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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Very clear messages from the Commander in Chief..
It's over for the Top Ranked officers of the Military(Generals,Colonels,Lt.Colonels,Brigadiers etc).
Not just the coup plotters,but for many others who weren't involved.

THe plotters will be heavily punished,I also feel he will use this as an opportunity to get rid of those in the military who are not blindly loyal to him & what he believes

Erdogan will be too paranoid to allow anybody other than those loyal to him to reach to the top in it. He will cut down on it's autonomy HEAVILY & try to bring it more under the President's(HIS) control.

Sir, do u think Erdogan carried the coup /allowed the coup to happen to bolster his standing among the world+use sympathy factor+cleanse the military?? & could u tell us or give us a link about the details u mentioned?

Forgive me for my lack of knowledge,but who is fetto?

Every minute the situation getting more clear. This fetto aka Fettullah Gulen is the leader of Gulen movement(so-called Islamic movement) in Turkiye. He himself is living in USA. He wants to control every single gov. which ruling the state. He has support of CIA and they are behind of this coup. They are trying to take Erdogan down from his power.
Interesting comment on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/...stanbuls_bosphorus_bridges_are_closed/d5e4b2t

I'm from Ankara with updates:

There are news of the military retreating (???) and if such is the case it is the worst possible news only second to that of people being killed.

So with that, if that's correct, I would like to tell you what I think of this.

With what has happened the past 12 hours:

  • The citizenship of Syrian refugees has been cleared off media and headlines, it's no longer being discussed heatedly so the government can do whatever they want.

  • The questioning of Erdogan's university diploma being a fake has also been cleared off the headlines and is in the same status as the refugee crysis.

  • Same with the presidency becoming a political role, as it shouldn't have been in this country.
What now you ask?

  • The government will excuse themselves with the new constitution surely following this so called coup attempt. Goodbye my beautiful secular country...
Still Jets in the sky.... they are either bombing or going supersonic while flying low.

They have sent fighters from Eskisehir to deal with that traitors, so wait 20 min and it will be finished.

I am curious how many fighters and choppers we have lost:mad:.

I can believe that this happen....
View attachment 318139

People have taken control of the tanks. I am pretty sure some of the folks in the crowd have done their services with the mechanized units. So, they know also how to use it....

View attachment 318140

Turkey is in the street

Resilience and Unity of Turkish people has set a best example for whole world when it comes to support elected Govt. May ALLAH BLESS TURKEY. AAMEEN.
Ulan ne kadar orospu evladı var memlekette her defasında daha fazla şaşıyorum... Bu forumuda sarmışlar amk satılmışları yurtdışından amık amık postlar
Every minute the situation getting more clear. This fetto aka Fettullah Gulen is the leader of Gulen movement(so-called Islamic movement) in Turkiye. He himself is living in USA. He wants to control every single gov. which ruling the state. He has support of CIA and they are behind of this coup. They are trying to take Erdogan down from his power.
Something is not right..............But, Gulen said , he has nothing to do with this coup and he support democracy....
They have sent fighters from Eskisehir to deal with that traitors, so wait 20 min and it will be finished.

I am curious how many fighters and choppers we have lost:mad:.

I can believe that this happen....

Those choppers and fighters aint worth losing like that. I sincerely wish they make the rouges to land those aircraft rather than shooting em down.

Bu ezanlar ki şahadetleri dinin temeli,

Ebedi yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli.

These adhans and their testimonies are the foundations of my religion,
And may their noble sound prevail thunderously across my eternal homeland.

Those choppers and fighters aint worth losing like that. I sincerely wish they make the rouges to land those aircraft rather than shooting em down.

CJCS has give a direct order - don't let them land....
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