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Some of the most absurd posters from aurat March 2019

@AgNoStiC MuSliM you are being biased now
It's not good for forum in longer run
We all love and support pdf but this behavior will only create hate
How am I being biased? I've deleted personal attacks and disrespectful references to women (the word used rhymed with stunts).

If you want to understand how to debate with civility and not cross the line, look at @LeGenD posts. He disagrees with me and these posters/protesters, and I have deleted none of his posts and had a civil debate with him so far.
Alright thats it. I did not want to do this but you 56 inchers have left me no choice.

@atya @Moonlight @Divergent @Nancy @Well.wisher holy crap this is a very nerdy forum or women just not into defense of the country. makes sense since they want all men to die wait wait i wanted to help in the thread
Harassing females = wrong
Passing urine in public places = wrong
Playing with genitals in front of ladies = wrong
Advocating for vulgarity on banners = wrong

How about you tell Mr. Imran Khan.
i respect your views you have every right to having an opinion sir . even though our views conflict . the issue is people getting it personal and abusing these women openly .
my dear friend
just look back
in 1900 how women wear live and have rights
then look 1950 how Pakistani women have life
then again check 2000 how things changed
today is 2019 and things are changing no society can be freeze . people will change their lives styles living almost everything will be changed . no one can stop it its impossible . the dress which we both see common today in our families was not common some 100 years ago in our country . can we reverse the time?
Sir jee, Islamic values are relevant for all ages.

Please visit this thread and learn about the implications of promoting female hypergamy: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/female-hypergamy-liberation-huge-threat-to-societal-order.604193/

The white race is in decline because it embraced female hypergamy. Not only this but look at the population growth rate of so many liberal countries out there. These countries have a bleak future. Allah Almighty punish those societies which transgress and/or refuse to embrace the right path.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM
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This one was nice though.

I am not forcing anybody but I reserve full right to speak out against vulgarity, and I will.

A great majority of Pakistani women are conservative. Those women living in Karachi, Lahore or peshawar don't share the same ideas as with these women

One reason why this kind of feminism won't be ever accepted in Pakistani society or by Pakistani women is that it doesn't meet the ground realities of this country

This vulgarity would always limited to some privileged idiots who represent a very small section of Pakistani women.
Alright thats it. I did not want to do this but you 56 inchers have left me no choice.

@atya @Moonlight @Divergent @Nancy @Well.wisher holy crap this is a very nerdy forum or women just not into defense of the country. makes sense since they want all men to die wait wait i wanted to help in the thread
women are in pakistani forces with men at every branch .
Sir jee, Islamic values are relevant for all ages.

Please visit this thread and learn about the implications of promoting female hypergamy: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/female-hypergamy-liberation-huge-threat-to-societal-order.604193/

The white race is in decline because it embraced female hypergamy. Not just this but look at the population growth rate of so many liberal countries out there. These countries have a bleak future.
sir ji as i have visited many islamic countries i must say ground reality is not same . with money and advance tech people changing rapidly no one can stop them now . yes there are places in same country where things are not same but world is moving ahead and people are changing i can see it .future of mankind its self is bleak

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