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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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ISTANBUL/ANKARA: Turkey's military said on Friday that it had seized power, but the prime minister said the attempted coup would be put down.

If successful, the overthrow of PresidentTayyip Erdogan, who has ruled Turkey since 2003, would amount to one of the biggest shifts in power in the Middle East in years.

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said the elected government remained in office. There was no immediate word from Erdogan. The Turkish sister channel of CNN said he was "safe".

The armed forces had taken power in the country to protect the democratic order and to maintain human rights, the military said in a statement sent by email and reported on Turkish TV channels. All of Turkey's existing foreign relations would be maintained and the rule of law would remain the priority, it said.

The state-run Anadolu news agency said the chief of Turkey's military staff was among people taken "hostage" in the capital Ankara. CNN Turk also reported that hostages were being held at the military headquarters.

Turkey, a NATO member with the second biggest military in the Western alliance, is one of the most important allies of the United States in the fight against Islamic State.

It is a principal backer of opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in that country's civil war, and host to 2 million Syrian refugees.

The country has been at war with Kurdish separatists, and has suffered numerous bombing and shooting attacks this year, including an attack two weeks ago by Islamists at Istanbul's main airport that killed more than 40 people.

After serving as prime minister from 2003, Erdogan was elected president in 2014 with plans to alter the constitution to give the previously ceremonial presidency far greater executive powers.

His AK Party, with roots in Islamism, has long had a strained relationship with the military and nationalists in a state that was founded on secularist principles after World War One, and which has a history of military coups.

Yildirim said a group within Turkey's military had attempted to overthrow the government and security forces have been called in to "do what is necessary".

"Some people illegally undertook an illegal action outside of the chain of command," Yildirim said in comments broadcast by private channel NTV.

"The government elected by the people remains in charge. This government will only go when the people say so."

Those behind the attempted coup would pay the highest price, he added.

Footage on local television channels showed military vehicles blocking bridges over the Bosphorus in Istanbul and tanks deployed at the city's main airport. In the capital Ankara, warplanes and helicopters roared overhead. A Reuters journalist heard gunshots.

A Turkish official who did not want to be named said soldiers had been deployed in other cities in Turkey, but did not specify which ones.

Dogan News Agency reported the national police directorate had summoned all police to duty in Ankara.
Dont be ridiculous, those headlines are peanuts and would be forgotten in the next 3 days anyway, this is madness for Turkeys standards, its one of the worst days of our 93 years old republic, it still seems surreal to me.
SIr, Even Hitler burnt down the Reichstag & blamed the commies for it & used it to get rid of them & the unions.

I don't believe Erdogan carried this coup out, that was just a passing thought of mine.

But being a politico he will indeed try to use it to his maximum advantage. He is truly committed to his ideology & he believe that what he does is right & will use any means to fulfill it. & now his victory in this coup has given him the chance to do it.


The bastards (please forgive my language) attacked the Turkish parliament building - the brain and heart from where War of Independence was conducted..
This is very Sad. It is never good to see a Temple of Democracy/Parliament of ANY nation in such bad shape..

Are many civilians/soldiers dead?? :(
Lol, I'd like to see the look on his face if that was to happen, but honestly the army's time of active intervention is well over.

[Off topic but...]
Yes, and I am glad it's over!
As I have repeated over and over again in this forum: One of the unintended consequences of the erstwhile 'War on Terrorism' inside Pakistan is a great loosening of the 'Deep State'. The military in Pakistan has realized that it can't govern this country when a SITTING Army Chief cum President of Pakistan was essentially reduced to being a 'Bunker President' by 2007.

Pakistan is ahead of Turkey in political evolution. Not bragging, just observing.
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Depends on the leaders themselves.

I see conservative & Hindu nationalism in India continue to rise for the next few years & last for a very long time using the banner of development & good governance.

Nothing is permanent. In 15-20 years time, we may see another wave of liberalism worldwide.
Military Officer Fired for Gulenist Ties Named as Leader of Turkey's Coup

Colonel Muharrem Kose, a former officer in the Turkish Armed Forces was named by state-run Anadolu News Agency as the leader of the coup attempt against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government.
The bloody coup attempt that struck Ankara on Friday now has a face — a former Turkish military officer who was dishonorably discharged in March 2016 for his alleged association with anti-government and US-based Imam Fethullah Gulen.

Colonel Muharrem Kose announced the formation of the "Peace Council," an interim government to restore democracy and human rights in Turkey that Erdogan's opponents claim have been stripped from the country as it had begun to drift ever closer to a theocracy after long being adored as the secular gem of the Middle East.

Military forces loyal to Colonel Kose seized the state-run TRT News station, the bridges, and Ataturk International Airport on Friday evening before being pushed back by Turkish forces loyal to Erdogan as bloody struggles have ensued throughout the country.

It appeared that the coup effort had succeeded until President Erdogan took to CNN Turk, calling in via FaceTime, pleading with his countrymen to resist the effort to overthrow the government by taking to the streets. The move, initially mocked by Western media and leaders, appears to have been successful with millions of Turks taking to the streets to resist Colonel Kose's Peace Council.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan earlier in the day blamed supporters of the Pennsylvania-based Imam Fethullah Gulen, prior to identifying Colonel Kose as the lead agitator in the coup attempt. Despite Muharrem Kose's apparent links to Gulen, the Imam's non-profit, the Alliance for Shared Values, denies any involvement and has condemned "any military intervention in the domestic politics of Turkey."

Gulenists are not hardliners as the Imam preaches a blend of piety and Sufi mysticism while calling for free markets, democracy and religious tolerance in keeping with the original vision of Turkey laid down by the country's founder Kemal Ataturk.

Gulen's movement known as Hizmet, once boasted as many as 2,000 officers within the Turkish military prior to crackdowns by President Erdogan. Supporters of Gulen have long attempted to use the judiciary to advance corruption investigations against Erdogan sparking a bitter divide between the two groups. Turkish authorities accuse Gulen of attempting to form an opposing "state within a state" known by many in Turkey as the "Parallel Structure."

Prior to being ousted for his alleged ties to the Gulenist movement, Muharrem Kose proudly served as the chief legal counsel to the Turkish military's chief of staff Hulusi Akar. Akar was taken hostage in the first hours of the coup attempt that began on Friday evening.

Amac nedir zaten gergin ortami dahada geriyorsun, eger böyle devam edersek savas pekte uzakta degil demektir.

This is not the time to be timid. You need to show your Namus as much as, if not more, than those Namussuz folks. They're playing with the very honor of Turkey..
This is not the time to be timid. You need to show your Namus as much as, if not more, than those Namussuz folks. They're playing with the very honor of Turkey..
Ozaman bu laflarin adresinin kimler oldugunu acik ve net yazda bizde bilelim.
Let me tell you something more, millions of Chinese were celebrated in yesterday, and I'm sure they are keep celebration in today.

we are not only anti-double standards white P1gs,

More and More Chinese are become anti-Islamic in China!

Have a nice day !!!

Then those millions of people who celebrate misery of others are animals and world will be better off without them.
[Off topic but...]
Yes, and I am glad it's over!
As I have repeated over and over again in this forum: One of the unintended consequences of the erstwhile 'War on Terrorism' inside Pakistan is a great loosening of the 'Deep State'. The military in Pakistan has realized that it can't govern this country when a SITTING Army Chief cum President of Pakistan was essentially reduced to being a 'Bunker President' by 2007.

Pakistan is ahead of Turkey in political evolution. Not bragging, just observing.

Comparing the gov of coward Nawaz Sharif who ran away to London with that of Erdogan has no ground no basis

If Pakistan Military moves in today , people will support the military and not the spineless and corrupt to the core politicians
I dont know much about Turkey, but this showed your people want peace and stability. Prefer the status quo.
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