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Some Turks reconsidering Arabic connection to Turkish language

Bro, why do you care? Leave them.

it is not your country, not your business, so shut up for once
have some respect for people history and culture.

Persian is one of the worst sounding langauges in the world , anyperson who dont understand it but hears it will say the same. Persians have been stealing Turkish archicture of Azerbaycan Turks, Timur style , Chagtai Turks etc just because they have been obident slaves to those Turkic empires and was allowed to use their language.
you are a joke

good that i know and work with your country so i know people are not like you there
fanatic exist everywhere, Blackeagle in Jordan, you in Turkey, ... well we should just NOT CARE of people like you ;)
it is not your country, not your business, so shut up for once
have some respect for people history and culture.

you are a joke

good that i know and work with your country so i know people are not like you there
fanatic exist everywhere, Blackeagle in Jordan, you in Turkey, ... well we should just NOT CARE of people like you ;)

Let me tell you something, I don't hate iranians or Persians just like you said you've seen people from my country but sometimes they make stupid comments and divert reality for example Alot of iranians visit turkey and they are welcomed very nicely and for sure they also are kind.

Example. Is shapur. Shapur I have never trolled here if you look at my posts they are all sane and calm also I try to get into military discussions but what I found out in this forum is mainly politics or other things other than defence relayed stuff.
Almost all Turkic languages of the former Soviet Union used Arabic alphabet. The Tatars, Kazakhs, Uzbeks and others did but the Soviets first changed them to Latin alphabet and then into Cyrillic.

Only Non Muslim Turkic peoples like Yakuts didn't use it, in fact they didn't have any alphabet since they were isolated in Siberia

This is a dictionary of the Ottoman language, it shows whether the word originated from Arabic or Farsi.

Osmanl? Türkçesi Sözlü?ü

An English-Ottoman dictionary

An English and Turkish dictionary. [Entitled] Redhouse's Turkish dictionary - James William Redhouse (sir.) - Google Books
Persian is one of the worst sounding langauges in the world , anyperson who dont understand it but hears it will say the same. Persians have been stealing Turkish archicture of Azerbaycan Turks, Timur style , Chagtai Turks etc just because they have been obident slaves to those Turkic empires and was allowed to use their language.

No you are just ignorant.. either behave yourself or stay out of this forum dont make all of us look bad..

And honestly Persian is one of the most beautiful sounding languages in the world.

Personally i think that Turkish, French, Persian, Arabic and Spanish are the most beautiful sounding languages and Greek is nice too..
It is Parsi, right ?
Farsi was named by the Arabs, the real name of the language is Parsi !!!
So now discussion has gone from Turks learning Turkish in Arabic script to how Indian languages are the best in the world and how Indians are more sophisticated than all other non Indians.

One more off topic and you are gone!

how it is offtopic?one turkish member b4 me said tht they find latin script better than arabic script as it is flexible to their language.i was just pointing out the the disadvantages of arabic script in response to his post
the article also mentioned how persians created new letters in arabic script for their convenience when they adopted it.the urdu script in india is more or less advanced arab script developed by persians.i was just informing turkish members tht an indian who learns an advanced script at his early yrs find it extremely difficult to learn persian script.with arabic script u dont read the word as it is rather u read it only if u know the word already(just like english)
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I think the the lack of vowels in Persian script can make the Urdu hard to read, and people these days over the internet and on mobile phones, are using more latinized Urdu for communication. Even a person who isn't educated, can easily pick up latinized Urdu and start sending SMS. The vowels in Persian language are there, its just that people are a bit to lazy to write them... but usually in Quran they write the Arabic very clearly, and fanatically, so Quran is actually quite easy to read, if you know the rules to read the Arabic of Quran.

Also, it would be great if they would start writing Urdu poetry more clearly, with vowels. Urdu poetry has a lot of Persian and Arabic vocabulary. Lots of fancy words, and not many people are familiar with them, so no body really knows how to pronounce them since the vowels are not written. In comparison to that Latinized poetry in Urdu is easier to read..

I think in a way we can learn from Turkish experience, and see where we are taking our Urdu. Should we just let the trend of Latinized Urdu take over, or should we keep our Persian script and actively promote it...
write pit and put in urdu or persian script and a person who does not know those words will read it as pat(as vowels are removed while writing).in indian languages u wont have such problem as each consonant has a symbol when added with a vowel sound(ex:m is consonant .add it with a,u have ma symbol similarly mi, mi:,mu,mu:,me,mo and dipthongs mai and mau).as far as my knowledge goes there is no other system in this entire world which as advanced and which is as simple to read as indian system

u have similarly given me an infraction in other thread for a comment which seemed to u as out of topic.sometimes one has to reply to other post and it may come across as an off topic.but here i can clearly see why u said what u said.because i said indian system is advanced and u couldnt digest it.be fair in ur moderating man
So now discussion has gone from Turks learning Turkish in Arabic script to how Indian languages are the best in the world and how Indians are more sophisticated than all other non Indians.

One more off topic and you are gone!

Aeronaut, you should know better, India is the centre of the world. It is a 100 million year old civilization. It has pre ice age cities. Everything was invented in India till the evil Chinese, Americans, Europeans, Arabs,Japanese, stole them and took the credit..
Aeronaut, you should know better, India is the centre of the world. It is a 100 million year old civilization. It has pre ice age cities. Everything was invented in India till the evil Chinese, Americans, Europeans, Arabs,Japanese, stole them and took the credit..

There is no big claim. Indian writing systems are perfectly phonetic, you can pronounce a word only in one way.
Aeronaut, you should know better, India is the centre of the world. It is a 100 million year old civilization. It has pre ice age cities. Everything was invented in India till the evil Chinese, Americans, Europeans, Arabs,Japanese, stole them and took the credit..

According to scientific evidence, the first humans to invent language were Indians, rest of the uncivilized humans just copied them.
Of course it won't.We have a 1400 year rich history with current script and maybe richest history in poetry and literature. Historical books, tablets and scriptures. We can't easily just let it go.Persian has the most beautiful calligraphy among all languages. Latin is not something related to our history.Besides, what's the problem with current script and alphabet?First we should find the problem,then thinking about moving to Latin. Turks felt the need of moving to Latin maybe because their language worked better in Latin.But for Persian, it's the best as it is today.

Damn, others i would hate to lose the tradition in calligraphy we have in Arabic,Persian and Urdu. We write Urdu in 7 major scripts [Khutoot]. Just by being able to write Urdu, you can easily write Arabic,Persian and associated languages, how cool is that? :D

Checkout some work from Pakistani legend calligrapher "Sadequain".







I wouldn't exchange it for heaven.
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