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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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He has been successfully doing that for 10 years now. It is pretty clear from the kind of support he has that majority wants Islamism over secularism. So secular voices will have to get out of the way. Secular liberals had their time in the sunshine now it's time for the right wing Islamists. It is not unique to Turkey. The whole world is slowly shifting towards right. Someone like Trump wouldn't be a presidential candidate otherwise. Even in India, who knows what will happen in the next 10 years with Modi-Shah in power and no opposition in sight. In 10 years, we might have our very own Hindutva India, if that's what the people want.

Interesting insight.
And I am wondering why the shift to the right? Are we, as human beings, bored of our relatively longer lives? Of our relative prosperity? Or are we feeling too empowered by our growing knowledge and want to put that knowledge to some 'use'?

It makes no clear sense to me as to why the shift to the Right is happening? The world is not the Weimar Republic. The World is not in the Great Depression.

Then why?!
Yes, the champion of Islam are always around when it comes to India. But when China bans fasting in Ramadan, they're not champions of Islam no more. Because you like your cheap toys they sell even to Myanmar. :rofl:

I left and missed some pages. How the topic suddenly off coming to India-China?
Then those millions of people who celebrate misery of others are animals and world will be better off without them.

well, we don't care about that, we just do what we want to do, it's human rights and freedom!:bunny:

Same as a lot Pakistani in PDF said Pakistan should stay neutral in the case of SCS, so China should stay neutral in the case of Kashimir as well.

For France, Turkey, an eye for an eye, no one could change this in the last 5000 years time, not anyone in here!

Have a nice day!

They bombed the hotel where Reis Erdo'an was residing. But he had left before they bombed. Elahamndulillah! Allah-u Azimushshan has saved him...
I left and missed some pages. How the topic suddenly off coming to India-China?

He just want to balance his islamophobia by comparing with China. lol..anyway come back to the topic.
Refrain from posting graphic videos and pictures in the forum.
My Question is:

If Fatahullah is in Pennsylvania mobilising army at such level and is in communication with dozens of people, how come FBI and CIA didn't detect him and inform Turkish government in advance ?
Are you asking the fox to guard the chicken???
This looks very similar to what HuT was planning a while ago in Pakistan. HuT is also another front as is Gulenists. Both serve the same masters. It also involved Airforce as well as Army and middle ranking Officers.
This attempt will get put down. Edrogan has to realise that his ego of self and vindictiveness against Gulen and any other hallucinogenic Pokemon character has gone far.
I fear he will be the downfall of the greatness that AKP has brought to that country; i was there a few weeks back and really impressed with where the country has come from 18 years back when it was in a terrible state.
Kudos to AKP but AKP needs to choose its leaders in a rotating manner with firm limits of terms.

They bombed the hotel where Reis Erdo'an was residing. But he had left before they bombed. Elahamndulillah! Allah-u Azimushshan has saved him...

Erdogan placed order to arrest his secretary, is this true? It says Erdogan's secretary has communications with Gulenists and involving in the coup.
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