triggered escalation to the UN Security Council.
Vietnam government will likely give China an ultimatum in the next days.

in Singapore at the current Shangri-La Dialogue, Vietnam defence minister holds talks with America, England and France, the other three permanent members of UNSC. Seems the three great powers will back Vietnam. Russia remains neutral.

China is isolated.
Will they used force to forced China? Their backing is by mouth. Mouth can't kill and dont hurts. :lol:

Yes, the world must help Vietnam to stop chinese aggression now, before the monster gets bigger and threatens the world security. If Vietnam loses the battle, all other countries in the region will lose, too, from Japan to Australia.

Today the oil rig, tomorrow they will deploy aircraft carriers and destroyers to invade Vietnam.

But nobody cares about Vietnam. :lol: The western is using vietnam as pawn. They encourage Vietnam to draw the first blood but the west will never shed a blood for vietnam. I pity the vietnamese showing their simplistic mind.
We act and we become savage, we don't act and we become all talk. Chinese logic never fails to amaze me.
You just want a war with a much weaker opponent to scare the world of how strong you are. China goes home and plays with your paper dragon. We Vietnam deal with it the adult's way.

I said AFTER after acting like savages and provoking China your retreated to all talk ang begging other to deal with Chinas response while playing the forum warrior game again accusing China and victimising the aggressor. But its expectable from people like you to twist.truth. The regime paying you acts no different.

Acting likes savages, pretending to be victims, then calling us weak, paper dragon and aggressor and bullies all at the same time when we act with utmost greatest restraint to defend our assets in our waters against any provocation and aggression by your nation.
I said AFTER after acting like savages and provoking China your retreated to all talk ang begging other to deal with Chinas response while playing the forum warrior game again accusing China and victimising the aggressor. But its expectable from people like you to twist.truth. The regime paying you acts no different.

Acting likes savages, pretending to be victims, then calling us weak, paper dragon and aggressor and bullies all at the same time when we act with utmost greatest restraint to defend our assets in our waters against any provocation and aggression by your nation.
To us, it's you who did the exact same thing and you are bad at it. We are on the Internet, so let's deal with it the Internet way: "Pics or didn't happen". We show a lot lately and none from Chinese side. Don't tell me no one with mobile phones when they first set up the rig.

a war for revenge, no one hesitate for that.
There sure is. I don't think any Chinese mother wants their only child join a hateful war. Win or lose, there will be dead sons.
Or are you such a savage war-thirsty beast?
To us, it's you who did the exact same thing and you are bad at it. We are on the Internet, so let's deal with it the Internet way: "Pics or didn't happen". We show a lot lately and none from Chinese side. Don't tell me no one with mobile phones when they first set up the rig.

There sure is. I don't think any Chinese mother wants their only child join a hateful war. Win or lose, there will be dead sons.
Or are you such a savage war-thirsty beast?
Do you know what is the duty of soldier? I guess you don't know
Do you know what is the duty of soldier? I guess you don't know
Then you tell me.

To me soldier is to protect, not to destroy. Soldier is trained for war, but not born for it. Soldier follows orders, but they are not tools, they are human. Solder does not serve the high command, the gov, the politican, the general or the party. Their duty is to serve the nation and the people.
おまえはにほんじんか, おたくか。


Then you tell me.

To me soldier is to protect, not to destroy. Soldier is trained for war, but not born for it. Soldier follows orders, but they are not tools, they are human. Solder does not serve the high command, the gov, the politican, the general or the party. Their duty is to serve the nation and the people.

Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense.

In japanese we call this Senryaku-tekina sutoraiki.
Will they used force to forced China? Their backing is by mouth. Mouth can't kill and dont hurts. :lol:

But nobody cares about Vietnam. :lol: The western is using vietnam as pawn. They encourage Vietnam to draw the first blood but the west will never shed a blood for vietnam. I pity the vietnamese showing their simplistic mind.

The people who run Vietnam are not stupid, they understand full well that nobody will offer Vietnam any substantive help. On the other hand, they also understand that if they do not act tough, they'll be ousted by their own people since their legitimacy is based on economic progress and territorial integrity, and economic progress is falling yo the wayside these days.

Their strategy out of this impasse is, thus, very clear. They will not escalate the issue to a level where they must fight a war they cannot win, but they will continue to harrass the rig and speak loudly to show their people that they're not weak.
Agreed. Still can you post some photos of your side? I only see Vietnamese photos so I assume that Chinese ships do all the provoking jobs.
We don't have too much coverage on this event. Most of our photos come from your side.
I know your public opinion is boiling,we are pretty quite. if we also reach such point, it means it is not far from military strike.

Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense.

In japanese we call this Senryaku-tekina sutoraiki.
Agreed, but sometimes only. Otherwise it becomes provoking. But I am talking about the soldier himself, not the duty or strategy. If we need killing machines, we could just train assassin and hitman, not soldier.
my friend, Vietnam will never back down.
Pakistan is welcome to join us :-)
Pakistan will join anyone who has and who will be on our side in the time of need. And i see China more willing than Vietnam. Although we respect every country but suggest that the problems should be solved themselves rather taken on other forums. Take the example of Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine etc. No one will support Vietnam against China but every one will appear friend trying to use your shoulder against China. In the end, either You or China will be harmed and they will be happy safe at their homes. Your govt is emotional and not taking good decision. IMO. Sorry if im rude. Cheers
We don't have too much coverage on this event. Most of our photos come from your side.
I know your public opinion is boiling,we are pretty quite. if we also reach such point, it means it is not far from military strike.
Most unfortunately, war is very close. A small navy clash can happen any moment. I hope we can solve this peacefully.
Anyway, I heard that your gov said the situation in the sea is quite calm. Is that what they said?
Their strategy out of this impasse is, thus, very clear. They will not escalate the issue to a level where they must fight a war they cannot win, but they will continue to harrass the rig and speak loudly to show their people that they're not weak.

This strategy is bound to failed. As you say, they need the economic progress. And the help for economic progress is needed from the country they are fighting with.

Vietnam can't have the best of both world. She needed to choose one.
This exposes your cheap hooker mentality, willing to sell out to the highest bidder. Do you really think China made the wrong decision vetoing Syria/Iran resolutions? US military intervention already caused 1M+ casualties in Iraq, so we must conclude you want to see the same carnage take place in Syria/Iran.

This is why nobody supports you. You have no principles, only a venal lust for territory that doesn't belong to you. You want to see US hegemony extended, at the expense of tens of millions dead across the world from countries who dare to oppose US hegemony, just because it gives you an opportunity to snatch Chinese islands you covet. Instead of conspiring every day against the territorial integrity of your neighbors, you should focus instead on improving your economy so that you are no longer poorer than Papua New Guinea. For one, your spontaneous and deadly mob violence definitely doesn't inspire foreign investor confidence.

I hope the Chinese members realize we are dealing with an inhuman 'people' here. Their entire country was founded on sin and wrongdoing. Obviously, the jungle in incapable of inculcating moral values, only a deadly and atavistic 'jungle mentality'. No mercy should be shown until they repent for their sins.
The phuck are you talking about? Do you see the U.S occuping our Paracel and Spratly islands?

I have to repeat to you fools again that the most important issue for Vietnam is territory,.... NOT economy or even death.

This strategy is bound to failed. As you say, they need the economic progress. And the help for economic progress is needed from the country they are fighting with.

Vietnam can't have the best of both world. She needed to choose one.
Forget about economic progress; territory is our numero uno priority. We have $10 TRILLION dollars of natural resources that most have not been tapped. That's a lot to spend for the next thousand of years to buy/produce missiles to keep up with you guys
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