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South China Sea Forum

Nah, they won't behave properly until the lesson was taught.

But those Vietcongs are cunning and always backs down when China demonstrated back with some aggressive gesture.

So with their cowardice and cunningness, it is unlikely to have a war between China and Vietnam. Those Vietcongs know that their craps won't last in a few days against China, while only those Viet fanboys either love to leave in their fantasy world or keep emboldening themselves to confront against their inner fear from China.
I've said before, if Everything in this World can tell the right or wrong, so this World will be very quite PEACE! But how can everyone still live together even if there is difference? I tell you I'm only 24 years old now, but all those people, blonde, asian or black, I've meet to much. People should know how to live in this World. Maybe you understand too Little about Vietnam, no problem, calm down ok, insulting in Vietnam helps nothing if you know how Vietnam people to insult. Just tell them the truth that they can Believe. They will listen to you.
Really,lol..what kind of support Russia offered you in Spratly in 1988?when Chinese navy sent dozens of Vietnamese sailors down to the bottom of the sea. You were supposed to be allies back then,weren't you?
in 1988, we were so busy to kill Chinese living in Laos-Camb-VN that time. In the return 11 Chinese troops were slaughtered mercilessly in 1990 .
Army since January 1988, has troops stationed seven Spratly reefs. The seven reefs are mostly suitable flooded reef, reef exposed at low tide, low tide vast expanse of water. Dizhan large reefs around everywhere, so the army only a few small reefs on the distribution and strength of comparative stagnation was at a disadvantage. Early garrison, because the defense is not perfect facilities, personnel stationed in South Reef smoked an accident occurs.

November 7, 1990, I found the Southern Command Nansha reefs lost radio contact.After the situation was reported to the South China Sea Fleet deployed immediately went to see the ship. Under the notification, the reef is a unit of Marines stationed in the preparation of 12 people, then should be 11 people (one reason temporarily off the reef). Inspectors found that the bodies of six soldiers on the reef, and another five people missing. Missing persons including reef Chang allegiance, vice reef long and correspondents. In addition to the personnel on the reef, the reef warrior Xu Huiping Yong Department reef due to the treatment of burns and survived. Inspectors found multiple bullet holes in the room, indicating where the fighting occurred. Then they picked up and from the underwater reef a few rifles, these guns are all our military garrison personnel standard rifle.

This event was caused no small vibration in the army, immediately set up by the South China Sea Fleet of the senior leadership responsible for the investigation team, in-depth and comprehensive investigation, and make rehabilitation work. Findings are confidential at the time, unable to understand the outside.

This strange incident, even if insiders are also controversial. Is encountered enemy special forces raid, fighting or other emergency occurs, the truth has not yet been fully understood.This incident, I analyzed are the following possibilities:

1, most likely by the army special forces is. Vietnamese troops in 1988, "3.14" Red Reef of Nansha sea battle at a disadvantage, must look for an opportunity to retaliate. But then I Nansha garrison high vigilance and patrolling troops, combat readiness, they are hard to find opportunities. I combined the naval prisoners of war captured in Zhanjiang Nansha trial, our government has not yet handed over to Vietnam. Since 1990, our military posture in Nansha is clear, I observe activity patterns reef and the ship's officers that they have already mastered their "revenge about" conditions ripe. According to common sense traces of science, this action does not leave any suspicious items, indicating that other means quite clever. Does not exclude the other is the master shooting, fighting, diving techniques, and even combat may wear body armor. If this action as a planned and premeditated military action, should be considered very successful. But not arbitrary conclusion is that after the successful implementation of this action the enemy, meritorious officers must reward, JiaGuanJinJue, will follow along with the media reports, trumpeted the so-called "heroic deeds", but did not. Things over the past 20 years, information and networks so advanced, Vietnam had not been seen in any public media reported. They do a job well done is confidential?
Who killed 11 Chinese troops in Gaven Reefs in 1990 ?
I've said before, if Everything in this World can tell the right or wrong, so this World will be very quite PEACE! But how can everyone still live together even if there is difference? I tell you I'm only 24 years old now, but all those people, blonde, asian or black, I've meet to much. People should know how to live in this World. Maybe you understand too Little about Vietnam, no problem, calm down ok, insulting in Vietnam helps nothing if you know how Vietnam people to insult. Just tell them the truth that they can Believe. They will listen to you.

We want to be very nice with everyone, look how we are being nice with Africans/Arabs/Latinos. As long as they and we both respect each other, we will remain as friends for long time.

But now looks at the behavior from those big predators from the western world(USA) and those small predators from Asia(Japan/SK/Vietnam/Philippines). They are forcing us to become more aggressive.

We will remain nice as long as our sovereignty doesn't get bullied.
haha,if 1974 and 1988 are still not enough ,you can try it now again,we are fully prepared to do the slaughter again.

PLA island landing exercise in South China Sea.

Haha,that's so absurd,China and US didn't even have diplomatic relationships until 1979. and in 1974 China was still under Mao's rule.Mao fought US in Korea and Vietnam. US president had to come to Beijing to bow down to him ,not the other way around.China took over the Paracels in 1974.
there is no use to lie, dude, stop reading ur cheap and full of lie history book, check on internet to find the correct one. China was so scare of Soviet-VietNam alliance so it come to US and begged for protection.
Recognition of the People’s Republic of China and the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between China and the United States finally came in January 1979, during the presidency of Jimmy Carter. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter’s national security adviser, was eager to increase pressure on the Soviets and outmaneuvered bureaucratic rivals striving for détente with Moscow. He had little concern for the impact recognition of the People’s Republic would have on Taiwan. Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese leader, wanted to use the relationship with the United States to deter Soviet intervention in the war he planned to launch against Vietnam, then aligned with Moscow. To that end, he was willing to defer his complaints about continued American arms sales to Taiwan. In return, the Americans agreed to abrogate their mutual defense treaty with Taiwan, cease to recognize its government as the government of China, and reduce arms sales to the island as conditions in the region permitted.
The United States and China during the Cold War | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
In December 1979, the USSR invaded the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan to sustain the Afghan Communist government. The PRC viewed the Soviet invasion as a local feint, within Russia's greater geopolitical encirclement of China. In response, the PRC entered a tri-partite alliance with the U.S. and Pakistan, to sponsor Islamist Afghan armed resistance to the Soviet Occupation (1979–89). (cf.Operation Storm-333) Meanwhile, the Sino-Soviet split became manifest when Deng Xiaoping, the paramount leader of China, required the removal of "three obstacles" so that Sino-Soviet relations might improve:
Sino-Soviet split - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In November 1978 Vietnam signed a treaty of friendship and cooperation with the Soviet Union. A month later the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia, a Chinese ally. Although Hanoi said it was forced to do so to stop Pol Pot's genocide and to put an end to his cross-border attacks against Vietnam, Deng saw it as a calculated move by Moscow to use its allies to encircle China from the south. Soviet adventurism in Southeast Asia had to be stopped, Deng said, and he was calculating (correctly, it turned out) that Moscow would not intervene in a limited border war between China and Vietnam. Carter's National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, said Deng's explanation to Carter of his invasion plans, with its calculated defiance of the Soviets, was the single most impressive demonstration of raw power politics that he had ever seen. At the time Deng was consolidating his position as unchallenged leader of China. Having successfully negotiated normalization of relations with Washington, he wanted to send a strong signal to Moscow against further advances in Asia. He also thought the Carter Administration was being too soft on the Soviets, although he did not say as much to his American hosts. Hanoi, for its part, was unfazed by Deng's demonstration of raw power. The Vietnamese fought the Chinese with local militia, not bothering to send in any of the regular army divisions that were then taken up with the occupation of Cambodia. Indeed, Hanoi showed no sign of withdrawing those troops, despite Chinese demands that they do so: the subsequent guerrilla war in Cambodia would bog down Vietnam's soldiers and bedevil its foreign relations for more than a decade. The towns captured by the Chinese were all just across the border; it is not clear whether China could have pushed much farther south. Having lost so many soldiers in taking the towns, the Chinese methodically blew up every building they could before withdrawing

Read more: A Nervous China Invades Vietnam - TIME A Nervous China Invades Vietnam - TIME
We want to be very nice with everyone, look how we are being nice with Africans/Arabs/Latinos. As long as they and we both respect each other, we will remain as friends for long time.

But now looks at the behavior from those big predators from the western world(USA) and those small predators from Asia(Japan/SK/Vietnam/Philippines). They are forcing us to become more aggressive.

We will remain nice as long as our sovereignty doesn't get bullied.
Now you know how excellent those Chinese diplomats are? Now you know how clever the CCP high level officers is? Now you guys know why China cannot have democracy right now? Can you guys wise manage China very good in such complicated inner and international situation and at same time, keep a rapid pace on economy and a stable society? No! Through this forum, you understand? So how to live together? Wise!!! ok?
Haha, why US president came to China to bow down to Mao then? Mao killed thousands of US soldiers and What kind of help your Russia and US daddies offered when China took over Paracels and some islands in Spratly in 1974 and 1988?
haha,no subs are cheaper than yours,the pic is so funny,you can claim the cheap "sub" title in the world.
ha ha ha...perhaps this vessel can impress you a bit. 2 more Gepard frigates as subhunter, equipped with Sthil-1 Missiles. Coming soon.
DEFENSE STUDIES: Second Batch of Gepard Equipped with Sthil-1 Missile



haha,if 1974 and 1988 are still not enough ,you can try it now again,we are fully prepared to do the slaughter again.

do you moron and retard feel so happy to tell what you had done? should I post images how the Japanese butchered and raped Chinese?
Now you know how excellent those Chinese diplomats are? Now you know how clever the CCP high level officers is? Now you guys know why China cannot have democracy right now? Can you guys wise manage China very good in such complicated inner and international situation and at same time, keep a rapid pace on economy and a stable society? No! Through this forum, you understand? So how to live together? Wise!!! ok?

The aggressive diplomatic gesture will prevent the direct war in this current world.

ROC also wanted peace with Japan even after the occupation of the Northeast China, but did this solution actually worked?

The most important for China is to keep developing its economy, with a good economy we can keep upgrading our military in a fast pace.

But some country like Japan shouldn't try to think because of the importance of economy, China will try to avoid any direct war at any cost. No, they were wrong, if China's redline has been stepped, then China won't hesitate to start a war.

PRC doesn't want to have any war, but PRC has learned the lesson from ROC. If the enemy has already pulled out the gun at you, then just strike back with any possible way instead of back down. Otherwise, it would result bigger trouble for you in the future.
Haha, why US president came to China to bow down to Mao then? Mao killed thousands of US soldiers and What kind of help your Russia and US daddies offered when China took over Paracels and some islands in Spratly in 1974 and 1988?
1974 incident was the problem of former South VN govt. U should ask Gambit, I dont know and dont care. in 1988, u had ur daddy US , and we r busy to kill Chinese in Laos-Camb.

U r alone from 1990 until now, and look what China big mouth could do when 11 Chinese troops slaughtered in 1990 in Spratly , yeah, they did Nothing when their men got kill bcz they r so scared when standing alone without US daddy protection . what ashamed for a big mouth! :disagree:
Come on and send your ships then. As for the WWII anyway in the end we defeated Japan and Japan got nuked.and in SCS we were just protecting our territory.
The aggressive diplomatic gesture will prevent the direct war in this current world.

ROC also wanted peace with Japan even after the occupation of the Northeast China, but did this solution actually worked?

The most important for China is to keep developing its economy, with a good economy we can keep upgrading our military in a fast pace.

But if some country like Japan shouldn't try to think because of the importance of economy, China will try to avoid any direct war at any cost. No, they were wrong, if China's redline has been stepped, then China won't hesitate to start a war.

PRC doesn't want to have any war, but PRC has learned the lesson from ROC. If the enemy has already pulled out the gun at you, then just strike back with any possible way instead of back down. This would result bigger trouble for you in the future.
OMG, how old are you now? Yes, TV, news, everyone says the relation is very tight! However, have Japan and China had a hot war ever even the situation is so tension? Reason? Even the president cannot meet each other, is there something else other can do? Both side have a deadline and both all know. Only the people everyday talk about war! OMG, Vietnam people also understand. Even my wife understand...
1974 incident was the problem of former South VN govt. U should ask Gambit, I dont know and dont care. in 1988, u had ur daddy US , and we r busy to kill Chinese in Laos-Camb.

U r alone from 1990 until now, and look what China big mouth could do when 11 Chinese troops slaughtered in 1990 in Spratly , yeah, they did Nothing when their men got kill bcz they r so scared when standing alone without US daddy protection . what ashamed for a big mouth! :disagree:

With the same slogan repeated at 100 times won't change the current status between your country and China.

What is the solution for your country, it is to accept China's right leadership in East Asia (just like she was in thousands years ago) and stop your rebellious mind.

Otherwise, there is no goodness for you to keep confronting China, since China will keep pissing on your head no matter how much you are not pleased.
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Haha,you are just hilarious .every knows(including yourself) so clear what will happen to VN navy if a war broke out in SCS,you are just making yourself a laughing stock.
OMG, how old are you now? Yes, TV, news, everyone says the relation is very tight! However, have Japan and China had a hot war ever even the situation is so tension? Reason? Even the president cannot meet each other, is there something else other can do? Both side have a deadline and both all know. Only the people everyday talk about war! OMG, Vietnam people also understand. Even my wife understand...

Your perspective for the current diplomatic world is simply too young and too naive.

Do you think Japan will stop even we give up the sovreignty on Diaoyu Island? They are not aimed at Diaoyu Island, but to aim to start a proxy war against China.

Diaoyu Island was just an excuse. Just remember 83 years ago, they had annexed our Dongbei provinces, the ROC government wanted peace, yet it didn't stop the Japanese invasion in 1937.

PRC would have a lot of troubles if she didn't act tough in her stance of Diaoyu Island.
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