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South China Sea Forum

I do have pity on him on such a role being u.s. president.

so much more white hair and so many more groundless warnings.


I am really sorry for him.

President Barack Obama warned that the US was ready to respond to China's "aggression" toward its neighbours at sea, but said Washington should lead by example by ratifying a key treaty.

WEST POINT, United States: President Barack Obama warned on Wednesday that the United States was ready to respond to China's "aggression" toward its neighbours at sea, but said Washington should lead by example by ratifying a key treaty.

In a wide-ranging speech on foreign policy to US military cadets at West Point, Obama said that the United States should shun isolationism and that its military must be prepared for crises.

"Regional aggression that goes unchecked - whether it's southern Ukraine, or the South China Sea, or anywhere else in the world - will ultimately impact our allies, and could draw in our military," Obama said.

But Obama emphasised caution on any decision to use force and said: "American influence is always stronger when we lead by example."

"We can't try to resolve the problems in the South China Sea when we have refused to make sure that the Law of the Sea Convention is ratified by the United States - despite the fact that our top military leaders say that the treaty advances our national security," Obama said, not naming China directly as he diverted from his prepared text.

"That's not leadership; that's retreat. That's not strength; that's weakness," Obama said.

Senators of the rival Republican Party have refused to ratify the treaty, saying that the United Nations (UN) convention would override US sovereignty.

Tensions have been rising for months between China and its neighbours at sea, with Vietnam on Tuesday accusing Beijing of ramming and sinking one of its fishing boats in the South China Sea.

Japan and the Philippines also have tense disputes at sea with China. Japanese commentators have voiced concern that the US failure to prevent Russia from annexing Ukraine's Crimea peninsula in March sent the wrong signal to China.

In another reference to policy toward Asia, Obama again cited the democratic reforms in Myanmar as a success story.

The administration upon entering office in 2009 opened a dialogue with the then military-ruled nation earlier known as Burma, whose relations have improved with the United States have improved dramatically.

"Progress there could be reversed. But if Burma succeeds, we will have gained a new partner without having fired a shot," Obama said.

Myanmar has freed political prisoners, eased censorship and welcomed foreign investors, but human rights groups have voiced alarm over violence against the Rohingya minority.

- AFP/rw/fl

Obama warns against "aggression" in South China Sea - Channel NewsAsia
China will sell the oil to you if you pay a fair price.

Then you can taste it.

stupid troll. thief get lost.

Do not you think at times that Obama is all talk but little work?

I mean, the whole US government seems recently a giant mouth, from top to the bottom.

Obama has made so many promises recently.

My guess is he has an aide to keep track of his promises. Who knows maybe he is making those promises off-teleprompter.

You know how Obama sucks off-teleprompter.

how could mr, Xi speak ? with promter or written paper ?
The Chinese will never understand the meaning of a real war. After 25 years of brutality, deaths, perseverance, courage, sacrifices and everything to throw at it to win the war against US was a tough one but Vietnamese still did it and became who they are today. The Chinese think they can crush us small nation but we are more capable than and prepared to defend our motherland. What do we have that the Chinese don't have? Courage.

China as a country is not weak but the people are very weak minded. The Great Wall of China is a symbol of insecurity. Why would a country so big with so many people yet still get picked on by Japan, British, Mongolia (during Ghenghis Khan time) and many others. About a thousand years ago there were about 120 million Chinese and Ghenghis Khan wiped out half of that. Even today China is still insecure and only pick on smaller countries 10 times smaller than they are. Obviously, they cannot fight someone their own size or larger.

Vietnam apart from China is completely different in mindset, we don't just don't give up that easily.
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Drill baby drill :enjoy:

See blocks 133 & 134 in yellow? Those are the two blocks that the melanine drinkers pressured BP to pull out in 2009. Guess what? We've been drilling in those two blocks since 2012.


Launch of the jacket

Do not you think at times that Obama is all talk but little work?

I mean, the whole US government seems recently a giant mouth, from top to the bottom.

Obama has made so many promises recently.

My guess is he has an aide to keep track of his promises. Who knows maybe he is making those promises off-teleprompter.

You know how Obama sucks off-teleprompter.
China economy is falling, so mouth fight is enough to push China fall even faster :pop:
  • Updated : 5/31/2014 1:05:00 PM
  • Voice of Vietnam
(VOV) -Vietnam has asked the United Nations to take international jurisdiction over the East Sea territorial dispute and put an end to China’s blatant violation of international law and continued provocations in the region.

In its letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon dated May 28, the Vietnamese Permanent Mission to the UN stated in clear and unequivocal words, its opposition to China’s detestable actions that violate Vietnam’s sovereignty and jurisdiction following the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).


The letter included a copy of a diplomatic note sent to the Chinese Foreign ministry asking China to end its illegal action in Vietnam’s territorial waters, delineating with specificity Vietnam’s legal and rational basis for its claim of sovereignty over the areas where the rig was located.

The document stated in strong terms Vietnam’s opposition against China’s feckless arguments that its placement of its Haiyang Shiyou-981 oil rig is in the so-called “Xisha” islands which is Chinese territory. The Chinese arguments, which refer to Vietnam’s Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelago, which were first illegally occupied by China in 1974, are baseless and without merit on their face.

Vietnam has repeatedly requested China remove its oil rig and escort ships from Vietnam’s waters and stop all provocative actions that pose a threat to peace, stability and maritime safety and security in the region.

The country also refuted China’s statement accusing Vietnam of designating 57 oil and gas blocs in the disputed waters, including 7 oil and gas fields and 37 drilling platforms.

Vietnam reaffirmed its viewpoint that China does not rely on any legal theory grounded in the law or fact; therefore, Vietnam has resolutely rejected this wrongful opinion and announced that all of Vietnam’s operations are conducted in its continental shelf in accordance with the UNCLOS.

The diplomatic note emphasized that after China withdraws its oil rig, the two sides will sit down at the negotiating table and in good faith discuss measures to resolve the situation and settle sea-related issues.

The Vietnamese Permanent Mission to the UN asked the UN Secretary General to circulate its diplomatic note as an official document of the 68th session of UN General Assembly.

On May 29, the Mission also issued a press release on the above-mentioned issue.

Earlier on May 9, the UN published a diplomatic note of Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry, opposing China’s illegal placement of Haiyang Shiyou-981 oil rig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, seriously violating Vietnam’s sovereignty over sea and islands.

Vietnam takes East Sea territorial dispute to UN | VOV Online Newspaper
Next step is to put the chinese triggered escalation to the UN Security Council.
Vietnam government will likely give China an ultimatum in the next days.

in Singapore at the current Shangri-La Dialogue, Vietnam defence minister holds talks with America, England and France, the other three permanent members of UNSC. Seems the three great powers will back Vietnam. Russia remains neutral.

China is isolated.
Go on Vietnam !
already done.

at his speech before the international audience in Singapore, Vietnam demands China to withdraw the oil rig immediately or Vietnam must do what we have to do.


veto'd. lol.
even if China vetos, we will know who is our friend and who is our enemy?
in any case, China will be put at the same category as Iran or Syria.
Great news。:enjoy:

In the meantime,China should accelerate the constructions of rigs 892、944 and 945 so that the planned explorations of more oil blocks in the SCS might be brought forward as required。:yahoo:
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