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So my proud Pakistanis, what are you basically proud of?

Along with Dr. Amartya Sen as proved by the UN source I posted. UN credits both of them with founding the Index. Dr.Haq couldn't do it alone that's why Amartya Sen was roped in.

UN source is more trustworthy , rather than some random Islamic magazine or online Encyclopedia.

Refer to Post No. 16 for UN source. It clearly mentions HDI as their (Haq's and Sen's) concept.

First link was UNDP check it again and try to steal someone work.

this thread also reduced to dick measuring contest.

Is it Haq vs Sen debate ? Haq was originator of idea of HDI. Pakistani can be proud of that . Now who has problem with that ?
No one is denying Sen's contribution but credit should be given where it deserves.

Now Plz @nick_indian and @ghazaliy2k if you have decided who has bigger one ..then allow this thread to run normal.

I was showing him the fact and want to correct his fact but he is in denial mode
You guys should be proud to be Pakistanis for 20 reasons........

1- World’s largest irrigation system is in Pakistan.
2- World’s largest deep sea port is Gawadar in Pakistan.
4- World’s largest milk processing plant is in Pakistan.
5- Pakistani armed forces are internationally ranked 15th strongest and 7th largest in the world.
6- Pakistani cricket team is among world’s best cricket teams and also have won world cups.
7- Pakistan is the only nuclear power in the Muslim World .
8- Pakistan has the seventh largest collection of scientists and engineers.
9- About 50% of the world’s footballs are made in Pakistan.
10- Pakistan’s national anthem tune ranks first in the top three tunes of the world.
11- Fourth largest broadband internet system of world is in Pakistan.
12- Second largest salt mines of the world are Khewra Mines in Pakistan.
13- Largest producer of chickpeas .
14- Pakistan is one of the largest producers and exporters of rice and cotton in the world.15 -The largest ambulance network in the world is run by Abdul Sattar Eidhi in Pakistan.
16 - Tarbela Dam is the second largest dam in the world. (Largest earth filled dam).
17 - Some gifts of nature in Pakistan include K-2 the second largest mountain in the world.
18- Swat and Ziarat valleys which are among the world's 10 most beautiful valleys .
19 -Out of 20 highest peaks in the world Pakistan has 8 .
20- Pakistan's immense contribution to traditional music.
Some corrections;

1) Gawadar Is one of the deepest not the deepest in world. Infact its 2 or 3rd deepest in Asia. But it overwhelmlly deepest SA
2) Pakistan's Armed forces r by far in top 10 not outside that. However it is for sure most battle hardened forces after USA even more then israel. As the list of battles and their duration is very long and rough. From indian wars to Russian War to WOT and with numerous minor conflicts as well as UN missions including Somalia crisis in early 90s. The random websites abt military rankings are not accurate.
3)Khewara r third largest not 2nd largest.
4) Just not Swat and ziarat but almost all of Northern Pak is amongst best of the best in the world. Its just that Swat and Ziarat r known more in outside world.
5) 13 of the world's top 30 peaks lie in Pak. Infact we have the biggest concentration of peaks above 8000 meters anywhere in the known world. Some of the peaks even today r undiscovered,un measured and unnamed Also Pakistan has largest concentration of glaciers outside polar world.
6) We also have highest and biggest concentration of mud volanoes in Pakistan also. Infact its one of the few lucky country where every geographical terrain is present. By that i mean extremes of geography. We even have mangroves/rainy forests here as well.

Did you read my post?
yes i did and this was further edition to it and update yr knowledge.
Pakistanis were denying Sen's contribution. They were calling him a mere team member while the UN site gives him much more credit than that putting him at par with Haq. Check the source I posted. When did I deny that Pakistan has a right to be proud of Haq ? I never did.

Who is denying here, it was you who it denying Dr. Sahab work not me and i never say that she didn't contribute and i mentioned that she was part of that team but it was Dr. Sahab idea. If you want to live in your world with your fact then i don't have any problem with that.

Karachi is world third biggest city by mean of population (21,142,625)
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Proud of Pakistan made on Islam, Proud of being a Muslim Islamic Independent and such a brave and constant resilient country, proud of hospitality and every green landscape and people.
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