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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Coup mongers are arrested...

Folks are collecting arms. They know how to use them too, thanks to the 18-24 months military service..


See who's bloodied? Don't mess with the Millet..
InshAllah it will not get to this , from what I hear the coup is on its last leg, the mutineers have stared to go into hiding, Turkish military police is hunting them down .Wsalam
Obama, Clinton and others now in favour of democracy when the coup has totally failed. Initially they were monitoring the situation :-)
there is a special tradition of Treachery in the Turkish military because the Jews can never accept a Muslim Turkey, if they only knew what's coming for them, they will be begging god for Erdogan to live forever

CJCS Gen Hulusi Akar is ion full charge. Those bastards (please forgive my language) also got hold of a fighter plane and chopper). They won't be allowed to land. Most probably they have been already downed. Fighter planes from different bases are in the air. What a wastage of national wealth!! Allah Kahr etsin (May Allah destroy their this life and hereafter)..
Above everything it's matter of

Above everything else, it's a matter of Haya and Izzet for the Millet. They definitely don't deserve such lowly actions which are impossible to put into words. Anyway, it's been found out that it's the job of around 400 low ranking officers (Col, Maj etc.) and JCO/NCOs. They may be linked to a pseudo Islamic scholar, in reality an agent in foreign agencies payroll and currently living in Pennsylvania, and his movement to create a parallel state structure by infiltrating into civil and military posts. The ultimate goal is to put the clock backward by hundred years for Turkey to ensure that she's never concerned about anything else outside her boundaries. Turkey is supposed to be fully immersed into political, social, religious and economic chaos and they should be always fighting each other under the tutelage government run by "our boys". Erdo'an has become too much for them. Talking about ATAK or MILGEM or TFX is unforgivable in their books.

One good thing, top military commanders and opposition politicians are against the coup. They are asking them to go back to the barracks. People have flocked into the streets braving sporadic firing from the rebel soldiers. Some went to capture the presidential palace, but they've been arrested.

I would rather lose my fingers than write these things. Anyway, there's always (K)Hair in whatever Allah-u Azimushshan has for us in provision. InshaAllah the Turkish folks will go past beyond these tests with the Dua from the Ummet..
I have an extreme respect for this brave guy and I can see Allah Azzawajjal helping Turkish nation to defeat this conspiracy and now it is the right time to get rid of such elements and advance Turkey on the path of progress and development. My best wishes for Turkey.
Erdogan will now take full control of the military and cleanse all the "secular" forces within it. Politically this couldn't have gone any better for him.
It's over for the Top Ranked officers of the Military(Generals,Colonels,Lt.Colonels,Brigadiers etc).
Not just the coup plotters,but for many others who weren't involved.

THe plotters will be heavily punished,I also feel he will use this as an opportunity to get rid of those in the military who are not blindly loyal to him & what he believes

Erdogan will be too paranoid to allow anybody other than those loyal to him to reach to the top in it. He will cut down on it's autonomy HEAVILY & try to bring it more under the President's(HIS) control.

Details show us that Erdogan is behind of this so-called coup but still some facts telling us there might be fetto behind of this coup as well.

Well, the time will show us the truth.

One thing is certain that if fetto is behind of it most of Turks including me will support Erdogan forever.
Sir, do u think Erdogan carried the coup /allowed the coup to happen to bolster his standing among the world+use sympathy factor to improve standing among masses+cleanse the military?? & could u tell us or give us a link about the details u mentioned?

Forgive me for my lack of knowledge,but who is fetto?
MIllions of akp voters don't understand how the modern world works and would want to change Turkey into a sharia hellhole.

Maybe you Turks would like to answer this: Why on Earth Turks are so much for the Sharia in so large numbers? Why not Pakistanis like that as far as political forces are concerned? We have never voted a religious party into power and yet Pakistanis are quite 'religious', even to the point of 'fundamentalism'. Maybe, despite all the flaws, despite all the bad 'image', Pakistan is not a brutal society like some elites in Turkey handle Turks to be?

Maybe, in your zeal to be wannabe-Europeans, in your zeal to be 'Secular', your ruling elite--going back to your Ata Turk--decided to make the Turks 'Western' like the 'Communist' Afghans of the mid 70's did to their country.

Don't force elites' opinion upon the majority. Let the people decide. They eventually figure it out. Even if it takes time. But people always do.

A friendly advice, even though this was unsolicited.

CJCS Gen Hulusi Akar is ion full charge. Those bastards (please forgive my language) also got hold of a fighter plane and chopper). They won't be allowed to land. Most probably they have been already downed. Fighter planes from different bases are in the air. What a wastage of national wealth!! Allah Kahr etsin (May Allah destroy their this life and hereafter)..
I think a lot of damage has been done during this failed attempt but I'm sure Turkey will recover fast and become stronger than ever.
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