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South China Sea Forum

Agreed with your comment in another posting, Chinese seem to be quite different from other thought.
But China govt. know well that they could concrete their position as a Big Four only if they follow the international rule.

As you said, and information I get, They requested no other combatant ship could come as close as 40kms from their Liaoning? Or When Liaoning moving, there's always a 80kms bandwidth that is protection area of it ? no matter where it operate ?

That's the distance between USS Cowpen vs Liaoning.
Hey, you also said there is no different between Liaoning warship and fishing ship or commercial ship. Ok, we dont talk how modern the Liaoning is, but it is a warship in PLA navy, isnt it? Is there any country in the World who will allow an unknown warship getting Close within 40KM without releasing a warning even in the public sea? VN navy? Impossible! 40KM! How fast is modern missile? Dont begin such argue again ok? Dont forget I'm also a half VN.
Whatever you come from China or Vietnam, if you guys think blame or force Power can solve any problem, or log on the forum just want to say some insult Words here, so please continue. Everyone is able to talk offensive Words, but is everyone able to make the problem clear and solve it? Just coming back home and seeing such stupid argue again. I quit, you guys continue!
Hey, you also said there is no different between Liaoning warship and fishing ship or commercial ship. Ok, we dont talk how modern the Liaoning is, but it is a warship in PLA navy, isnt it? Is there any country in the World who will allow an unknown warship getting Close within 40KM without releasing a warning even in the public sea? VN navy? Impossible! 40KM! How fast is modern missile? Dont begin such argue again ok? Dont forget I'm also a half VN.

You misunderstand my posting, I means Liaoning vs Cowpens or Liaoning group vs any commercial ship ... 40 km ?
Remember your Song-class submarine ever appeared midst of Kitti Hawk aircraft carrier group

Even the nearby Chinese EEZ still not Chinese territorial water zone ...
Does it still has free navigation to rule others in the international water area ?

When you come into international, you must accept the fact that others could approach you

The rule we should follow when enter the international water is how to avoid collision while free navigating ...
but what the Chinese made is different from others to threaten by a nearly unavoidable collision to make others postpone their free navigation ...
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haha,no subs are cheaper than yours,the pic is so funny,you can claim the cheap "sub" title in the world.
No,bcz China bowed down and begged for US's protection against Soviet's possible invasion ,so US became China's daddy from 1979 to 1988 instead.

Haha,that's so absurd,China and US didn't even have diplomatic relationships until 1979. and in 1974 China was still under Mao's rule.Mao fought US in Korea and Vietnam. US president had to come to Beijing to bow down to him ,not the other way around.China took over the Paracels in 1974.
No, you misunderstand my mind. Not only Chinese Aircraft, but also all Aircrafts in the whole World, there must be some "Guard" with it, It has no relationship with the area is international or belonging to some specific country. Give you a example: A Vietnamese warship is sailing in the public area of SCS very usually, if a warship of other country getting very Close, so is the VN warship going to launch the warning even both are in the public sea area.

I dont think we can warn any ship when travelling in international water. In this case, China ship even try to collide US ship in international water ,too. Thats unacceptable ,mate
I dont think we can warn any ship when travelling in international water. In this case, China ship even try to collide US ship in international water ,too. Thats unacceptable ,mate
Let's stop talking this topic ok, I dont know the detailed terms in the international law, so I dont know if there is a definition such "the warship sailing in sea is also a part of a country's territory" I dont know, so say sorry here if there isnt such defintion. but I'm sure if a warship of USA or Russia had came across such situation, they would do the same. If someone says that is so impolite, I can only say, I'm not navy, you are not navy either. What I said today is only to state what happened in that area, and I think USA navy is not idiot.
I dont think we can warn any ship when travelling in international water. In this case, China ship even try to collide US ship in international water ,too. Thats unacceptable ,mate

Well, in your mind you are in fact afraid of China.

Stop acting like a tough guy in front of us. The power is demonstrated by the fist, not by running the mouth.
ok, Everything has stopped, dont talk that again. who cares others.

Those Viet members like to embolden themselves by keep running their mouth.

So China will show them the reality that they are still a weak and small anonymous.
Russia support VN in SCS(east sea) against China, do u know that ??

Really,lol..what kind of support Russia offered you in Spratly in 1988?when Chinese navy sent dozens of Vietnamese sailors down to the bottom of the sea. You were supposed to be allies back then,weren't you?

They have stopped now! Is it enough?

Nah, they won't behave properly until the lesson was taught.

But those Vietcongs are cunning and always backs down when China demonstrated back with some aggressive gestures.

So with their cowardice and cunningness, it is unlikely to have a war between China and Vietnam. Those Vietcongs know that their craps won't last in a few days against China, while only those Viet fanboys either love to leave in their fantasy world or keep emboldening themselves to confront against their inner fear from China.
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