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So my proud Pakistanis, what are you basically proud of?

I am creating this thread as I see many fellow countrymen feeling so proud of just being Pakistan. My Question is; does juts being Pakistani is a matter of pride or we should have some measurement tool to understand clearly ourselves at first place and then show it off to the world that these are the tens or hundreds or thousands of reasons that we are proud of being Pakistani!
Speaking of myself, I cannot find anything substantial after early 80s that Pakistan contributed positively to the world. It looks like Pakistan has nothing to offer to the modern world for the benefit of humanity ingeniously. Let's not talk about so called skilled manpower as people who go abroad are no more Pakistanis in true sense without any offence to their patriotism. Also we don't talk about UN peace forces as these are not exclusive to Pakistan. This thread is not about military either that Pakistan supplied how many weapons or nuclear technology to how many countries.
Let me start with few points, which Pakistan once contributed to the world positively:
Pakistan offered UAE to build their airline, Emirates.
Pakistan helped China to open up to the modern world and played an important role in building China/ USA relationship.
Pakistani Scientist Abdus Salam won a nobel prize on his theory of combination of weak and strong forces which proved to be a big mile stone in the advancement of physics.
I request members (Pakistani and non Pakistanis both) to not to troll. This is an academic thread and let's learn something which most of the people might not know.
But Iam very Positive, Bad days are Gone now - Once Turkey was called "Sick man of Europe" - Third Generation Pakistanis are Young/Dynamic & they all want Drastic Changes in Society bcoz...(Enough is Enough)
Who can deny the Pakistani contribution in music , especially keeping the Qawwali traditions alive.
YOOO MAN....:tup: moreover We're the New Capital of Language URDU instead of India where its Originated (Lakhnow,Delhi etc etc)
We have a lot to be proud of, extremism has gotten a hold of this country for the time being. Give it 15-20 years and then we will be in the top 20 nations. We just have to whither it out.

@MM_Haider stop being a miserable self loathing whatever. We keep our heads up, so should you.

Well may be I am being miserable! I have traveled a lot around the world and seen closely different cultures.. every nation has something to offer to the world in positive manner and they feel proud after getting recognition. What we have to offer to the world? Polio? Terror? what else we have to show off!.. We don't export cars, our textile industry is looming and is literary taken over by Bangaldesh, China and Thailand, Our airline is one of the worst, innovation in the field of science and technology is halted, corruption is at its peak and we have bugbears of religious heterodoxy! Being optimistic is a good thing and I am happy that many members here hope for better future.. but being realistic is also something and till we don't realize the current situation we will remain same.. (God Forbid)!
Well may be I am being miserable! I have traveled a lot around the world and seen closely different cultures.. every nation has something to offer to the world in positive manner and they feel proud after getting recognition. What we have to offer to the world? Polio? Terror? what else we have to show off!.. We don't export cars, our textile industry is looming and is literary taken over by Bangaldesh, China and Thailand, Our airline is one of the worst, innovation in the field of science and technology is halted, corruption is at its peak and we have bugbears of religious heterodoxy! Being optimistic is a good thing and I am happy that many members here hope for better future.. but being realistic is also something and till we don't realize the current situation we will remain same.. (God Forbid)!

I am pretty sure i have been around the world more than you, and i do not disagree with your analysis that we do not have anythign to offer right not. As i mentioned we are going through a draining war that is taking a toll on us. Give it a decade or so and you willl see us back on our feet.
I'm proud of the fact that our forefather spent their lives building this country and what it has become in 6 decades.

I'm proud of the fact that Pakistan overcame every obstacle is and is in the Next Eleven and on its way to become a $Trillion economy.

I'm proud of Pakistan's cultural values. I'm proud of our unity and our generosity during disasters.

I'm proud of the fact that Pakistan is the sole Nuclear power in the Muslim world and that defence is impenetrable.

I'm proud of the fact that all the Muslim world looks up to Pakistan.

I'm proud of the fact that Pakistan is the member of world's top research organizations and is a major contributor to world's most cutting edge technologies.

I'm Proud of the fact that our Forces have helped develop Armed forces of many countries and by doing that they have contributed to world peace.
Soviet humorist Yevgeni Yevtushenko wrote that since anti-Soviet propaganda and pro-Soviet propaganda were saying the same thing, the end of the Soviet Union couldn't be that far off. RAMPAGE's boasts make me wonder the same thing about Pakistan.
I am pretty sure i have been around the world more than you, and i do not disagree with your analysis that we do not have anythign to offer right not. As i mentioned we are going through a draining war that is taking a toll on us. Give it a decade or so and you willl see us back on our feet.

decade or so?, you are way too optimistic!
decade or so?, you are way too optimistic!

Things like this take time, and we have to bear with it. We have given the world a lot for a small country and we will in a while. Till then whither it out.
You guys should be proud to be Pakistanis for 20 reasons........

1- World’s largest irrigation system is in Pakistan.
2- World’s largest deep sea port is Gawadar in Pakistan.
4- World’s largest milk processing plant is in Pakistan.
5- Pakistani armed forces are internationally ranked 15th strongest and 7th largest in the world.
6- Pakistani cricket team is among world’s best cricket teams and also have won world cups.
7- Pakistan is the only nuclear power in the Muslim World .
8- Pakistan has the seventh largest collection of scientists and engineers.
9- About 50% of the world’s footballs are made in Pakistan.
10- Pakistan’s national anthem tune ranks first in the top three tunes of the world.
11- Fourth largest broadband internet system of world is in Pakistan.
12- Second largest salt mines of the world are Khewra Mines in Pakistan.
13- Largest producer of chickpeas .
14- Pakistan is one of the largest producers and exporters of rice and cotton in the world.15 -The largest ambulance network in the world is run by Abdul Sattar Eidhi in Pakistan.
16 - Tarbela Dam is the second largest dam in the world. (Largest earth filled dam).
17 - Some gifts of nature in Pakistan include K-2 the second largest mountain in the world.
18- Swat and Ziarat valleys which are among the world's 10 most beautiful valleys .
19 -Out of 20 highest peaks in the world Pakistan has 8 .
20- Pakistan's immense contribution to traditional music.
You guys should be proud to be Pakistanis for 20 reasons........

1- World’s largest irrigation system is in Pakistan.
2- World’s largest deep sea port is Gawadar in Pakistan.
4- World’s largest milk processing plant is in Pakistan.
5- Pakistani armed forces are internationally ranked 15th strongest and 7th largest in the world.
6- Pakistani cricket team is among world’s best cricket teams and also have won world cups.
7- Pakistan is the only nuclear power in the Muslim World .
8- Pakistan has the seventh largest collection of scientists and engineers.
9- About 50% of the world’s footballs are made in Pakistan.
10- Pakistan’s national anthem tune ranks first in the top three tunes of the world.
11- Fourth largest broadband internet system of world is in Pakistan.
12- Second largest salt mines of the world are Khewra Mines in Pakistan.
13- Largest producer of chickpeas .
14- Pakistan is one of the largest producers and exporters of rice and cotton in the world.15 -The largest ambulance network in the world is run by Abdul Sattar Eidhi in Pakistan.
16 - Tarbela Dam is the second largest dam in the world. (Largest earth filled dam).
17 - Some gifts of nature in Pakistan include K-2 the second largest mountain in the world.
18- Swat and Ziarat valleys which are among the world's 10 most beautiful valleys .
19 -Out of 20 highest peaks in the world Pakistan has 8 .
20- Pakistan's immense contribution to traditional music.

Thanks for this! The current chaos we are going through, I think Pakistanis should take pride in one major thing which is, sacrificing their own 50000 people including around 5000 soldiers in WoT, where none of Pakistani was involved in 9/11 even then Pakistan played a significant role to make this world a better place! We lost trillions and still paying. This war has put Pakistan on a real reverse gear so that west can sleep in peace!!!
But Iam very Positive, Bad days are Gone now - Once Turkey was called "Sick man of Europe" - Third Generation Pakistanis are Young/Dynamic & they all want Drastic Changes in Society bcoz...(Enough is Enough)

YOOO MAN....:tup: moreover We're the New Capital of Language URDU instead of India where its Originated (Lakhnow,Delhi etc etc)
I love the URDU language, :)
I didn't mean it that way! I seriously did not! When both India and Pakistan were formed by gaining independence from the british empire,there were many skeptics who said the daily formed nations will perish in no time. But they have been proved wrong. The foundation laid by the founding fathers was strong,and its citizens have worked hard to make it one of the prominent nations in the world. And I honestly did not meant anything negative.
one of yr own leaders said that this puny little state will come crawling back to india after just 3 years. and now we r in the 68th year of our independence.:pakistan:

And a country who is responsible for the protection and representation of Muslims of South Asia. These are things which make us pround of who we are.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
one of yr own leaders said that this puny little state will come crawling back to india after just 3 years. and now we r in the 68th year of our independence.:pakistan:

And a country who is responsible for the protection and representation of Muslims of South Asia. These are things which make us pround of who we are.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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