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Some Turks reconsidering Arabic connection to Turkish language

I agree 100%
Other option would be to reform the alphabet. I think todays technology and the technology of near future would make mass translation of literature not that difficult. When changing alphabet, you have also to change all the literature of the country.

i have been trying to learn persian script for so many years but i have not made much progress.indian languages have the most sophisticated form of writing in the entire world.an indian after learning to read and write his mother tongue finds it extremely tough to learn persian script as it is not read as it is written.moreover u have four Zs,two Rs, many letters resembling each other(like p ,b and r z).latin script is way better than Persian script but i would say even that cant beat indian system

well I don't support the notion that Persian cant be read as it written on the other hand many european language have such problem.

also I guess your problem is that you want to learn persian as we write it in daily newspapers and books , without any vowel. but honestly we don't teach or children those newspapers and books . we teach them by special books that have vowels but when they finished the first year of primary school and they become more familiar with the base of our writing then we won't press them on using those vowels at second year
and honestly it is far easier to read and write without those vowels
I agree 100%
Other option would be to reform the alphabet. I think todays technology and the technology of near future would make mass translation of literature not that difficult. When changing alphabet, you have also to change all the literature of the country.

I use Urdu to Hindi translate on Google translator and its gives almost perfect translation.

well for me Google translate even for translating between European language completely kill the joy of reading .
Arabic script is no longer taught in government schools, in Malaysia, Indonesia or Singapore. But I think certain special school could have offered enrichment courses. BTW, Arabic script adopted for Malay languages is call Jawi.

Anyway, I tried studied Arabic and feel the whole script is extremely difficult. Vowels are missing and other than MSA, you need to learn at least one colloquial Arabs. I gave up.

I self studied German, French, Spanish and Japanese without much difficulties but Arabic script is really a big problem for me.
Arabic script is no longer taught in government schools, in Malaysia, Indonesia or Singapore. But I think certain special school could have offered enrichment courses. BTW, Arabic script adopted for Malay languages is call Jawi.

Anyway, I tried studied Arabic and feel the whole script is extremely difficult. Vowels are missing and other than MSA, you need to learn at least one colloquial Arabs. I gave up.

I self studied German, French, Spanish and Japanese without much difficulties but Arabic script is really a big problem for me.

The script is not difficult. I memorized it fast. I have tons of vocabulary to memorize though.

And I think FusHa Arabic sounds better than colloquial Arabic.
well for me Google translate even for translating between European language completely kill the joy of reading .

Hindi and Urdu are same languages based on common dialect but it fail to convert many words properly because of the lack of vowels in Persian-Arabic script
This is a Chinese Islamic text in Xiaoerjing (小兒經)

回族小经 - 搜搜百科


  مُو شٍ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمْ شُوَ: ثِيُوَ ثِي عِلْمَ ڞٌ يَوْ لاً دَوْ فٌ مُ. شٍژٍ عَلَيْهِ السَّلاَمُ كُو شُو لِيَوْ: ﯖِيَا ژُوَ نِي ثِيُوَ عِلْمَ ﯖِ لُو جٌ ﯖِيًا يُو ﯖِ دَوْ خُوَ خَيْ قِي چُو لِيَوْ نِي ﯖِ سْخِوْ، نِي يَوْ ثِيَانْ ﯖٍ يِ كِيهَ بًا فَا طٌ قُو تَا ثِيُوَ عِلْمَ کِ، يٍ وِي زَيْ نِي خُوَ جَنَّة جٌ ﯖِيًا مُوَ يُو بِيهَ ﯖِ لُو، جِ يُو ثِيُوَ ثِي عِلْمَ ﯖِ لُو.

方言音譯:(the dialect of Mandarin this xioerjing text is written in. Most xiaoerjing texts are written in northwestern dialects of mandarin)
穆聖賽來拉乎阿來一黑哇賽來木說:學習爾林從搖籃到墳墓。聖人阿來一黑賽倆木擴說遼: 假如在你學習爾林幾路中間有幾道火海,隔出遼你幾司侯,你要想盡一切辦法通過它學爾林其,因為在你霍占乃提中間牟有別幾路,只有學習爾林幾路。

普通話翻譯:(translation in standard mandarin, official language of China)

List of Chinese syllables in xiaoerjin

Allmost evry language has a connection with other languages.
Turkish has Arabic,Persian,French,Balkan,Asian influences.
Good to know turks are trying to make contact with their lingual roots. Only slave mentality dictators can do something like changing alphabets of entire language in the name of modernization and Attaturk was one such facist dictator (apologize if I hurt feeling of attaturk admirers here). The only problem he had with arabic was his extreme racist xenophobia and anti-islamic bigotry nothing to do with modernization or his "suckularism". Even if one wants to modernise , there is no need to shelve off the lingual basis of a entire nation. Japan/Korea/China are good examples. During the meji restoration era, some extreme Japanese reformers wanted to shelve off Japanese completely and opt for a european language instead but their visionary leaders saw through the narrow minded slave mentality of those reformers and today Japanese is a prestigious Intl language in its own right on par with English/French and European ones. The same goes for China and Korea, their languages have gained prominence at global stage. Kelamist destroyed a beautiful aspect of Turkish language.
Allmost evry language has a connection with other languages.
Turkish has Arabic,Persian,French,Balkan,Asian influences.

Urdu, the word itself is Turkish, it means Army and Urdu can be written in both Arabic and Persian script. Urdu being an infant language has the 2nd largest pool of literature after Persian in our region.

@Hussein Persian is perfect the way it is.
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Good to know turks are trying to make contact with their lingual roots. Only slave mentality dictators can do something like changing alphabets of entire language in the name of modernization and Attaturk was one such facist dictator (apologize if I hurt feeling of attaturk admirers here). The only problem he had with arabic was his extreme racist xenophobia and anti-islamic bigotry nothing to do with modernization or his "suckularism". Even if one wants to modernise , there is no need to shelve off the lingual basis of a entire nation. Japan/Korea/China are good examples. During the meji restoration era, some extreme Japanese reformers wanted to shelve off Japanese completely and opt for a european language instead but their visionary leaders saw through the narrow minded slave mentality of those reformers and today Japanese is a prestigious Intl language in its own right on par with English/French and European ones. The same goes for China and Korea, their languages have gained prominence at global stage. Kelamist destroyed a beautiful aspect of Turkish language.

thats why your country is dirt poor and you are critisising us and Ataturk. Slave mantality dictators :laughcry: you was the master slave ---

read and learn
The Turkish Nation consists of the valiant descendants of a people that has lived independently and has considered independence the sole condition of existence. This nation has never lived without freedom, cannot and never will.

We Turks are a people who, throughout our history, have been the very embodiment of freedom and independence.
Mohammad Ali Jinnah replying to the speech made by the first Turkish Ambassador to Pakistan at the time of presenting Credentials to the Quaid-i-Azam on 4th March. 1948.
The name of Ataturk brings to mind the historic accomplishments of one of the great men of this century, his inspired leadership of the Turkish People, his perceptive understanding of the modern world and his boldness as a military leader.

. And your talking about slavery and such things is funny
for our language it is very clear latin alphabet would work much better

Of course it won't.We have a 1400 year rich history with current script and maybe richest history in poetry and literature. Historical books, tablets and scriptures. We can't easily just let it go.Persian has the most beautiful calligraphy among all languages. Latin is not something related to our history.Besides, what's the problem with current script and alphabet?First we should find the problem,then thinking about moving to Latin. Turks felt the need of moving to Latin maybe because their language worked better in Latin.But for Persian, it's the best as it is today.
Of course it won't.We have a 1400 year rich history with current script and maybe richest history in poetry and literature. Historical books, tablets and scriptures. We can't easily just let it go.Persian has the most beautiful calligraphy among all languages. Latin is not something related to our history.Besides, what's the problem with current script and alphabet?First we should find the problem,then thinking about moving to Latin. Turks felt the need of moving to Latin maybe because their language worked better in Latin.But for Persian, it's the best as it is today.

Persian is one of the worst sounding langauges in the world , anyperson who dont understand it but hears it will say the same. Persians have been stealing Turkish archicture of Azerbaycan Turks, Timur style , Chagtai Turks etc just because they have been obident slaves to those Turkic empires and was allowed to use their language.
Persian is one of the worst sounding langauges in the world , anyperson who dont understand it but hears it will say the same. Persians have been stealing Turkish archicture of Azerbaycan Turks, Timur style , Chagtai Turks etc just because they have been obident slaves to those Turkic empires and was allowed to use their language.
Lol, ok whatever.I'm actually sick of answering these kinds of posts.
Let's stick to topic.
Good to know turks are trying to make contact with their lingual roots. Only slave mentality dictators can do something like changing alphabets of entire language in the name of modernization and Attaturk was one such facist dictator (apologize if I hurt feeling of attaturk admirers here). The only problem he had with arabic was his extreme racist xenophobia and anti-islamic bigotry nothing to do with modernization or his "suckularism". Even if one wants to modernise , there is no need to shelve off the lingual basis of a entire nation. Japan/Korea/China are good examples. During the meji restoration era, some extreme Japanese reformers wanted to shelve off Japanese completely and opt for a european language instead but their visionary leaders saw through the narrow minded slave mentality of those reformers and today Japanese is a prestigious Intl language in its own right on par with English/French and European ones. The same goes for China and Korea, their languages have gained prominence at global stage. Kelamist destroyed a beautiful aspect of Turkish language.

Bro, why do you care? Leave them.
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