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Some of the most absurd posters from aurat March 2019

this looks like women right activist.this is not women day.this is terrible.you can't blame men for everything.disgusting posters.
Sir, women face harassment in every country. I believe that women face more harassment in some Western societies then in Pakistan.

Best course of action is to let women know how to handle these situations.
So basically let them carry a rapists child because they know how to deal with it?
I fail to understand why so many of Pakistani men are getting in knot over these posters? Are you denying how females are treated in this country? Where was your sensibility when women were not allowed to even vote in some parts of this country? Where was your sensibility when 4 women were murdered in cold blood in Kohistan for merely dancing in a marriage?

So keep your selective outrage and shove it up where the sun does not shine, they have all the right to express themselves and identify the shitty behaviour they have to endure.

This is Pakistan; not France.

Some of those banners are too vulgar; those women should be ashamed of themselves. Perhaps their men are vulgar donkeys as well.

And who made you the arbitrary of what is vulgar what is not? If youre offended by what is written there it is your problem not theirs.

Ye auratain kch b ho skti hn oppressed nhe
View attachment 545112

More nonsense.

Those women are promoting vulgarity under the garb of freedom of expression. For many in Pakistan, Islamic values are important to preserve. Man's ego be damned.

And in what sense these women are oppressed?

Again get down from your high horse, they are merely stating what society's attitude is towards females, if your sensibilities are hurt, its your problem not theirs.
I fail to understand why so many of Pakistani men are getting in knot over these posters? Are you denying how females are treated in this country? Where was your sensibility when women were not allowed to even vote in some parts of this country? Where was your sensibility when 4 women were murdered in cold blood in Kohistan for merely dancing in a marriage?

So keep your selective outrage and shove it up where the sun does not shine, they have all the right to express themselves and identify the shitty behaviour they have to endure.

And who made you the arbitrary of what is vulgar what is not? If youre offended by what is written there it is your problem not theirs.

More nonsense.

Again get down from your high horse, they are merely stating what society's attitude is towards females, if your sensibilities are hurt, its your problem not theirs.
It's our right to disagree with them
The constitution of Pakistan has guaranteed our right to express our opinions about any development in the country you can't tell any one to shut up
You don't like this it's your problem scroll down and don't bother to reply here
No one is against women or their rights movement we just don't condone hijacking of genuine movement by NGO aunties
Ok then make them lift bricks like men do at construction sites.

In America I have worked menial labor jobs too in an environment where women were preseent as well. And when it came to lift very heavy objects/doing very hard work. Thear women were always like you do it. You are a man. At that moment they forget all about gender equality and at that time they become masooom persecuted aurat.
Best thing to do is actually giving them proper equality. :D
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they have every right to post whatever they believe why Pakistani guys having aching over it ? its not a free country ? i think poor women in Pakistan are suppressed so deep they now need to suppress men for counter balance .

these women who are marching have never endure any kind of suppression just like the METOO movement. The real victim are those whose voice is never raised.
Dear men on pdf
Some of you are under the misconception that women aren't suppressed or violated or hurt. They are but in varying degrees.

Are men also oppressed. YES in some ways men too are oppressed. All injustice against every single human being is supposed to end.
Aurat march is vulgar - so are objectionable videos of dancing women ..so is **** etc
Aurat march is full of NGO aunties.. yes but there are many other factions of society joining them.
Aurat march is useless..then why all the fuss about it. Its a social movement to highlight womens rights. Social movements are game changers throughout history.
Look at how slavery ended or how we got freedom from the British. Social movements are real change catalysts.
As far as metoo goes ...i have never shared my stories but I will share one here because of the all the comments negating the need for a womens rights movement.

I was in the delivery room of a leading private hospital for the birth of my first child.
I was anxious and crying because of the stress of the scheduled c-section. I was not wearing make up or wearing heels or jewellery. I was in a hospital gown.
To my utter surprise the anaesthesia doc was a male who came in before my gyne doc and said madam abhi a rehi hai . I will be giving you spinal anaesthesia. There was a moment where the nursing staff was busy connecting machines etc and after injecting the spinal anaesthesia in my back he kissed me . I wanted to scream but i was afraid that my moulvi hubby sitting outside might just kill him. I just wanted to deliver the baby and go home.Thankfully my female surgeon came and Allah blessed me with a baby boy.
But metoo is real and maybe these protests will drive some sense into men.


It's good that your on here.

We need perspective like that.
This is nothing but flexing on part of Illuminati aunties.

I have seen far too many psuedo intellectual liberal aunties in beaconhouse days.

Such NGO aunties will even cash in on acid burn victims if it means bringing humiliation upon Islam and muslims. And added bonus of Oscar from their Gora masters.

Do you have news article about this incident. If so seems like an exciting read :partay:
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Dear men on pdf
Some of you are under the misconception that women aren't suppressed or violated or hurt. They are but in varying degrees.

Are men also oppressed. YES in some ways men too are oppressed. All injustice against every single human being is supposed to end.
Aurat march is vulgar - so are objectionable videos of dancing women ..so is **** etc
Aurat march is full of NGO aunties.. yes but there are many other factions of society joining them.
Aurat march is useless..then why all the fuss about it. Its a social movement to highlight womens rights. Social movements are game changers throughout history.
Look at how slavery ended or how we got freedom from the British. Social movements are real change catalysts.
As far as metoo goes ...i have never shared my stories but I will share one here because of the all the comments negating the need for a womens rights movement.

I was in the delivery room of a leading private hospital for the birth of my first child.
I was anxious and crying because of the stress of the scheduled c-section. I was not wearing make up or wearing heels or jewellery. I was in a hospital gown.
To my utter surprise the anaesthesia doc was a male who came in before my gyne doc and said madam abhi a rehi hai . I will be giving you spinal anaesthesia. There was a moment where the nursing staff was busy connecting machines etc and after injecting the spinal anaesthesia in my back he kissed me . I wanted to scream but i was afraid that my moulvi hubby sitting outside might just kill him. I just wanted to deliver the baby and go home.Thankfully my female surgeon came and Allah blessed me with a baby boy.
But metoo is real and maybe these protests will drive some sense into men.
I have smypathies for you and what you went through but is wearing nighties and disrespecting alams the way to tackle harassment?
Harassment is a crime instead of just crying about it maybe these women should join politics and actually frame just laws that tackle such issues
Women's day 3 years ago was all about celebration of accomplishments of women from becoming business mogals to major generals who people across the social divide celebrated now this third wave intersectional bs is pushing away past allies of women cause

Dear men on pdf
Some of you are under the misconception that women aren't suppressed or violated or hurt. They are but in varying degrees.

Are men also oppressed. YES in some ways men too are oppressed. All injustice against every single human being is supposed to end.
Aurat march is vulgar - so are objectionable videos of dancing women ..so is **** etc
Aurat march is full of NGO aunties.. yes but there are many other factions of society joining them.
Aurat march is useless..then why all the fuss about it. Its a social movement to highlight womens rights. Social movements are game changers throughout history.
Look at how slavery ended or how we got freedom from the British. Social movements are real change catalysts.
As far as metoo goes ...i have never shared my stories but I will share one here because of the all the comments negating the need for a womens rights movement.

I was in the delivery room of a leading private hospital for the birth of my first child.
I was anxious and crying because of the stress of the scheduled c-section. I was not wearing make up or wearing heels or jewellery. I was in a hospital gown.
To my utter surprise the anaesthesia doc was a male who came in before my gyne doc and said madam abhi a rehi hai . I will be giving you spinal anaesthesia. There was a moment where the nursing staff was busy connecting machines etc and after injecting the spinal anaesthesia in my back he kissed me . I wanted to scream but i was afraid that my moulvi hubby sitting outside might just kill him. I just wanted to deliver the baby and go home.Thankfully my female surgeon came and Allah blessed me with a baby boy.
But metoo is real and maybe these protests will drive some sense into men.
Aa for your own case you should report him right away who knows how many more will suffer at his hand

Not all posters were offensive or ridiculous. I don't enforce everything in the aurat march but I will defend their right to say it. The real women who are downtrodden are the poor ones.View attachment 545134
And for those women we need agri reforms, inheritance rights,better health care facilities,more job opportunities,investmen i in education not western terf politics :-//
Not saying they have no right to state their view in public but they should stop pretending to be about rights for the downtrodden when they clearly are not
I remember last year's Aurat march thread where I commented;

What is more fragile than a woman's heart?
A man's ego.

It was valid last year and judging by the comments here, it's still valid. lol
Since the c...cks in closed in the other thread

It's easy to subjugate a population when their family system is broken.

They need goyim men and women to work and pay they interest and tax money to them.

Orthodox jewish laws demand men to spend a good part of their youth inYeshiva schools. So they're not able to work and earn a living. Yet tjey still marry very young and start popping kids right away.

Guess who pays for them??? US taxpaying MEN and WOMEN. Only male taxpayer was not enough. Hence feminism.

Yes Feminism is a good cause if it actually saves a woman who is chronically hit/abused by some male entity around her. But if it is high jacked by dubious secret societies to shame Islam and muslims then we will not stand by it.

No matter how hard that is to accept for Beaconhouse Libteral babies and aunties.

I mean what do these spoilt, entitled brats even know about suffering??

The Koshers will never allow radical feminism or liberalism in their communities cause they think its for the goyim this is their plan want to destroy any nation be it Islamic or non-Islamic they see as threat so the west have been brainwashed and now they want to brainwashed everyone but since mass migration of the last half century all migrant groups understand the facade of Yankeestan and warn their countrymen not to copy this crap as for spoiled brats who complain about Pakistan watch when they immigrate here they cry to go back while slaving away at a Gas Station or Clerk in a store @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Ahmet Pasha
This is Pakistan; not France.

Some of those banners are too vulgar; those women should be ashamed of themselves. Perhaps their men are vulgar donkeys as well.
most likely.it is said in Quran. pious women for pious men and wicked ladies for wicked men.

send all of them to LOC . they should fight along with real men. their should be equality in a society. dont know what kind of grooming they will impart to their kids. expect their children to be next hussain haqqani, asma jahangir, and adnan sami.

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