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So my proud Pakistanis, what are you basically proud of?


Dec 3, 2010
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I am creating this thread as I see many fellow countrymen feeling so proud of just being Pakistan. My Question is; does juts being Pakistani is a matter of pride or we should have some measurement tool to understand clearly ourselves at first place and then show it off to the world that these are the tens or hundreds or thousands of reasons that we are proud of being Pakistani!

Speaking of myself, I cannot find anything substantial after early 80s that Pakistan contributed positively to the world. It looks like Pakistan has nothing to offer to the modern world for the benefit of humanity ingeniously. Let's not talk about so called skilled manpower as people who go abroad are no more Pakistanis in true sense without any offence to their patriotism. Also we don't talk about UN peace forces as these are not exclusive to Pakistan. This thread is not about military either that Pakistan supplied how many weapons or nuclear technology to how many countries.

Let me start with few points, which Pakistan once contributed to the world positively:

  1. Pakistan offered UAE to build their airline, Emirates.
  2. Pakistan helped China to open up to the modern world and played an important role in building China/ USA relationship.
  3. Pakistani Scientist Abdus Salam won a nobel prize on his theory of combination of weak and strong forces which proved to be a big mile stone in the advancement of physics.
I request members (Pakistani and non Pakistanis both) to not to troll. This is an academic thread and let's learn something which most of the people might not know.
Pakistan is just like its national mascot. Markhor, the snake eating mountain goat. Its has survived all adverse weathers and has kept its far bigger enemies at bay with its gigantic horns. As far as i am concerned, the dark days of Pakistan are behind us. The time for Pakistan to rise and realize its true potential has come. Lets work hard and talk less. Allah gave two hands and one mouth so we work more and talk less. We have a long way to go to realize our true potential, it requires unity, egalitarianism, strong leadership and responsible citizens.
Sorry for intruding but i recall a great economist called Mahboob ul haq originator of HDI in place of economic growth as a measure of development, he was also Pakistani.

I am creating this thread as I see many fellow countrymen feeling so proud of just being Pakistan. My Question is; does juts being Pakistani is a matter of pride or we should have some measurement tool to understand clearly ourselves at first place and then show it off to the world that these are the tens or hundreds or thousands of reasons that we are proud of being Pakistani!

Speaking of myself, I cannot find anything substantial after early 80s that Pakistan contributed positively to the world. It looks like Pakistan has nothing to offer to the modern world for the benefit of humanity ingeniously. Let's not talk about so called skilled manpower as people who go abroad are no more Pakistanis in true sense without any offence to their patriotism. Also we don't talk about UN peace forces as these are not exclusive to Pakistan. This thread is not about military either that Pakistan supplied how many weapons or nuclear technology to how many countries.

Let me start with few points, which Pakistan once contributed to the world positively:

  1. Pakistan offered UAE to build their airline, Emirates.
  2. Pakistan helped China to open up to the modern world and played an important role in building China/ USA relationship.
  3. Pakistani Scientist Abdus Salam won a nobel prize on his theory of combination of weak and strong forces which proved to be a big mile stone in the advancement of physics.
I request members (Pakistani and non Pakistanis both) to not to troll. This is an academic thread and let's learn something which most of the people might not know.
Pakistan is just like its national mascot. Markhor, the snake eating mountain goat. Its has survived all adverse weathers and has kept its far bigger enemies at bay with its gigantic horns. As far as i am concerned, the dark days of Pakistan are behind us. The time for Pakistan to rise and realize its true potential has come. Lets work hard and talk less. Allah gave two hands and one mouth so we work more and talk less. We have a long way to go to realize our true potential, it requires unity, egalitarianism, strong leadership and responsible citizens.

1. Keeping enemies at a distance is not technically, historically and academically incorrect.
2. What has that thing happened which made you infer that dark days of Pakistan are behind us? what are/ were the dark days?

My friend, i respect your patriotic thoughts but to me these appear to be hollow slogans without any substance. History tells that love for land is only till the time the motherland keeps on proving food and water and wherewithal to survive. The day this motherland falls into drought the inhabitants, whose ancestors once fought for that land, migrate to somewhere where there is enough means to survive. In modern world these means of survival are changed. Are we contributing positively or not? This is the question.
Sorry for intruding but i recall a great economist called Mahboob ul haq originator of HDI in place of economic growth as a measure of development, he was also Pakistani.

Along with Indian economist Amartya Sen.
I am proud of those farmers who would plow their land in Ramdan with a pair of cows in 45 degree temprature and every now and then will go rinse their mouth with water when it gets too dry to even speak, then goes back to plowing the land. These brave men grew enough food for you to eat and even export, not expecting and not even getting anything in return for their hard work
1. Keeping enemies at a distance is not technically, historically and academically incorrect.
2. What has that thing happened which made you infer that dark days of Pakistan are behind us? what are/ were the dark days?

My friend, i respect your patriotic thoughts but to me these appear to be hollow slogans without any substance. History tells that love for land is only till the time the motherland keeps on proving food and water and wherewithal to survive. The day this motherland falls into drought the inhabitants, whose ancestors once fought for that land, migrate to somewhere where there is enough means to survive. In modern world these means of survival are changed. Are we contributing positively or not? This is the question.
I still don't get your point?:undecided: what should we be doing then instead of being proud?
Excellent question OP. I've wondered at times as well, what the cupcake Pakistan has to be proud of ?
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