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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Harsh reality that must be addressed for the sake of the Turkish people.
Well, we know it well, since 1979 and still paying the price and tell the friends not to follow this foot step but, .................
I am really sad for the loss of Turkish brothers. Qataal is sometimes a punishment from Allah. Pakistanis have ben in a state of Qataal for a long time and it is because of our own collective sins. I hope Turkish brothers learn from this and ask for forgiveness from Allah. He has surely bestowed his Fazal on you in face of possible larger punishment.
. .
Sad story for the world,Erdogan is not a clever leader for Turkey.
I heared that Most of Turkish elites graduate from military school,and Erdogan is just a ......
Well,the bully win.HEHE.
. .
He's father side is from Armenians and mother side from Jewish. His father had promised that his son will make the Turkish nation pay. He's successful to an extent..

I sincerely wish that they prove you wrong. I have no where to hide my face...
Well, he is mixture of very brutal things......
Ulan ne kadar orospu evladı var memlekette her defasında daha fazla şaşıyorum... Bu forumuda sarmışlar amk satılmışları yurtdışından amık amık postlar
Ulan ne kadar yarrak seven oruspu cocugu varmis bu memlekette,amina kodugumun cocugu,terbiyesiz kopek,isinize gelmesze hemen kufuru bastirin,siseye oturmayi ne kadar severmissin,pic.
I have no idea that India would have any tensions with Erdogan.
Ignore him,he is the sort of person to turn fingers towards India when anything goes wrong with him/his ideology.

People like him blame India for every one of it's problems in Bangladesh:-
from it's poverty to terrorism today
Ulan ne kadar orospu evladı var memlekette her defasında daha fazla şaşıyorum... Bu forumuda sarmışlar amk satılmışları yurtdışından amık amık postlar

Ananın amına kaydırma piç. Herkes sizin gibi düşünmek zorunda değil. Düşünmüyorlar diye hakaret hakkını hiç bir yerden almıyorsunuz.

Kimse sizin seçtiğinizi sevmek zorunda değil. O nedenle ananızın göyütünü siktirtmeyin. Gerçi gülen denen yılanı palazlandıran götünü siktiklerim sizler değilmiydiniz?
Good Comment.This coup will take the headlines away from his mistakes/problems for a long time or forever

The de-secularisation of Turkiye is now ineveitable under Erdogan.He will change the constitution, encourage Islamisation & promote his followers & loyalists to every top post.
Yeah sure, bomb your own Parliament, Intelligence, Police just to make people forget headlines, seriously what are you guys smoking?
Not good news. The response from the West is muted. No outrage over dictatorship. John Kerry hopes for peace and continuity which says it all. We shouldn't expect condemnations. Everyone is going to turn a blind eye like they did in Egypt and pretend it never happened. The writing is on the wall.

Indeed, it does say it all.
I think, in this forum, I had said a long time ago that Erdogan's Cardinal Sin was his strong response to the Israeli attack on Turkish Flotilla a few years ago. That was a no-go. You stir a Hornets Nest in the US Congress when you do that. And, yes, it takes only a few hundred Congressmen/Senators who are either insecure/paid-for to make a US 'foreign policy'--and by extension, too often 'The West'.

Mr. Erdogan is not an angel but is also not a Devil Re-Incarnate! Turks may not be as 'secular' as they they were before him but they are not exactly required to wear Hijabs either.

The coup is unacceptable.
. . .
Ananın amına kaydırma piç. Herkes sizin gibi düşünmek zorunda değil. Düşünmüyorlar diye hakaret hakkını hiç bir yerden almıyorsunuz.

Kimse sizin seçtiğinizi sevmek zorunda değil. O nedenle ananızın göyütünü siktirtmeyin. Gerçi gülen denen yılanı palazlandıran götünü siktiklerim sizler değilmiydiniz?
Boyle oruspu cocuklarini adam yerine koyan bizde hata,bunlar Turkse ben Yahudiyim,tuuuh allah belalarini versin bu piclerin.
Agzimi illede bozduracaklar,baskada bi bok yiyemezler ayni cobanlari gibi, terbiyesiz kopekler.
Amına koyduğumun piçlerine bakın hele. Gülenciler ülkenin her yerine sızıyor ele geçiriyor diye uyaruldığında buna kediler güler diyen göt verenler sizler değilmiydiniz orospunun çıkardıkları?
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