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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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The coup is unacceptable.
You are in no position to decide such a thing, ignorant imbecile! YOU HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OF OUR COUNTRY!

erdogan sucked up to Putin recently

so it's time to let he gone

ISIS attacking and now military coup

to be a lapdog for US or die ...
Good Comment.This coup will take the headlines away from his mistakes/problems for a long time or forever

The de-secularisation of Turkiye is now ineveitable under Erdogan.He will change the constitution, encourage Islamisation & promote his followers & loyalists to every top post.

He has been successfully doing that for 10 years now. It is pretty clear from the kind of support he has that majority wants Islamism over secularism. So secular voices will have to get out of the way. Secular liberals had their time in the sunshine now it's time for the right wing Islamists. It is not unique to Turkey. The whole world is slowly shifting towards right. Someone like Trump wouldn't be a presidential candidate otherwise. Even in India, who knows what will happen in the next 10 years with Modi-Shah in power and no opposition in sight. In 10 years, we might have our very own Hindutva India, if that's what the people want.
Yeah sure, bomb your own Parliament, Intelligence, Police just to make people forget headlines, seriously what are you guys smoking?
A politicos mind works very differently than ours :) Erdogan is very smart & cunning.

Let's wait & see what happens next, i am hoping for the very best for Turkiye and it's people !
It seems those that wanted the coup to succeed have entered into a state of depression after seeing its failure. A lot of them are apparently pro democratic yet they were happily supporting a not so democratic military martial law. Now they are calling the Turkish nation names but the fact is that the Turkish nation truly showed its democracy. It showed that its the people that are in charge of their fates and nobody else. I think this will close the chapter of Turkish military coups.

Anyhow the amount of innocent people killed in this madness and soldiers killing soldiers and the bombing of civilians and parliament. This was no coup but an attempt of pure insanity where when they failed they started to and still bomb civilians. Madness.

Hopefully turkey rises stronger than ever. Erdogan is the kind of leader that can help Turkey stay united and root out these traitors from the military. Shooting at innocent people who are protesting on the streets. They must be tried.
Amına koyayım böyle işin ya, islamcı safsalaklara kaldı ortam! Türkçe bile konuşamayan arapça kelimeler öttüren spastik manyaklar bizi temsil ediyor bu forumda olmayan beyinciklerinizi sikeyim hepinizin amın allahçıları!
I sincerely wish that they prove you wrong. I have no where to hide my face...

I have no respect for military officers who rebel against the political leadership. The greatest General of the post-Napoleonic era, Field Marshall Erich Von Manstein refused to participate in a coup against Adolf Hitler in 1944 despite knowing the fate of his country.

His words sum up his legacy and honor; "Prussian Generals do not mutiny".

And here we have banners instigating Pakistani generals to stage a coup and some Turkish officers have actually attempted one.

Sorry for being harsh but such military forces do not demand any respect.
He has been successfully doing that for 10 years now. It is pretty clear from the kind of support he has that majority wants Islamism over secularism. So secular voices will have to get out of the way. Secular liberals had their time in the sunshine now it's time for the right wing Islamists. It is not unique to Turkey. The whole world is slowly shifting towards right. Someone like Trump wouldn't be a presidential candidate otherwise. Even in India, who knows what will happen in the next 10 years with Modi-Shah in power and no opposition in sight. In 10 years, we might have our very own Hindutva India, if that's what the people want.
Conservative nationalism is on the rise around the world-->UKIP,modi,brexit,trump & erdogan prove it !!
Bu piçlerde beyin olmadığı gibi haysiyet ve şerefte yok.

Gelen sikiyor giden sikiyor sonra kandırıldık aldatıldık.

Anayın amına koyam ben senin. Gülen ile birlikte ülke topraklarını yahudilere peşkeş çeken ama mahkemede bozulan anlaştı bu anasını götünden siktiklerim değilmiydi?

Coup mongers in the JCS office have been killed.
En çok bu amlarına koduğum pakistanlıları sikiyim! Bi bok bilmiyorlar efkan kesiyorlar ülkemize! Sikte belasının demokrasinin erdogan gelmiş bu beyinsizler "doğru olan buydu" "türk kardeşlerimize iyi oldu çk iyi"

Amına koyayım böyle işin ya, islamcı safsalaklara kaldı ortam! Türkçe bile konuşamayan arapça kelimeler öttüren spastik manyaklar bizi temsil ediyor bu forumda olmayan beyinciklerinizi sikeyim hepinizin amın allahçıları!
Baska ne bekleyebilirsin,nereye rezil olmadik,kaldimi bir yer?
Butun dunya bize guluyor bu mallar sayesinde.
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