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Sonia Gandhi to undergo surgery abroad: Party spokesman

Do Indians even cherish their national identity? Why are they so happy about a European being the most powerful figure in their country? Does that not bring back any flashbacks?

If ordinary Indians really do have a say in their national elections then why don't they elect an Indian with Indian blood to represent them?

We don't have any such rule. Anyone can become PM or President those are voted by People of India. They become what they are when people voted them Directly or Indirectly. This is what democracy means almost every country. we don't have any complain. Why you worried Dude ?? Relax.

Our Christian, Muslims leaders are more Anti-Pakistani compare with Hindu leaders. Our Nuclear Bomb was done by Ex-President Abdul kalam. Even K-4,5 (5,000 KM BM) starts with "K" Kalam. Our defence minister Mr. Antony who is catholic Christian started improving our defence few years back after Chinese aggression.

You may open another thread about what Indian politicians think about her or otherwise but this thread is about a woman who seems to be ill. Spare her and us with your idiocy and respect the fact that she is ill.

Wishing her a speedy recovery.
In 2004 and 2009, Sonia Gandhi won with good majority and BJP lost election. But She rejected to become PM when it was 100% done with 100% support, She said "she don't have Lust for PM" Hence, Economist Manmohan Singh become PM. ironically, Both are not Hindu including Planning Commission chairman and Defence Minster too. Even Last President and today dy President are not Hindu. That itself explain everything. It happens only in India. :) and we are happy with that

Fair enough. :tup:

Only Indians can know, whether someone of foreign birth has truly assimilated into Indian culture.

If the Indian people consider her an Indian, then she is an Indian.
@Gareth, There is no point in talking to Congress blind followers in this case. These people will submit to any forign ruler. but true sons of India will never submit to a forign ruler.
I am with you all the way in opposing Congress and its curroupt regim thats spoiling national interest. The way Congress has transformed our forign policy is so pathetic that SL which lived at the mercy of India now questions and voices against us.
Fair enough. :tup:

Only Indians can know whether someone of foreign birth has truly assimilated into Indian culture.

If the Indian people consider her an Indian, then she is an Indian.

Thanks - we were all waiting w/ held breath for your endorsement.
I wish her that she recover soon, if she dies of her illness these Congress idiots will win the next election with sympathy vote. I dont want congress again in the rulling regim
@Gareth, There is no point in talking to Congress blind followers in this case. These people will submit to any forign ruler. but true sons of India will never submit to a forign ruler.
I am with you all the way in opposing Congress and its curroupt regim thats spoiling national interest. The way Congress has transformed our forign policy is so pathetic that SL which lived at the mercy of India now questions and voices against us.

No one is congress follower here..what is being discussed is not what you are thinking !! I personaly want Modi to be India's PM an BJP to win in the next election.
When we dont respect other people who have foreign origin but now a indian citizen how could we blame other countries of treating nri's badly(eg australia)
You should not Wonder..let us (Indian) do the wondering part because we hold the power to elect/reject her..

What nonsense. You only have the power to press a button on an electronic voting machine. Beyond that it's none of your business.
I wish her that she recover soon, if she dies of her illness these Congress idiots will win the next election with sympathy vote. I dont want congress again in the rulling regim

thats got to be the most weird well wishing for ones health I have ever read...
No one is congress follower here..what is being discussed is not what you are thinking !! I personaly want Modi to be India's PM an BJP to win in the next election.

+1 to that. BJP with sensible leaders thats what I d like to see too.

Can you imagine Nitin Gadkari as the PM of India:sick:
Stop talking out of your back side.

My point is that if its corruption you have issue with why not just bring that up, whats the need to bring this Italian card? Talk about corruption and and whatever wrong it is that the Congress and its leaders are doing.

Do you or do you not gloat when an Indian origin person becomes a Governor or something in USA? Howd you feel if Americans started calling him/her Indian? Would you be the first person to cry racism or not?:disagree:
Indians in America know how they ll be treated if they do something wrong.
But in India,foreigners are treated with care..sometimes extra care..

Is it hard to understand?An Italian comes in...knows nothing about the country and becomes the most powerful person in the country..Oh the irony is awful.
Its not Sonia's fault,she's just picking up the advantage of foolishness of our people.
'Gunda raaj',its common here.
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