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South China Sea Forum

even if China vetos, we will know who is our friend and who is our enemy?
in any case, China will be put at the same category as Iran or Syria.
Look, veitnam likes to embrace their fomer colonizer and agent orange sprayer as friend. It seems like we are too soft on it in the past.what heavy handed measure should we exert for it calling us master?

Becides, viets believe 3 meetings could bring them 3 votes. where that delusion come from? hypotize, anxiety or desperate? they must spend too much time hanging around with indians.

my friend, Vietnam will never back down.
Pakistan is welcome to join us :-)

you don´t get it.

We don´t expect a success at UNSC. we need a vote. we need to sort out friends and enemies.
Similar to other step Vietnam is preparing to sue China at the international court of justice in the Hague.
We bring China to the international stage.

by the way, due to the imbalance of power, Vietnam´s strategy to deal with China is to make the dispute to an open party. Everyone can join. From small to big nations.
That is great. the world know that we are in a foe. we could have a free hand to heavy handle you, just like Us hangle cuba. This is a golden opportunity for us to set an example for those want to go against us.
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All Vietnamese do is bark, cry and beg one foreign nation after another since the started their aggressive moves around the rig and any other aggression in the South China Sea.
Vietnam is gonna do this.
China illegal that..
Sugar daddy this is gonna deal with China.

For three weeks nothing else. Just crying, barking and begging for help.
Yet the oil rig is still at the Xisha islands and still safely protected from any act of aggression by Vietnam.
We act and we become savage, we don't act and we become all talk. Chinese logic never fails to amaze me.
You just want a war with a much weaker opponent to scare the world of how strong you are. China goes home and plays with your paper dragon. We Vietnam deal with it the adult's way.
Look, veitnam likes to embrace their fomer colonizer and agent orange sprayer as friend. It seems like we are too soft on it in the past.what heavy handed measure should we exert for it calling us master?

Becides, viets believe 3 meetings could bring them 3 votes. where that delusion come from? hypotize, anxiety or desperate? they must spend too much time hanging around indians.

That is great. the world know that we are in a foe. we could have a free hand to heavy handle you, just like Us hangle cuba. This is a golden opportunity for us to set an example for those want to go against us.
your insult does not impress me at all.
typical chinese tactic to bring America past aggression to justify your aggression today. that fails. try harder.
Look, veitnam likes to embrace their fomer colonizer and agent orange sprayer as friend. It seems like we are too soft on it in the past.what heavy handed measure should we exert for it calling us master?

Becides, viets believe 3 meetings could bring them 3 votes. where that delusion come from? hypotize, anxiety or desperate? they must spend too much time hanging around indians.

That is great. the world know that we are in a foe. we could have a free hand to heavy handle you, just like Us hangle cuba. This is a golden opportunity for us to set an example for those want to go against us.
Huh, you Chinese embrace the ideal of hateful toward former enemies. You never let go, do you? China is becoming the new Nazi. Now tell me, don't Chinese hate every Japanese equally?

There is no eternal friendship, only eternal benefit. Vietnam do not forget the pain and suffering the US brought to us in the war, but Vietnam do not blame the US for the sin of their fathers. We only blame who are responsible. We are still sueing those who sprayed Agent Orange on our land and we will never give up.
Again, let me know how that one will turn out. Considering there isn't a single example of a minor nation successfully suing a major nation in this kind of dispute in the entire human history, I wait with bated breath for Vietnam to make history.
well, the world witnesses Empire rising and falling. China is not an exception. Read carefully your history. Less arrogance is very helpful. Who says China under CCP will live forever?
your insult does not impress me at all.
typical chinese tactic to bring America past aggression to justify your aggression today. that fails. try harder.
your insult does not impress me at all.
typical chinese tactic to bring America past aggression to justify your aggression today. that fails. try harder.
I just tell the truth, you call it insult? then it is truth insulting. You should blame america and frence for what they did to you if you still have self-respect.

Moreroer, we did not step on your soil while you call us aggression? what a joke
I tell the truth, you call it insult? then it is truth insulting. You should blame america and frence for what they did to you if you still have and self-respect?

Morevoer, we did not step on your soil while you call us aggression? what a joke
You step on our WATER, that's a big deal. Remember China made a bigger deal when Japanese airforce patroling over disputed water.

We don't call stepping on our soil aggression, we call it invasion. Chinese ships ramping, firing water cannons, chasing Vietnamese ships are what we call agression.
You step on our WATER, that's a big deal. Remember China made a bigger deal when Japanese airforce patroling over disputed water.

We don't call stepping on our soil aggression, we call it invasion. Chinese ships ramping, firing water cannons, chasing Vietnamese ships are what we call agression.
your water? we have a different opinion.

Since we now opently confront with each other, we shold seriously consider strike whatever suits
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Next step:
1. Sanctions against China
2. Moving production to Vietnam

China will probably get more aggresive and something will have to be done.
desire for your sanctions, can't wait to see, could you ask US & EU do this tomorrow?

You step on our WATER, that's a big deal. Remember China made a bigger deal when Japanese airforce patroling over disputed water.

We don't call stepping on our soil aggression, we call it invasion. Chinese ships ramping, firing water cannons, chasing Vietnamese ships are what we call agression.
Japs' spy planes have been expelled, what a big deal
your water? we have a different opinion.

Since we now opently confront with each other, we shold seriously consider strike whatever suits
Agreed. Still can you post some photos of your side? I only see Vietnamese photos so I assume that Chinese ships do all the provoking jobs.
Japs' spy planes have been expelled, what a big deal
You see, mobilizing 2 fighters engaging in dogfight position to a patrol aircraft is a big deal. If Japan plane fell, a war could broke out you know.
The Chinese coast guard is preventing small Vietnamese ships in the drilling area for the safety of the Vietnamese. A small boat hitting a giant oil rig will sink the Vietnamese boat.
The Vietnamese side did not heed the warning. The Chinese had no choice but to fire the water cannon to warn the Vietnamese.
Before any Vietnamese ships can hit the oil rig, or even get close, Chinese ships sink them. Irony that you said Chinese ships are there to protect Vietnamese ships.
To your laws warning actions can include firing water cannon, but to our laws, that's considered assaulting. And we are in our EEZ, so our water, our laws. Your move?
Agreed. Still can you post some photos of your side? I only see Vietnamese photos so I assume that Chinese ships do all the provoking jobs.

You see, mobilizing 2 fighters engaging in dogfight position to a patrol aircraft is a big deal. If Japan plane fell, a war could broke out you know.
Everyone say it could break out a war, but nothing bappen only mouth fight. It is really boring.
Everyone say it could break out a war, but nothing bappen only mouth fight. It is really boring.
Treasure peace, can you? War does not hurt the gov or the army. It only hurts civilians. Who on the right mind can hope for war?
Well the chinese are the only ones hoping for war i mean nation named after a warlord kinda speak for its self
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