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"Vietnam must do what we have to do"

Cry for help ? Piss your pants ? Defect to Switzerland ? Cry forever like you, blobfish defence minister ?
even if China vetos, we will know who is our friend and who is our enemy?
in any case, China will be put at the same category as Iran or Syria.

This exposes your cheap hooker mentality, willing to sell out to the highest bidder. Do you really think China made the wrong decision vetoing Syria/Iran resolutions? US military intervention already caused 1M+ casualties in Iraq, so we must conclude you want to see the same carnage take place in Syria/Iran.

This is why nobody supports you. You have no principles, only a venal lust for territory that doesn't belong to you. You want to see US hegemony extended, at the expense of tens of millions dead across the world from countries who dare to oppose US hegemony, just because it gives you an opportunity to snatch Chinese islands you covet. Instead of conspiring every day against the territorial integrity of your neighbors, you should focus instead on improving your economy so that you are no longer poorer than Papua New Guinea. For one, your spontaneous and deadly mob violence definitely doesn't inspire foreign investor confidence.

I hope the Chinese members realize we are dealing with an inhuman 'people' here. Their entire country was founded on sin and wrongdoing. Obviously, the jungle in incapable of inculcating moral values, only a deadly and atavistic 'jungle mentality'. No mercy should be shown until they repent for their sins.
A rat cannot scare a dragon. Let be honest here, we drill in our administer territory. The world can see and witness that. We will not say much. The international community will see who is right in this.
A rat cannot scare a dragon. Let be honest here, we drill in our administer territory. The world can see and witness that. We will not say much. The international community will see who is right in this.

dragon is from paper, in china dream. :sick:

All Vietnamese do is bark, cry and beg one foreign nation after another since the started their aggressive moves around the rig and any other aggression in the South China Sea.
Vietnam is gonna do this.
China illegal that..
Sugar daddy this is gonna deal with China.

For three weeks nothing else. Just crying, barking and begging for help.
Yet the oil rig is still at the Xisha islands and still safely protected from any act of aggression by Vietnam.
dragon is from paper, in china dream. :sick:
You cannot make a dragon out of paper. Your flaw logic demonstrates your common sense. I'm afraid, my little Vietnamese friend, that nobody in the UN will support you. After all, we are a leader in developing world and a P5. Any topic of insignificance will get vetoe by us.
Great news。:enjoy:

In the meantime,China should accelerate the constructions of rigs 892、944 and 945 so that the planned explorations of more oil blocks in the SCS might be brought forward as required。:yahoo:

then you need 400 surveillance ships there, he he.

You cannot make a dragon out of paper. Your flaw logic demonstrates your common sense. I'm afraid, my little Vietnamese friend, that nobody in the UN will support you. After all, we are a leader in developing world and a P5. Any topic of insignificance will get vetoe by us.

Dragon doesn't exist.

This move is just for people in the world know the true face of China. member of UN SC but China don't respect rules of international law.

Chinese people is under rule of corruption govt. who got benefit from building such toys to bully his neighbors.
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One negative vote from this room of U.N to end it !


Next step:
1. Sanctions against China
2. Moving production to Vietnam

China will probably get more aggresive and something will have to be done.
Yes, the world must help Vietnam to stop chinese aggression now, before the monster gets bigger and threatens the world security. If Vietnam loses the battle, all other countries in the region will lose, too, from Japan to Australia.

Today the oil rig, tomorrow they will deploy aircraft carriers and destroyers to invade Vietnam.
Next step is to put the chinese triggered escalation to the UN Security Council.
Vietnam government will likely give China an ultimatum in the next days.

in Singapore at the current Shangri-La Dialogue, Vietnam defence minister holds talks with America, England and France, the other three permanent members of UNSC. Seems the three great powers will back Vietnam. Russia remains neutral.

China is isolated.

Let me rephrase this intent----Vietnam intends to sue a UN permanent security council member at UN security council. Let me know how that one will fly.
I love you boy :D
my friend, Vietnam will never back down.
Pakistan is welcome to join us :-)

Let me rephrase this intent----Vietnam intends to sue a UN permanent security council member at UN security council. Let me know how that one will fly.
you don´t get it.

We don´t expect a success at UNSC. we need a vote. we need to sort out friends and enemies.
Similar to other step Vietnam is preparing to sue China at the international court of justice in the Hague.
We bring China to the international stage.

by the way, due to the imbalance of power, Vietnam´s strategy to deal with China is to make the dispute to an open party. Everyone can join. From small to big nations.
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my friend, Vietnam will never back down.
Pakistan is welcome to join us :-)

you don´t get it.

We don´t expect a success at UNSC. we need a vote. we need to sort out friends and enemies.
Similar to other step Vietnam is preparing to sue China at the international court of justice in the Hague.

by the way, due to the imbalance of power, Vietnam´s strategy to deal with China is to make the dispute to an open party. Everyone can join. From small to big nations.

Again, let me know how that one will turn out. Considering there isn't a single example of a minor nation successfully suing a major nation in this kind of dispute in the entire human history, I wait with bated breath for Vietnam to make history.
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