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South China Sea Forum

not a joke, but reality. even the germans don´t critize Vietnamese claim. only Chinese.

Volkswagen enjoyed 1/3 of their global sales from China alone in last year.

Do you think who is more important to Germany?
China has proposed to take 10 years and spend tens of billions of yuan to construct the following:


The whole project(20km square meter)is divided into 3 phases,with phase I starting shortly。

When completed,the much expanded Jingqing Island in Xisha Islands(Paracel Islands)will host an airport,several ports and other facilities which will enable China to move her forward base some 400-500 km into the SCS。

The Island in question sits at the tip of the pie diagram below:

ha ha ha...and the next typhoon will swallow all of this. by the way, we have a new toy: a mini sub which will be deployed to observe other nations naval activities. Pls don´t laugh, it is just a beginning. VN is learning.

- 8.8 meters long and 3 meters wide
- displacement of 12 tonnes
- equipped with air independent propulsion (AIP) and other modern naval equipments
- operating radius of 800km, can dive to a depth of 50 meters and stay on the sea bed

ha ha ha...and the next typhoon will swallow all of this. by the way, we have a new toy: a mini sub which will be deployed to observe other nations naval activities. Pls don´t laugh, it is just a beginning. VN is learning.

- 8.8 meters long and 3 meters wide
- displacement of 12 tonnes
- equipped with air independent propulsion (AIP)
- operating radius of 800km, can dive to a depth of 50 meters and stay on the sea bed



Such a small Sub has AIP and 800KM radius !!

What kind of weapon and monitor instrument does it has ?

And how many crew ? Speed ?
That's really a homemade toy,looks at least 100 years old,so pathetic,all retired Chinese subs(scrap metal now) are way advanced than this one.
that sub was made by private workshop only.
but he's an ambitious guy who assemble his self made AIP to the sub ...

could consider it as prototype for surveillance mini sub ...

btw Vietnamese has some experiences with 2 mini-sub from North Korea ...since 1997
Their interest in sub now similar to Chinese interests in Liaoning
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VN should check this out. that's our minisub, and get some idea of what a 21st century sub should be like. This one can explore the deepest sea floor.



you are extremely dull
why does the vietnamese government comply with our ADIZ requirements?
I have said why the us and russians' positions on you. again you are a very good choice for an indian citizenship. your mentalities are in perfect sync!
Bcz we dont want our commercial planes to have any problem when flying through the conflict zone between China-Japan, thats all.

Ur ADIZ means Nothing, Korea-Japan jet figher still patrol there, and u dare not stop them, nothing happen.

they also back us too! What is more important to the Russians? Learn some geopolitics!
Its u who have to learn geopolitics . Do u know why Soviet union supported VN to conquer Laos-Camb and even Thailand in 1979 ?? bez if we can unify the sub-Mekong region, then we can help Soviet to become greater and more powerful. Mr Putin also have the same idea with Soviet's plan in South east asian , thats why he support VN against China now, and he will send more support to help VN to unify sub-Mekong region in the future.

When VN can unify that region, then China will be pegged between 2 Giants Russia-Sub Mekong region, ur future is so doom, dude :pop:
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Because those countries have military muscles majority of the nations here in ASEAN are incapable as of yet to confront china but they way the chincoms are going soon the region will just be too sick and tried of their Juvenal actions and put them their place
What's missing is~ what are the coordinates? This is nothing but an attempt to harrass southeast asian vessels~
Without a clear and definitive boundaries, how will the regulation be enforced? It will most likely end up being bullying weaker southeast asian vessels just like what happen in Natuna Sea last year. With this uncertain boundaries The Chinese could harrass foreign vessel in name of law enforcement and gradually enchroacing other countries territories.

Espcially at Natuna Sea, the Chinese cleverly leaves out any definitive dash there. A lot of chinese vessels have been spotted near natuna islands, only several vessels are detained by Indonesian as Chinese maritime vessels No. 311 step in and threatend to shoot inferior Indonesian boats despite it is clearly within Indonesian declared EEZ (by precisely coordinated bilateral agreement with Vietnam and Malaysia).

The red dot is where Chinese vessels enchroaching Indonesian water with the help of China Maritime Surveillance Vessels 53 nm from Natuna Island.

Because for the chinese d bags they simply do not care as long as they can claim it
ha ha ha...and the next typhoon will swallow all of this. by the way, we have a new toy: a mini sub which will be deployed to observe other nations naval activities. Pls don´t laugh, it is just a beginning. VN is learning.

- 8.8 meters long and 3 meters wide
- displacement of 12 tonnes
- equipped with air independent propulsion (AIP) and other modern naval equipments
- operating radius of 800km, can dive to a depth of 50 meters and stay on the sea bed


Is this a university project? A senior project?
Bcz we dont want our commercial planes to have any problem when flying through the conflict zone between China-Japan, thats all.

Ur ADIZ means Nothing, Korea-Japan jet figher still patrol there, and u dare not stop them, nothing happen.
what a swift change of you attitude
if you have a spine refuse the compliance then
and even more send a military plane into our ASIZ to test us if you dare!

Its u who have to learn geopolitics . Do u know why Soviet union supported VN to conquer Laos-Camb and even Thailand in 1979 ?? bez if we can unify the sub-Mekong region, then we can help Soviet to become greater and more powerful. Mr Putin also have the same idea with Soviet's plan in South east asian , thats why he support VN against China now, and he will send more support to help VN to unify sub-Mekong region in the future.

When VN can unify that region, then China will be pegged between 2 Giants Russia-Sub Mekong region, ur future is so doom, dude :pop:

there is no soviet union on the map do you realise this? what geo-politics are you talking about? when Putin paid you a visit and you think you are their buddies and expect Russians will send their troops for your rescue? you better ask the indians to do that because the Russian are never as naive and when you are doomed, you have great company - the indio-vietcong allies to go down with you!
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