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Smoking erases Y chromosomes

Or it can be taken as a diagnostic tool:

CRAY Innovation (Cancer Risk Assessment from loss of chromosome Y Innovation), to develop a diagnostic test that could assess a man’s risk of cancer based on loss of chromosome Y in blood cells.

You can't accuse smokers for your weak lungs :big_boss:
I didnt accuse them I just said I have less tolerance for people who want me dead :angel:
More explanation:

“But overall,” he said, “smoking is associated with loss of Y, and loss of Y is associated with cancer.”

Men have an X and a Y chromosome, while women have two X chromosomes. And experts used to think that the Y — short and stumpy compared with the X — did little more than determine male sex and ensure normal’

The bottom two-thirds of the Y chromosome was seen as just repetitive DNA that doesn’t code for anything,” explained Dr. Martin Bialer, a medical geneticist at North Shore-LIJ Health System in Great Neck, N.Y.

But now we’re starting to think it may have more roles than just determining sex — though that’s a pretty important one,” said Bialer, who was not involved in the study.

Recent research has shown that the Y chromosome actually contains a large number of genes. Their jobs are not fully understood yet, but a couple of those genes may help suppress tumors, according to Forsberg’s team.

It’s possible, Forsberg said, that the immune system’s cancer “surveillance” is disrupted in cells that lack the Y chromosome.

But Bialer said that while that’s plausible, it’s also “a pretty big leap.” For one, he noted, loss of the Y chromosome may just be a “marker” for other chromosome damage caused by smoking.

For the study, the researchers analyzed blood samples from more than 6,000 older men taking part in three separate studies. Overall, about 15 percent of men aged 70 and older had a significant loss of the Y chromosome (affecting at least 10 percent of their blood cells), according to the study.

But current smokers were two to four times more likely to show loss of Y than non-smokers were, the investigators found.

The researchers also looked at some other potential risk factors for Y chromosome loss — such as high blood pressure, excess weight, diabetes and lack of exercise. But only smoking and older age showed an effect.

And, the effect appeared to be more pronounced the more someone smoked, according to the study.

On the bright side, Forsberg pointed out, former smokers were similar to men who had never smoked. That might give male smokers some extra motivation to quit, he said.

And what about women? They lose X chromosomes in their cells as they age, Bialer said. But the possible health consequences are not known.

Smoking Can Erase Y Chromosome From Cells | Organic Health


Dumanski and his colleagues are also planning follow-up studies to better understand how cellular Y chromosome deficiency might cause poor health. The researchers hypothesize that the Y chromosome loss may be skewed toward a specific population of blood cells that become immune cells known to fight cancer. Unable to function normally, the crippled cells may allow disease and cancer to take hold.


In a study in the journal Science, researchers at Sweden's Uppsala University found that Y chromosomes, which are important for sex determination and sperm production, more often disappear from blood cells of smokers than those of men who have never smoked or of men who have kicked the habit.

Since only men have Y chromosomes, the finding offers a possible answer to why smoking is a greater risk factor for cancer among men than women.

'This ... may in part explain why men in general have a shorter life span than women and why smoking is more dangerous for men.

Epidemiological data show male smokers have a higher risk of developing non-lung forms of cancer than women who smoke.

Read more: Smoking can erase the Y Chromosome in men, researchers warn | Daily Mail Online
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:rofl: yes it is kinda wrong :p:

This would have sufficed: شکریہ بہن

@LoveIcon explain to brother @haman10 in Persian what this means
i think google translate officials were all smokers .....

thats probably what made them all plain stupid :cray:

actually i wanted to put sth more insulting instead of stupid , but its not the way to talk in front of a lady :D
i think google translate officials were all smokers .....

thats probably what made them all gay :cray:
no no...Bro what the silly translation gave was:

IF your sister's thanks....I thought you wanted to say your information's thanks (and somehow it got screwed hence asked what the word for sister was doing there or if I was reading it wrongly) :ashamed:
no no...Bro what the silly translation gave was:

IF your sister's thanks....I thought you wanted to say your information's thanks (and somehow it got screwed hence asked what the word for sister was doing there or if I was reading it wrongly) :ashamed:
ahah :D

Tnx anyways big sis :-)
Y is the sex-determining chromosome. So one gender is going to become extinct. :D
Y chromosome is not just a sex determining chromosome, it also includes:
The SHOX gene provides instructions for making a protein that regulates the activity of other genes. On the basis of this role, the SHOX protein is called a transcription factor. The SHOX gene is part of a large family of homeobox genes, which act during early embryonic development to control the formation of many body structures. Specifically, the SHOX gene is essential for the development of the skeleton. It plays a particularly important role in the growth and maturation of bones in the arms and legs
The SRY gene provides instructions for making a transcription factor called the sex-determining region Y protein. A transcription factor is a protein that attaches (binds) to specific regions of DNA and helps control the activity of particular genes. The sex-determining region Y protein causes a fetus to develop as a male.
Because it is located on the Y chromosome, the USP9Y gene is present only in males. It occurs in a region of the Y chromosome called azoospermia factor A (AZFA). Azoospermia is the absence of sperm cells. The USP9Y gene is believed to be involved in sperm cell development, but its specific function is not well understood

what do they mean by blood cells ? RBCs don't have a nucleus , unless there is nRBCs in blood which might indicate some problems .

PLTs are not cells at all , so they mean WBCs .

can anyone enlighten us what are they talking abt?

They are talking about white blood cells, which do contain nucleus……..one of the source of karyotyping is white blood cells……..others are bone marrow and amniotic fluid.
Chromo what??/

I aint quitting anytime sooner.
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